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1. Give the symptoms of a popliteal aneurism.

2. Name the diseases in the popliteal region which may be confounded with an aneurismal tumour in this region.

3. The treatment you would prefer for a case of popliteal aneurism in an early stage.

4. The symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of a synovial tumour in the popliteal space.

5. What dangers might result from the surgeon making and acting on a wrong diagnosis in cases of popliteal tumours?

6. What do you mean by neuralgia of the joints; and what description of patients seem most liable to these affections?

7. Mention some of the characteristic signs and the proper treatment of the above-mentioned affection.

8. Describe a case of it combined with hysterical symptoms engaging the ankle joint and foot.

9. Give the signs and symptoms of a case of caries of the dorsal vertebræ, and the treatment of the early stage of the disease.

10. Suppose. in such a case a psoas abscess formed, what would be your prognosis and treatment?



1. Describe the operation for ligature of the right subclavian artery in its first stage. Mention the difficulties that attend the operation on the left side.

2. Mention the circumstances that may render the diagnosis of hydrocele obscure. Distinguish hydrocele from other diseases resembling it.

3. In cases of extravasation of urine from rupture of the urethra, what is the usual state of the patient a few hours after the receipt of the injury? Mention the route taken by the effused urine. Describe the local and general treatment of the different stages of the case.

4. Suppose that in a case of calculus impacted in the male urethra the stone is pushed back into the bladder during the efforts to extract it, what line of treatment would you adopt before having recourse to the operation of lithotomy?

5. How would you treat a case of pruritus ani?

6. Mention the affections which render the operation of castration necessary. What dangers attend the operation?

7. What are the characters of psoas abscess? Distinguish it from other tumours found in the inguinal region.

8. Describe dysuria tenilis and its treatment.

9. Mention the different modes of treating fissure of the anus.

10. Describe the characters of the tumour and the condition of the limb in cases of varicose aneurism at the bend of the elbow.



1. Describe the submaxillary gland, and its relations to surrounding parts.

2. Briefly describe the tissues of which the upper eyelid is composed. 3. Enumerate the contents of the vertebral canal.

4. Describe the gluteal muscles, and their relative anatomy. Mention their several actions, and state how these are influenced by the flexed and extended state of the limb.

5. Describe the coats of which the urinary bladder is composed.

6. The relations of the ureter?

7. Classify and enumerate the branches of the brachial plexus of


8. Owen's classification of the Mammalia?

9. The principal forms of intervertebral articulation met with in the Vertebrata?

10. Describe briefly the digestive organs of Birds.


1. Describe periostitic abscess of the temporal bone; indicate its consequences, and the mode of treatment.

2. What would lead you to suspect the existence of a renal calculus in a case presenting long periods of freedom from suffering?

3. You have a case of pulsating tumour of the abdomen; under what circumstances would you make the diagnosis of a fæcal collection ?

4. Describe the operation of paracentesis of the pericardium; and state the conditions which would call for it.

5. Explain the relief given by laryngotomy in a case of pressure on the trachea by a thoracic aneurism.

6. Phlebitis occasionally follows venesection; how would the circumstance of an early and general swelling of the arm influence your prognosis?

7. In certain cases of disease of the heart the insertion of a seton in the præcordial region is attended with risk; describe the form of disease, and indicate the danger.

8. Describe Dr. Cameron's operation for hepatic abscess.

9. What are the risks attendant on abscess or on anthrax in the parietes of the abdomen?

10. You are called to a case of stridulous breathing, threatening suffocation; describe in detail the methods of examination you should adopt to determine the question as to whether the disease was an example of intra-thoracic tumour, or of true laryngeal disease.



1. Is liquor sanguinis the same with the serum of blood; and if not, in what particular do they differ?

2. Knowing the percentage of solid matter in the serum of a specimen of blood, how would you determine the amount of its fibrin and its globules?

3. Where is taurine found; how is it insulated; what is its formula, and how may it be made artificially?

4. Enumerate the different liquids and organs of the body in which cholesterin has been found, the reasons why it has been generally considered as not a fat, and the recent researches which point to an opposite conclusion.

