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2. Chief cause of the delay in putting forth a national Confession? 3. Who first suggested the idea of a common Confession? And how was this project frustrated?

4. Bishop Pearson points out in memorable words the true character and design of the Articles, and corrects a vulgar error respecting them? 5. To what other document were the Articles at first usually annexed? 6. How does this affect the question of the convocational authority of the original Articles?

7. What is Archbishop Laurence's opinion as to the number and nature of the Articles originally drawn up by Cranmer ?

8. What seems to have been the real relation between Cranmer's and Hooper's Articles?

9. Two of the Anabaptist errors were expressly condemned, as such, in the Edwardine Articles?

10. What Anabaptist error is refuted by name in our present Articles? 11. An important use has been made, in the recent decision of the Privy Council, of an omission in the Elizabethan Articles as compared with the Edwardine?

12. How may the omission in question be accounted for?

13. The force of this reply is not weakened by the fact that other Articles relating to Anabaptist errors were retained in the Elizabethan Articles?

14. An Anabaptist doctrine condemned in the Edwardine Articles is held and preached by many at the present day?

15. On the subject of Eschatology, the Elizabethan Articles are less dogmatic than the Edwardine?


16. The Prayer-book, however, retains traces of the earlier doctrine? 17. The opinion recently revived, omnes tandem servandos esse," was strongly condemned in the Edwardine Articles?

18. From the proceedings in Mary's reign it would appear that the authority of the Articles was regarded as inferior to that of the Prayerbook?

19. What was the last formal Act of Convocation in England in favour of Romanism?

20. What document has been designated "the English Interim" ?

21. What is the Rule of Faith laid down in this document?

22. It enumerates three Notes of the Church?

23. This document, when laid aside in England, reappeared elsewhere under another name?

24. How long did it continue in force in Ireland, and by what was it superseded?

25. Another formulary, also drawn up by Archbishop Parker, furnishes a valuable illustration of the Articles?

26. The relation between the Augsburg and Wirtemberg Confessions is a point which nearly concerns the Church of England?

27. Specify some of the more important statements in our Articles de-
rived from the Wirtemberg Confession?

28. The consideration of the influence of the Wirtemberg Confession
on the Elizabethan Articles is important in the question as to the disputed
clause of the Twentieth Article?

29. What is the corresponding clause in the Wirtemberg Confession?

30. In the definition of Holy Scripture adopted from that Confession
some remarkable words were omitted?

31. In the Article, de Coena Domini, an important addition was made
at the Elizabethan review to the statement respecting Transubstantiation;
whence probably derived?

32. The Romish doctrine of the opus operatum in the Sacraments, was
expressly censured in the Edwardine Articles on two grounds?

33. Why was the mention of it omitted at the Elizabethan revision?
34. The Convocation of 1562 made an important change in the Article
de Coena Domini, and for two reasons?

35. The terms in which the Queen's approval was given to the Articles
of 1562 are very remarkable?

36. When for the first time was an English version of the Articles
sanctioned by Convocation?

37. State the first occasions on which, respectively, Subscription to the
Articles was required by Episcopal, Royal, and Parliamentary autho-

38. The imposing of Subscription was not confined to the reforming
party in England?

39. Two questions have been raised respecting the construction of the
Statute 13 Eliz. c. 12?

40. Whether the Statute contemplated Subscription merely to the doc-
trinal Articles turns on the interpretation of what words?

41. Those who contend for the restrictive sense appeal to the state-
ment of a celebrated contemporary jurist?

42. A palpable historical error in this statement weakens considerably
its force?

43. The other question has been revived in connexion with a recent
controversy ?

44. The Convocation of 1571 also took some important steps relating
to Subscription?

45. Two consecutive Elizabethan Primates differed widely from each
other in their views regarding Subscription?

46. What were Whitgift's Articles? They are still in force?

47. What was the "woeful year of Subscription"?

48. When was subscription to the thirty-sixth Canon first imposed on
the English Universities?

49. What was the Feathers Tavern Petition? And on what principle
did it ground its prayer?

50. As to the nature and extent of the obligation imposed by Subscription, two very different opinions have been maintained?

51. The authority of two great Primates-an English and an Irishhas been appealed to in support of one view?

52. The view taken of it by the Church itself seems very evident? 53. What is Bishop Burnet's solution of the question?

54. Subscribing with any mental reservation has been judicially decided to be illegal?

55. Laxity in Subscription, with Episcopal connivance, is no novelty?

56. By what authority is Subscription to the Articles enjoined in Ireland?

57. Charles II.'s Act of Uniformity specially particularizes one of the Articles?

58. Occasion and date of “His Majesty's Declaration," prefixed to the Thirty-nine Articles?

59. This Declaration is important in deciding the question as to whether the Articles were designed to be Calvinistic, or not?

60. That the language of the Articles on the subject of Predestination is not decidedly Calvinistic was candidly confessed at the Hampton-Court Conference?

