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(b). What was the origin of the phrase? What passage of Scripture first speaks of hy?—and where is this phrase elsewhere found in Isaiah ?


1. What is probably the earliest designation applied to the Pentateuch in the Old Testament?

2. Mention some of the passages in which "the Book of Moses" is spoken of by name.

3. This title is used in the Second Book of Chronicles in reference to the observance of certain precepts in the Law?

4. There is a remarkable reference of the same kind in the Book of Nehemiah, where the same title is found?

5. The authenticity of the Mosaic writings was called in question at a very early period?

6. How many passages are there in the first four Books of the Pentateuch in which mention is made of the writing of any part of the Law? 7. What passage of the Pentateuch has been brought forward as an express testimony to the Mosaic authorship of the Law?

8. What arguments have been advanced for confining the words "this Law" (min) in these passages (Deut. xxxi. 9. 24) to Deuteronomy only?

9. If it be certain that Moses was the author of Deuteronomy, the argument goes far to establish the Mosaic authorship of much of the earlier Books?

10. In what parts of the Pentateuch do we find the combination of the two Divine names, Jehovah and Elohim?

II. The very form of the name Jehovah is a witness to its antiquity? 12. Do any instances of proper names compounded with the word Jehovah occur before the Exodus?

13. The fact that only two such names are found has been adduced as furnishing an undesigned coincidence in support of the accuracy of the narrative?

14. Yet the name appears not to have been altogether unknown to the earlier Patriarchs ?

15. How many names in the Book of Judges are compounded with the word Jehovah ?

16. The evidence respecting the authorship and date of the Pentateuch, lying outside of the Pentateuch itself, is of three kinds?

17. There is direct evidence for the authorship of the Book of the Law in Joshua?

This part of the Examination is conducted vivâ voce.

18. The references to the Law in the Book of Joshua have greatly added to the difficulties with which the modern destructive criticism has to contend?

19. There is a difference between the Books of Joshua and Judges with regard to these references to the Law; how may it be accounted for?

20. What is the first mention of the Law of Moses after the establishment of the Monarchy ?

21. The fact of Moses having interceded for the Israelites is strikingly alluded to in one of the prophetical Books?

22. What undesigned coincidences have been pointed out between Deuteronomy and the rest of the Pentateuch, especially as regards the use of comparisons?

23. Are there any coincidences in expression between the Book of Deuteronomy and the ninetieth Psalm?

24. In one remarkable reference which Hosea makes to the Law, Deuteronomy is manifestly included?

25. Part of the opening words of the prophet Isaiah are taken from the mouth of Moses?

26. The three localities where supernatural occurrences befell Jacob, in his early history, were all commemorated by peculiar names?

27. Mahanaim is subsequently twice mentioned in the sacred narrative?

28. It is repeatedly stated that the households of the Patriarchs, although strangers in blood, became partakers of the privileges and responsibilities of the divine covenant?

29. How does it appear that the command to Abraham to circumcise the men of his household was subsequently in force among all Israelite families?

30. One fact mentioned in the narrative of the betrayal of Joseph by his brethren indirectly proves the great magnitude of Jacob's household? 31. What is the earliest reference in Scripture to Jacob's prophecy respecting Shiloh?

32. The promise of increase given by Jacob to the two sons of Joseph is remarkably expressed in the original, as appears from the margin of the Authorized Version?

33. The rapid increase of the Israelitish nation was appointed by divine command to be a lasting subject of praise to future generations?

34. In two passages of the Pentateuch a contrast is drawn between the number of those who went down into Egypt and the number of those who came out?

35. In one striking passage, however, Moses expressly disclaims all boasting in reference to the number of the people of Israel?

36. After the Exodus was completed, the name Hebrew occurs only twice in the Pentateuch?

37. One part of God's revelation to Moses at Mount Horeb is expressly quoted in the Book of Psalms?

38. It is evident from a remarkable phrase in the blessing pronounced by Moses on one of the twelve tribes, that the miracle of which he was a solitary witness at Mount Horeb had made a deep impression on his memory?

39. Under what symbol does Moses, in his last blessing, describe the superiority of Ephraim over Manasseh?

40. From this passage (Deut. xxxiii. 17) it is evident that the common idea of the unicorn is an unfounded one?

41. An objection has been made to the history of the Exodus, founded on the assertion that the journey from Rameses to the Red Sea occupied only three days; what is the only note of time which the sacred narrative really supplies?

42. It is observed by Dean Graves that the three great Jewish feasts were all, in some measure, commemorative of the deliverance from Egypt?

43. Does the sacred narrative furnish any trace of the fact on which the command to observe the feast of tabernacles was founded?

44. Our Lord's quotations from Deuteronomy confirm two of the main facts in the history of the Exodus ?

45. One of the improbabilities objected to in the history of the Exodus respects the difficulty of the sudden removal of all the sick and infirm; this is disposed of by what express affirmation in another part of Scripture?

46. The first title assumed by God after the Exodus was a standing memorial of this fact?

47. The Sanctuary is twice spoken of in the sacred narrative before it was actually built?

48. One of these passages removes an objection to the truth of the Scripture narrative which a modern writer has based upon the other?