5. What are the several oxidized compounds produced within the body by the oxygen of inspired air?

6. If in any particular instance the volume of the carbonic acid in expired air should be found exactly equal to that of the oxygen which has entered the blood, what inference may be drawn in relation to the constitution of the food on which the animal has been recently fed.

7. What are the circumstances which have been ascertained to influence the percentage of carbonic acid in expired air, and in what direction does each operate?

8. Lithic acid may exist as a urinary sediment in one or other of three states; what are these, and how may they be distinguished from each other?

9. What is Millon's test for the proteinic compounds?

10. How is glycerine most easily prepared and insulated; what is its relation to acrolein, and what its formula, viewing it as a tribasic alcohol?




1. The chemical composition of bone?

2. Describe the minute structure of the human lung.
3. Give the cranial vertebræ as distinguished by Owen.

4. Mention, in their order, the grooves on the lower end of the radius, and the tendons corresponding to each.

5. The relations of the thyroid gland?

6. Describe the dissection necessary to expose the lingual artery in its third stage.

7. Enumerate, in their order, the branches of the hepatic artery and their inosculations.

8. Mention the peculiarities of the fœtal heart.

9. The connexions of the cerebellum ?

10. Classify and enumerate the branches of the lumbar plexus of




1. Name the relations of the left subclavian artery in its first stage. 2. Boundaries and contents of the parotid space?

3. Name the muscles of the larynx, giving the special action of each. 4. Describe the origin of the nine cerebral nerves, and name the foramina by which they leave the cranium.

5. Describe the tympanum, or middle ear.

6. The coverings and relations of the bladder in the distended state?

7. What are the relations of the sac of a femoral hernia?

8. Contrast the anatomy of an oblique and a direct inguinal hernia.

9. Relations and branches of the popliteal artery?

10. Describe the course, relations, and termination of the external plantar artery.



1. Describe the pharmaceutical processes—maceration, infusion, and digestion.


2. Give the officinal names of the tonic infusions in the British Pharmacopoeia; specify those which are compatible with preparations of iron, and those which are made with cold water.

3. Name the active ingredients in "Pilula Colocynthidis composita," and the proportion of each of them.

4. What is the proportion of opium in each of the following preparations:"Pulvis Ipecacuanha cum Opio," "Pulvis Kino cum Opio," and "Pulvis Crete Aromaticus cum Opio"?

5. Give the process for preparing "Ferri Sulphas Granulata."

6. How many grains of "Pilula Ferri Iodidi" are equivalent to one fluid drachm of "Syrupus Ferri Iodidi"?

7. What is the use of solution of ammonia as a test for the purity of "Sulphur Sublimatum"?

8. Give the officinal names and the distinctive characters of the three species of buchu in the British Pharmacopoeia.

9. Explain the process by which dilute hydrocyanic acid is obtained from laurel leaves; and state the principal objection to the use of “Aqua Laurocerasi."

10. State Mialhe's theory of the action of mercury and its preparations; and explain why young children and old persons are salivated with difficulty.



1. Describe Nairne's electrical machine; explain why, when positive electricity is required, the negative conductor should be insulated, and the principle on which the electricity acquired by the glass cylinder in virtue of friction developes a similar charge in the positive conductor.

2. If the same galvanic current be conducted in succession through water, muriatic acid, sulphate of sodium, and sulphate of copper, specify the constituents of each which appear at the anode, and mention the numbers which represent their relative quantities.

3. Describe Rutherford's self-registering thermometers, and the manner of finding with their aid the mean temperature of a place.

4. Oxygen may be prepared from bichromate of potassium; also from peroxide of manganese, in two ways; give the theory of its production in each of these cases.

5. Mention the successive processes by which metallic iron is converted into tinctura ferri sesquichloridi, and the manner of testing this preparation for protochloride of iron.

6. Write the formulæ of corrosive sublimate, calomel, and hydrargyrum ammoniatum; explain the processes for their preparation, and the simplest method of determining the amount of mercury in a given weight

of each.

7. How would you detect, and how remove, the nitrous and arsenious acids so often present as impurities in the oil of vitriol of commerce?

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