61. How far did the Assembly of Divines carry their revision of the Articles?

62. What was their decision respecting the Eighth Article?

63. The Ninth Article, as amended by them, bears the special impress of Geneva?

64. What were the Lambeth Articles?

65. When and by whom was it proposed to insert them into the Thirty-nine Articles; and on what ground was the proposal rejected? 66. When, and by whom chiefly, were the Irish Articles drawn up? 67. By what authority were they sanctioned ?

68. State some of the more striking peculiarities of these Articles. 69. What purely speculative questions do they deal with?

70. Their declaration on the subject of the inspiration of the Scriptures is very decided?

71. Respecting the obscurities and difficulties of Scripture they repeat the statement of S. Augustine ?

72. What Romish doctrine do they characterize as subversive of all human society?

73. What is their doctrine on the subject of the Catholic Church? 74. What is their statement regarding the presence of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist?

75. When were these Irish Articles virtually, at least, abolished, and the English adopted in their place?

76. Who drew up this Canon, and what Prelate was mainly instrumental in getting it passed?

77. The effect of this Canon on the Irish Articles was differently interpreted by contemporary authorities?

78. Bramhall's description of the Irish Articles is very striking?

79. When did the English Articles become the sole test of doctrine in Ireland?

80. State the earliest Patristic and Conciliar use of the word "Trinity." 81. What was the probable polemical object of the last clause of the Second of the Thirty-nine Articles?

82. That Second Article is very decided on the Oɛoróкos question? 83. Four words refute, respectively, the four great heresies which have existed respecting the nature of our Lord?

84. One expression of the Fourth Article seems plainly directed against a fundamental tenet of Lutheranism?

85. This doctrine of Ubiquity is also refuted in the Prayer-Book? 86. Earliest Conciliar decision in favour of the Double Procession ?

87. One Pope refused to admit the addition " Filioque;" and another

sanctioned it?

88. There are three distinct opinions put forward in the various Reformed Confessions respecting the criterion of Canonicity?

89. Our Sixth Article has been supposed to recognize the distinction between Proto- and Deutero-Canonical Books?

90. The word "Inspiration" occurs but once in the Articles; where? 91. State the passages in the Prayer-book where the words "Inspiration" and "Inspire" occur?

92. The statement in the Ninth Article respecting the effects of the Fall was altered by the Westminster divines?

93. The definition of Original Sin given in it was directly aimed at a Romish error?

94. This Article furnishes a striking illustration of the via media so often taken by the Church of England relatively to the Church of Rome, on the one hand, and Continental Protestantism, on the other?

95. What explanation was suggested by Origen of the congenital depravity of the human race?

96. The phrase ratio peccati occurs twice in the Articles; specify the connexion in each case.

97. The Tenth Article (on Free Will) consists of two clauses, derived from very different sources?

98. Some of the earlier Fathers seem to justify the Pelagian error? How account for this?

99. Two doctrines are declared in the Articles to be, respectively, consolationis plenissima, and, ineffabilis consolationis plena?

100. There is a broad line of demarcation between the doctrine of the Church of England and that of Rome respecting Justification?

101. A fides formata appears directly to contradict the teaching of our

102. Meritum de congruo is explicitly refuted in our Articles; meritum
de condigno implicitly?

103. The dogma of the Immaculate Conception is by implication twice
denied in our Articles?

104. What University, Pope, and Council, respectively, first declared
in favour of this dogma?

105. Who first broached the opinion confuted in the Sixteenth Article,
and on what ground did he rest it?

106. The dispute concerning "the lapsed" produced a temporary effect
on the Canon of Scripture?

107. In one of the Articles we have an important hermeneutical Canon
and a practical Rule laid down?

108. What error is expressly anathematized in the Articles ?

109. The Article says, "sunt et illi anathematizandi ;" to what does
"et" refer?

110. Compare our definition of the Visible Church with that of Bellar-
mine, and of the Augsburg Confession, respectively.

III. State the doctrine de Ecclesia as set forth in the Prayer-Book.
112. The fifty-fifth Canon recognises an important distinction between
the Church and the Churches?

113. The Nineteenth Article denies two of the most cherished preroga-
tives claimed by the Church of Rome?

114. The rights of the lay members of the Church in regard to its dis-
cipline are recognised in the Prayer-Book?

115. The Church of Rome usurps the three characteristic functions of

116. Lord Macaulay has attempted to establish an inconsistency be-
tween the Preface to the Ordinal and the fifty-fifth Canon; show that
there is no ground for his criticism.

117. The Article de Sacramentis originally embodied an important
statement of S. Augustine?

118. The paragraph respecting the five Romish Sacraments was mate-
rially altered at the final revision in 1571 ?

119. Where in the Prayer-Book is the "matter" of a Sacrament men-
tioned ?

120. Both Continental and Anglican reformers acknowledged for a
time a third Sacrament?

121. Show from Elizabeth's Act of Uniformity that the number of the
Sacraments was not then regarded as strictly limited to two.

122. Auricular Confession was permitted in the first Liturgical formu-
laries of the reformed English Church?

123. The 113th Canon lays down a remarkable injunction respecting

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