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5. Assuming latitude 53° 21', and height above the sea 25 feet, calculate the standard pressure. How much will this make 212° differ from the upper point as usually defined?

6. State the principles of Mayer's investigation of the mechanical equivalent of a unit of heat. If J represent this equivalent, and c the specific heat of air, prove

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7. Assuming for c Delaroche and Berard's value, calculate the value of J. Assuming the value of J as determined directly by Joule, what should c be? Does this accord with direct experiment?

8. If a mass of matter, at such a distance from the earth that its weight may be considered insensible, fall upon the earth, investigate the number of degrees of temperature the collision would raise an equal mass of water. Prove the equation,

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9. Prove that the external work done by the evaporation of a pound weight of water is expressed as follows:

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Compare this with the total work due to the heat employed if the water is evaporated at 212°.

10. The French Commissioners appointed to investigate the relation between the elastic force and temperature of steam arrived at the following formula:

F= (1+0.7153 )5,

in which Fis counted in atmospheres of 760mm, and t in units of 100° C. counting from 100°. Convert this into an expression of the following form:

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in which P expresses pounds on the square inch, and t Fahrenheit temperature.



1. At Villa Carusso, some roof tiles were projected to a horizontal distance of 9 ft., having fallen from a height of 33 ft.; it is required to find the angle of emergence of the shock, assuming the molecular velocity of the earthwave to be 13 ft. per second.

2. At the Palazzo Palmieri in Polla, a mass of stone was thrown, by the return shock, a distance of 14 ft. horizontal and 30 ft. vertical. In the same Palazzo, the lintel of a "camine" was thrown, by the return shock,

in the manner described by Mr. Mallet, 7.2 ft. horizontal and 5 ft. vertical. Combine these observations, so as to determine both the angle of emergence and the molecular velocity of the earthwave.

3. The bell of the church of La Sala was projected, by the return shock, 17 ft. horizontal and 26 ft. vertical; find angle of emergence, molecular velocity being 13 ft. per second.

4. In the garden of the Palazzo Romani of Padula, a circular pillar was first broken, and then thrown 9 in. horizontal and 6 in. vertical; the dimensions of the pillar being 50 in. height, and 17 in. diameter. Find the horizontal velocity requisite to produce these effects.

5. In the same place, Mr. Mallet found the angle of emergence to have been 25° 30', and observed that a vase in the garden had been thrown from its pedestal horizontally 6 ft., and vertically 3.6 ft.; it is required to find the molecular velocity of shock that produced this projection of the vase.

6. In the caffe of Gaetano Mallione, Moliterno, a number of bottles, full to the corks of Rosolio, stood upon a shelf 8 ft. high, and were thrown 3 ft. horizontally. Assuming these bottles at 2.8 in. diameter, and 8 in. high, neglecting the necks, find the horizontal velocity necessary to overturn and project them.

7. At Saponara, a wall of old masonry was thrown down, measuring 2.75 ft. in width, and 20 ft. in height; find the horizontal velocity, applied perpendicularly to the wall, necessary to break and overthrow it, assuming the coefficient of cohesion of the rubble masonry at 52 ft.

8. Half a mile from Saponara, Mr. Mallet found two square gate piers thrown down, measuring 3 ft. square, and 7 ft. in height; find the horizontal velocity necessary to break and overturn them.

9. In the house of Don Antonio Morano, at Tramutola, the key stone of an elliptic arch was thrown 9 ft. horizontally, and 11 ft. vertically; and in the same town, in the Capelluccio della Madonna Maria dell' Pieta, a block of stone was thrown 15.75 ft. horizontally, and 21 ft. vertically; find the angle of emergence and molecular velocity.

10. At Vietri de Potenza, a large stone forming one face of the water conduit, 6 ft. by 3 ft. by 1 ft., was not upset, the earthwave passing in a plane parallel to the face (6 by 3); if we assume one foot additional in the height of the block, due to the superposed capping of the monument; find the horizontal velocity requisite to upset this block; and assuming the molecular velocity at 13 ft. per second, find the major limit of the angle of emergence.

11. Near the monastery of Monticchio, a large block of lava was thrown horizontally 14 ft., and vertically 43 ft., the angle of emergence being 40°; find molecular velocity.

12. A wall was thrown down at Barielle whose height was 26 ft., and width 4 ft.; and the earthquake path had an incidence of 25° on the wall and an emergence of 15°; find the molecular velocity.


1. Dr. Dawson, of Canada, has proposed the following fourfold division of Cuvier's Sub-kingdoms:

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founded on the predominance of the nervous system, locomotive apparatus, organs of nutrition, and reproductive power, respectively.

Illustrate in detail this principle of classification in the four Subkingdoms, and give examples, either fossil or recent.

2. State the classifications of the Animal Kingdom proposed by Aristotle, Pliny, and Linnæus.

3. Describe the osteological peculiarities of the Dinosaur Reptiles, and the inferences that may be drawn, as to their mastication and gait from the structure and shape of the jaw and femur.

4. Demonstrate, by comparison of the various orders of fossil and recent reptiles, the existence, in former times, of much larger, and more highly organized forms, than are found at present.

