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2.* Define preternatural labour, according to Denman.

3.* *The results, in primipara especially, of too early rupture of the membranes during labour at full term?

4. The different forms of rigidity of the os uteri during labour at full term; their causes and treatment?

5. For what other presentations may that of the nates be mistaken; the differential diagnoses?

6. What positions of the nates at the inlet are the most serious as regards the child, and why?

7.* Describe minutely the manual delivery of a case of left dorsocotyloid position of the nates; stating the reasons for your actions in each step of the operation.


8. Phlegmasia dolens, its nature and treatment?


*What symptoms during the latter months of gestation would lead you to expect eclampsia at labour? and what prophylactic measures would you adopt?

10. Laryngismus stridulus, its nature and treatment?



1. From examination of the skeleton alone, what conclusions may be deduced?

2. From examination of the dead body, how can the interval of time which has elapsed since the death be approximately determined?

3. How can the comatose condition produced by apoplexy, and that by narcotism, be distinguished?

4. In a case of suspected death from poisoning, the absence of any recognisable poison is not a sufficient negative evidence, and why?

5. In what cases is the action of one poison known to be remediable by the action of another?

6. State the distinctive characters of death by drowning, strangulation, suffocation, and suspension by a ligature constricting the neck.

7. The viability of the fœtus, or new-born child, is to be inferred from what circumstances, independent of examining the viscera ?

8. The symptoms and treatment of that chronic hydrargyrosis which is produced by long exposure to the vapour of the metal ?

9. Whether calomel be convertible into corrosive sublimate, within the human body? and, if so, in what circumstances?

10. If the oxidized surface of a cutting instrument is suspected to have blood effused and desiccated on it, by what chemical means will you determine the question?



1. By what contrivances is the absorbing surface of roots, especially in dry and light ground, multiplied?

2. Name and describe the principal kinds of underground stems.

3. Describe the structure, position, and supposed uses of spiral vessels. 4. How is a siliqua known from an ordinary two-celled and two-valved capsule?

5. By what single character is the genus Salvia known from all other Labiata?

6. By what characters is Aconitum distinguished from other Ranuncu lacea, especially from Delphinium?

7. What is the appearance and the true structure of the anther in Mal vacea?

8. What are the characters of calyx, corolla, and stamens in Valeriana? and what appearance does the limb of the calyx present when crowning the ripe fruit?

9. Name and describe in correct botanical terms the plant marked No. 1,-giving the several characters of its stem; leaves, their arrangement, stipulation, composition, form, cutting of margin, surface (whether glabrous, hairy, scabrous, tomentose, &c.), venation; inflorescence; bractea; flower, its calyx, corolla, insertion of stamens; ovary, style, stigma.

10. Name, and describe similarly, No. 2.



1. The relative anatomy of the median nerve, and its distribution ? 2. The relations of the internal epigastric artery from its origin to its entrance into the sheath of the rectus muscle?

3. Mention the branches given off by the internal epigastric artery in this part of its course.

4. Describe Gimbernaut's ligament, and enumerate the fibrous structures which are connected with it.

5. The bony attachments of the tentorium cerebelli?

6. The origin and distribution of the sixth cerebral nerve?

7. Contrast white and yellow fibrous tissue in their chemical and microscopical characters.

8. The form of the nervous system in Annulosa generally; and the position which the principal nervous cord occupies?

9. The plan of circulation in the Reptilia ?

10. The anatomical grounds on which ligature of the subclavian artery in its third stage is to be preferred to ligature of the axillary artery in its first stage?


1. What are the forms of anchylosis observed by surgeons, and what are their causes?

2. Which is the more common form?

3. Has surgery ever to deal with cases of local paralysis of the muscles of the face from lesion of the seventh pair of nerves?

4. Enumerate such cases as you have heard of.

5. Give the symptoms of local paralysis of the muscles of the face. 6. Give the symptoms of anasthasia of the face.

7. The symptoms of subacute inflammation of the shoulder-joint? 8. Prognosis and treatment?

9. The symptoms attendant on fracture, with displacement, of the sixth or seventh cervical vertebra, with injury to the spinal marrow ?

10. What are the usual consequences of the injury? and what other organs besides the spinal marrow become implicated when the patient survives for some time?