49. The comparatively fertile condition of the country near Mount Sinai is shown in two passages, the coincidence of which is obviously undesigned?

50. The scanty population of the Sinaitic peninsula in modern times (which is one of the objections against the truth of the sacred narrative) was distinctly predicted in two passages of the Pentateuch?

51. Significant traces of the wanderings of the Israelites in the wilderness imprinted themselves deeply on their laws and customs?

52. The very words "camp" and "tents" remained long popularly in use among the Israelites after they had ceased to be literally applicable to the condition of the nation when settled in Canaan?

53. The order of the march of the Israelites in the wilderness is referred to in one of the Psalms ?

54. The wood of which the Ark and the Tabernacle are said to have been made furnishes an additional confirmation of the truthfulness of the narrative?

55. The history of the Israelites in their march from Mount Hor to compass the land of Edom, as recorded in the Book of Numbers, is con

firmed by a striking reference in the New Testament to this part of the narrative?

56. In one remarkable law given to Moses in the wildnerness, the Egyptians are put on a level with those nearest of kin to the Israelites? 57. On what occasion was a return to Egypt predicted as the doom of national apostacy?

58. Some of the laws given in the wilderness arose out of incidental circumstances mentioned in the narrative?

59. A passage in one of the prophets is adduced as proving that the sacrificial system appointed in the Law was in full force during the forty years' wanderings?

60. This passage, in reality, proves the very contrary?

61. The neglect of the Sanctuary worship during that period is pointed out even by Moses himself?

62. There are various indications that the laws recorded in Leviticus were intended for observance, not in the wilderness, but in the land of Canaan ?

63. In the divine promise of the conquest of Canaan, as recorded by Moses, what reason is assigned for the gradual overthrow of the Canaanites?

64. That the danger from wild beasts was no imaginary evil, is evident from several allusions in later history?

65. As soon as the Israelitish nation began to decline, it is evident, both from Jeremiah and Ezekiel, that the danger referred to in the Pentateuch was fatally realized?

66. In the second numbering of the Israelites at the end of the forty years, one only of the tribes had undergone a remarkable diminution in number?

67. The narrative itself appears to furnish an explanation of this fact?

68. It has been said that there are no general directions as to prayer given in the Mosaic law; in one striking instance, however, the very words of a prayer are prescribed?

69. The words of this prayer (Deut. xxvi. 15) are cited in a remarkable passage of the prophetical writings?

70. Is the title "a hearer of prayer" ever ascribed to God in the Old Testament?

71. The authority of the Book of Joshua, as an essential part of the Canon of Scripture, is confirmed by the references to it in other parts of the Old Testament?

72. Is there any allusion in the later Books of Scripture to the remarkable miracle which took place during the battle with the five kings?

73. Three verses in this Book have been referred to as proving that the author must have lived in the time of Joshua?

74. Samson's slaughter of a large number of the Philistines with an unusual weapon was not the only recorded instance of this kind?

75. It appears, from an incidental remark in the history, that the tyranny of the Philistines was very great in the days of Shamgar?

76. The Book of Judges contains but one marked allusion to the tribe of Judah?

77. What city spoken of in the Book of Judges was called Hormah after its destruction?

78. A city of this name is twice mentioned in the Pentateuch?

79. Samuel, in his enumeration of the judges of Israel who went before him, mentions Bedan; with which of the rulers spoken of in the Book of Judges is the latter identified?

80. There are various plain indications in the history confirmatory of the fact that the Israelites were the conquerors of Palestine ?

81. Besides the Gibeonites and Canaanites, there appear to have been some others of the original inhabitants of the land dwelling quietly among the Israelites?

82. Dean Stanley says that it is doubtful if Samuel was a Levite, and certain that he was not a priest; what is the Scripture evidence on the first point?

83. The name of Samuel's father confirms his Levitical origin? 84. On what occasions is Samuel said to have offered sacrifice ?

85. It has been objected to the sacred narrative that, in the history of the later period of the Judges, there is a remarkable deviation from the Pentateuch in reference to the attire of the priests?

86. The history in Samuel in reality confirms the Pentateuch in this respect?

87. Is a linen ephod ever said to have been worn by any person except a priest?

88. The parallel histories of Judah and Israel afford some marked points of synchronism?

89. The writer of the Book of Kings cites the writings of only two contemporary authors by name?

90. The denunciation, "Him that dieth in the city shall the dogs eat; and him that dieth in the field shall the fowls of the air eat," was thrice repeated in the history of the kings?

91. In the history of Chronicles, the title of "king of Israel" is given to one of the kings of Judah long after the time of Rehoboam?

92. There is a remarkable difference in the Books of Kings and Chronicles with regard to the authors whom they respectively quote?

93. The events of Solomon's reign were recorded by three prophets? 94. What prophets recorded the events of the reign of Rehoboam? 95. What prophet foretold the overthrow of Baasha's posterity? 96. In one part of the sacred history there is a striking instance of verbal agreement between the Book of Kings and Isaiah, combined with greater fulness in the account given by the latter?

97. Samaria was spoken of in prophecy before it was built?

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