5. Describe the peculiarities of the structure of the Dicynodon.

6. Contrast the structure of the shoulder joint and hip joint in the Plesiosaurus, describing the bones that enter into the composition of each.

7. What reasons are there for believing the Plesiosaurus to have been a more highly-organized reptile than the Ichthyosaurus?

8. State in detail what you know of the anatomy of the Pterodactyle; show how it was distinguished from the flying lizards, birds, and bats; and draw any conclusions you can respecting its habits and mode of life.

9. Draw the dorsal and ventral aspects of the Pterichthys, showing its dermal plates.

10. Draw the lateral and ventral aspects of the Coccosteus, showing its dermal plates.

II. Discuss, in detail, the relative superiority in organization of the cartilaginous and osseous fishes.



1. How would you determine the respective quantities of arsenious acid, arsenic acid, and phosphoric acid, in a mixed solution of the three?

2. Soils frequently contain magnetic oxide of iron mixed with peroxide of same metal; how, without precipitation or weighing, may the amount of each be ascertained?

3. Explain the reaction which takes place when metallic zinc is dissolved in a strong and hot solution of potash in the presence of an alkaline nitrate.

4. What volume of oxygen will be necessary for the complete combustion of one volume of ethyl; what contraction will ensue upon the accension of the mixture; and what volume of carbonic acid will be produced?

5. Twenty volumes of a carbo-hydrogen containing a little uncombined nitrogen were mixed with excess of oxygen, and exploded in a eudiometer; the contraction produced by the combustion was 51 volumes, and the further diminution of bulk produced by agitating the oxide with potash was 68 volumes; lastly, the gas now remaining, which measured 24 volumes, when mixed with an excess of hydrogen and exploded, showed a contraction of 63 volumes. From these data deduce the composition of the hydrocarbon, its specific gravity, and its name.

6. A mixture of hydrogen, carbonic oxide, and marsh gas, measured 90 volumes; when exploded with excess of oxygen the mixture was reduced by 125 volumes, and of these there were 70 volumes of carbonic acid; what was the volume of each of the gases in the original mixture?

7. Describe the methods of effecting the analysis of a mixture of phosphate of lime and fluoride of calcium, both when the relative quantity of fluoride is considerable and when it is small.

8. Enumerate the native silicates which include fluorine, and explain how its amount in them may be determined?

9. What is the method adopted by analytical chemists of preparing a solution of hydrocyanic acid containing a little sulphide of hydrogen, so that the former acid may be precipitated as cyanide of silver?

10. Describe the mode of conducting the analysis of a soil containing silex, alumina, peroxide of iron, the carbonates of lime and magnesia, the chlorides of potassium and sodium, together with a little organic matter.

11. How would you conduct the analysis of a mixture of heavy spar celestine, and gypsum, so as to determine the amount of each of these minerals ?

12. A zeolitic mineral from Dumbarton was found to consist of

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From these results deduce its formula, and mention its name and crystalline system.

13. A mixture of two metallic ores (viewed by Berzelius as sulphur salts) gave upon analysis the following results :

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State how the analysis was made, name the minerals, and give the relative atomic quantities of each.

14. Assuming the empirical formula of anorthite to be

3RO + 3R2O3 + 4SiO3,

assign the rational formula generally employed for the mineral, the formula used by Dana for showing the oxygen ratio of the basic oxides, and that usually attributed to Rammelsberg, which indicates the possibibility of the protoxides and sesquioxides replacing each other, and attaches to the silex a coefficient representing the oxygen ratio for acid and bases.

15. Enumerate the several hemihedral forms noticed by Rose, and give his notation for each.

16. Give the names and formula of four minerals occurring in the right square system, and Rose's notation for an octahedron of the second class. 17. Give the names and formulæ of four minerals in the hexihedral system, and Rose's notation of the hexangular dodecahedron of the second class.

18. There are two well-known minerals whose crystals generally exhibit the faces of the oblique prism characteristic of the monoclynic system; name them, write the formula of each, and the notation according to Rose, of their different planes.

19. Enumerate the native carbonates which are metallic ores, and mention the system in which each is found.

20. There are several ores of copper in which glance copper is considered to be a proximate constituent; give the name, the crystalline system, and the chemical formula of each.


1. Give the composition of ordinary urea, and explain how the variety of it may be made in which one atom of hydrogen is replaced by the radicle of an alcohol; write also its formula on the hypothesis of its being a diamide.

2. The compound radicle, C6H5, occurs in two varieties of alcohol; name the alcohols, and write the formula of each.

3. Write the formula of amylic glycol, and describe minutely the successive processes by which it may be synthetically made.

4. If to a solution of sucrose in water a little yeast be added, before fermentation commences the sucrose is converted into another variety of sugar. Of the occurrence of this change there are two distinct proofs; what are they?

5. How, by means of Soleil's saccharimeter, would you determine the amount of sucrose in a syrup also containing glucose and inverted sugar?

6. What, according to Berthelot, is the exact constitution of a stearic fat, and what are the products of its saponification?

7. Ethyl hydrocyanic ether may be made in one or other of three ways; give an explanation of each, and of the products which it yields when heated with a strong solution of potash.

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