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1. (a). Пpós occurs only once with the genitive in the New Testa


(B). Give instances of the use of πi, followed by the dative.

(y). Show distinctly the force of vέp in Phil. ii. 13.

(d). Analyse the passage, Rom. iii. 30; marking the force of the prepositions, and of the article.

2. Mark the force of the Aorist in the following passages:-S. Matt. ix. 19; xiii. 24; xix. 17; xxiv. 34 (cf. S. Mark, xiii. 29); S. John, ii. 20; xvii. 15; Rom. viii. 24; Gal. v. 4; Col. i. 16.

3. Explain the idiom in the following passages :-S. Luke, xi. 11; Acts, xxvi. 8, 22; xix. 34; xxiv. 5; Rom. xvi. 25, 27; Gal. ii. 6.

4. Write a short note on each of the following texts :-S. John, i. 18; vii. 52; Rom. ix. 5.

5. State the rule which the following passages illustrate :-S. Luke, xi. 28; S. John, xx. 17; Eph. iii. 18; v. 5, 20.

6. Write down what you consider the most suitable translation of Gal. iii. 20; Col. ii. 23;-adding a short explanation of your meaning. 7. Account for the forms—ἀφέωνται, ἡμίσους, ἐλαχιστότερος, ἠδυνήθη, κατέαξαν.

8. Distinguish between—πέμπω, ἀποστέλλω; βωμός, θυσιαστήριον ; λατρεύω, λειτουργέω ; διάκονος, δοῦλος, ὑπηρέτης; κλέπτης, ληστής (cf. S. Luke, xxiii. 39–43); θιγγάνω, ἅπτομαι, ψηλαφάω (cf. Col. ii. 21).

9. Give a brief criticism of our Lord's two genealogies; noticing the passages of the Old Testament which cast light on their comparison.

10. State succinctly the questions raised by the evangelical narratives of the Resurrection; appending what appears to you the most probable solution.

II. Distinguish between the different Herods mentioned in the New Testament.

12. State what seems to you the scheme of chronology which harmonizes best with the narrative of the Acts of the Apostles.


Spanish Language.


Translate the following passages into English :

Orlando furioso á D. Quijote de la Mancha.


1. Beginning, Si no eres Par, tampoco le has tenido,... Ending, Iguales en amor con mal suceso.


2. Beginning, Ricardo.-Si es obligacion en un particular defender...... Ending, sin escitar en su nacion general lamento.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Beginning, Language, in general, signifies the expression....
Ending, which they have chosen for communicating their ideas.

BLAIR, Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres.


1. Give the name of the best modern novel writer of Spain; and point out his best work.

2. Give the title of the principal works of Eugenio De Ochoa, El Padre Isla, Yriarte, De Solis, Lope de Vega, Calderon de la Barca, Oviedo, Moratin; and state the time in which each of these writers lived.

3. Who is Ascargorta, and what did he write?

4. Could you give any account of the life and writings of Martinez de la Rosa?


1. When was Gibraltar taken from Spain, and who was then reigning over it?

2. At what epoch did Sicily and Naples become a part of the Spanish possessions, and when did they cease being so?

3. Give an account of the battle of Leucata; say who won it, and the consequences of that victory.


4. State the precise time of Alberoni's elevation to the ministry in Spain, and the immediate cause of the disgrace of that eminent diplomatist.


1. Give the Spanish translation of the conjunction but, when meaning when, if it were not, and only.

2. What tense does the preposition en govern in Spanish?

3. State when you must use para, and when por, both meaning for in English.

4. Give the plural and meaning of Quien, and state whether it takes any feminine form.

5. Give the present indicative of valer, tener, cobrir, and acertar ; the preterite definite of haber, hacer, decir, and nacer; the past participle of saber, crecer, pedir, and creer.

Italian Language.


Translate the following passage into English Beginning, Quivi sospiri, pianti ed alti guai..... Ending, Chè alcuna gloria i rei avrebber d' elli.

DANTE, Inferno, canto iii. 22-42.

Translate the following passage into Italian :

Beginning, A school, in the polite arts, properly signifies.
Ending, This is a talent which seems born with the artist.

GOLDSMITH, Essays-xii. Schools of Music.

Translate the following passage into English

Lettera di Ettore Fieramosca a Ginevra, pochi momenti prima della Battaglia di Barletta.

Beginning, Ginevra, io sto per montare a cavallo,.....

Ending, ti racommando anche Zoraide. ETTORE FIERAMOSCA.



1 Sto.-Da che verbo deriva; è regolare od irregolare ? 2 N'abbia.-Che cosa significa ne in questo caso?

3 Debba.-Perchè trovasi questo verbo al soggiuntivo ?

4 Incontrata.-Si potrebbe dire incontrato? Spiegate la regola del participio passato quando retto dal verbo avere.

5 Correrebbe. Che parte del verbo è, quale ne è il Participio passato, e come si costriusce nei tempi composti?

6 Soccorressi.-Perchè trovasi al soggiuntivo?

7 Dirti.-Di che si forma questa parola, e perchè così composta ?


1. A che epoca visse Arnaldo da Brescia, e chi dei Papi lo condannò a


2. Chi successe a Lorenzo de' Medici sul Trono della Toscana ?
3. Quali sono stati i più rimarchevoli trà i principi di Savoja.
4. In quanti stati era divisa l'Italia precedentemente al 1859.


1. Nominate alcuni autori Contemporanei del Dante.

2. In qual secolo fiorì l'Ariosto, e chi fu quindi il suo rivale di gloria come poeta ?

3. A chi si deve particolarmente la decadenza del secolo decimosesto ? 4. Chi è il più rinnomato de nostri storici tuttor viventi ?

German Language.


Translate into English:

Beginning, Der edle Herder umfasste mit philosophischem..
Ending, Wirken nicht nach dem Erfolge beurtheilen.

Translate into German :

MENZEL, Die Deutsche Literatur.

Beginning, From my childhood I was extremely inquisitive....
Ending, which I wish that I had never seen.

CHARLES LAMB, Witches and other Night Fears.

I. Translate into English :

1. Es handelt sich von wichtigen Sachen.

2. Es wurde mir frisch und freudig zu Muthe. 3. Da lässt sich gut sitzen.

4. Es fehlt ihm an Einbildungskraft.


Translate into German :

1. Have you a mind to take a ride?
2. He came running along in great haste.
3. His friend has just gone in to him.

4. He has not been here these two days.

5. Messengers inform him every hour of what is going on in the island.

6. To make faces (i. e. grimaces).

III.-What is the difference between ein alter Buchhändler and ein Altbuchhändler; ein alter Bürger and ein Altbürger? State the reason of the difference.

IV.-Liegen, legen; sitzen, setzen; sinken, sänken; fallen, fällen; ertrinken, ertränken. State the meaning of these verbs; which are weak, and which strong; the reason of this; and what is the proper term used by German grammarians for the second of each of the above pairs of verbs.

V. What is the force of each of the following affixes:-heit, keit, schaft, ung, ei, thum, sucht? and to what part of speech are they affixed?

VI. What is the difference between Zart, Zärtlich; Edel, Adelig ; Tafel, Tisch; Mann, Mensch; Frau, Weib?

VII.—1. What are the rules for declining adjectives?

2. And those of the position of the verb in propositions?

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