1. What forms of aneurism occur at the bend of the elbow ?

2. Mention the operation proposed for the cure of traumatic aneurism at the bend of the elbow.

3. To what diseases is the lacrymal gland subject? Has it ever been extirpated?—if so, for what, and by whom?

4. Describe the true lacrymal fistula, and the modes of treating it. 5. Mention the different forms of onychia.

6. What conditions would justify the amputation of the limb in a case of popliteal aneurism?

7. Mention the modes of making a moxa. In what cases is it employed?

8. Distinguish between concussion and compression of the brain.

9. Describe congenital hernia cerebri.

10. Describe the "warty ulcer" of Marjolin.


Hilary Term.


Isaiah, xl., xlii., xlv., xlix., lii., liii., lix., lxi.

A.-I. The second portion of Isaiah's prophecies divides itself naturally into three parts; how does each terminate? Give a brief sketch of the subjects treated of in each part.

2. One of the chief Rationalist arguments against the genuineness of the later chapters in Isaiah is founded on the fact that the Babylonish exile is spoken of as present. Cite the passages in which this takes place, and show the weakness of the argument.

3. Point out the relation in which the section chaps. lii. 13—liii. stands to the predictions which precede and follow it.

4. Give a short historical sketch of the interpretation of the fifty-third chapter.

B.-1. Is. xlii. 19, 20.

מי עור כי אם עבדי וחרש כמלאכי אשלח מי עור כמשלם ועור כעבד יהוה :

ראית רבות ולא תשמר פקח אזנים ולא ישמע :

(a). Translate these verses, and affix the points.

? ראית for

קרי What is the

(b). State briefly the principal allusions to them in the later chapters of Isaiah. How were these passages understood by the LXX. and Targum ?


כה אמר יהוה למשיחו לכורש אשר החזקתי בימינו לרד .2 ,1 .Is. xlv

לפניו גוים ומתני מלכים אפתח לפתח לפניו דלתים ושערים לא יסגרו :

? כורש What meaning has been assigned to the name

(a). Translate, and write a note on the fulfilment of this prophecy.

(b). This is not the only example in Scripture of an individual being predicted by name?

ועתה אמר יהוה יצרי מבטן לעבד לו לשובב יעקב אליו .6 ,5 .Is. xlix .3 וישראל לא יאסף ואכבד בעיני יהוה ואלהי היה עזי :

ויאמר נקל מהיותך לי עבד להקים את שבטי יעקב ונצירי ישראל להשיב ונתתיך לאור גוים להיות ישועתי עד קצה הארץ :

(a). Translate these verses. The margin of the Authorized Version

gives a different rendering of two clauses, one of which variations is

? קרי based on the

(b). A remarkable application of the sixth verse is found in the New Testament :

כי כה אמר אדני יהוה מצרים ירד עמי בראשנה לגור שם .5 ,4 .Is. li .4

ואשור באפס עשקו : ועתה מה לי פה נאם יהוה כי לקח עמי חנם

משלו יהילילו נאם יהוה ותמיד כל היום שמי מנאץ :

(a). Affix the points, and translate.

The form of ? אשור באפס עשקו words מנאץ

What is the allusion in the

is irregular?

(b). Explain the grammatical form and meaning of the word DN. Where does it first occur? Is the verb from which it comes ever used transitively ?

(c). A clause of this passage is quoted in the New Testament,-on what occasion ?

5. Is. liii. 10.

ויהוה חפץ דכאו החלי אם תשים אשם נפשו יראה זרע

יאריך ימים וחפץ יהוה בידו יצלח :


אם תשים a). Affix the points, and translate. The clause commencing)

may be rendered in two ways?

(b). How must the present Hebrew text be altered in order to admit of the LXX. translation, dav bore rept duaprias rv xp tuop operat (Text. Alex.), or ý ‡vxý vμ☎v öerai (Text. Vatic.)?

(c). The vicarious nature of our Lord's atonement is very clearly marked by one word in this verse?

6. Is. lix. 5, 6.

ביצי צפעוני בקעו וקורי עכביש יארגו האכל מביציהם ימות והזורה תבקע אפעה : קוריהם לא יהיו לבגד ולא יתכסו במעשיהם

מעשיהם מעשי און ופעל חמס בכפיהם :

(a). Translate these verses, and write a note on the meaning and derivation of the unusual words which occur in them.

(6). The margin of the Authorized Version gives a different rendering of the last clause of the sixth verse?

7. Is. lxi. 7, 8.

תחת בשתכם משנה וכלמה ירנו חלקם

לכן בארצם משנה יירשו שמחת עולם תהיה להם : כי אני יהוה אהב משפט שנא גזל בעולה ונתתי פעלתם באמת וברית עולם אכרות להם :


(a). Affix the points, and translate; and show the connexion with the remainder of the chapter.

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