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his frugal habits, even without the earnings of his pen, which were not inconsiderable.

Mr. Perkins's papers have been diligently searched, but among them is no memorandum whatever, of any kind, touching his recent physical sufferings, or concerning his private affairs. CONGRESS.-The House of Representatives, after sixty-two ineffectual ballotings, succeeded on Saturday last in the election of a Speaker. This was effected by means of a compromise, providing that a plurality of votes should constitute a choice. On the sixty-third trial it appeared that the votes stood 102 for Mr. Cobb of Georgia, 100 for Mr. Winthrop of Massachusetts, and 20 for all other candidates. Mr. Cobb was accordingly declared to be duly elected Speaker of the House; and being conducted to the Chair, the Oath of Office was administered to him by Mr. Boyd of Kentucky, the senior Member of the


On Monday, the two Houses being regularly organized, the Message of the President was communicated in the usual form. The Steamer Empire City arrived at this port yesterday from Chagres, with two weeks later news from California. The California intelligence was brought to Panama by the Steamship Panama, which arrived on the 4th inst having left San Francisco on the 16th ult. She brought 250 passengers and half a million of gold dust, which were transferred to the Empire Citv at Chagres. An election was held in California on the 10th ult. to decide on the adoption of the New Constitution proposed for the State, and also to vote for a Governor, Lieut.-Governor, two Representatives to Congress, and members of the California Legislature. The Constitution has been adopted almost unanimosluy. Great activity was prevailing at San Francisco. Buildings were going up with great rapidity. Carpenters wages $16 a day.

Town and Country Items.

POPULATION OF PHILADELPHIA.-The Septenial Census of Philadelphia City and County for 1849 shows the following males, and 1,819 females. Colored taxable population 319, of results: White taxable population 76,965, of whom 75,146 are whom 58 are females and 261 males. White blind persons 166 of whom 54 are females. Colored blind persons 7. Deaf and dumb persons 175, of whom 73 are females. This table shows an increase of 26,221 in the taxable inhabitants of Philadelphia City and County since 1849.

Hon. Jeffrey Chipman died at Kalamazoo, Mich. on the 18th inNOTABLE DEATH.-The Northern papers tell us that the stant at the age of 60 years. This was the magistrate before excitement was raised against the order of Masons. Before whom was arraigned the famous Morgan, about whom so much Justice Chipman Morgan was arraigned on a charge of larceny, and committed to Ontario Jail, from whence he was carried off. Justice Chipman was the first witness called in all the trials relating to Morgan.


THE EMBLEM OF CALIFORNIA.-The official seal of the State of California has upon its face a grizzly bear devouring a bunch of grapes. Elihu Burrit thinks that the knowing ones who designed it, intended that the bear should be an emblem of the greediness which has led to the settlement of the country, the crushed grapes in Bruin's jaw represents the manner in while which the mass of the settlers have been taken in.

MORE ANNEXATION.-Preparations are being made by the Domicans to ask that St. Domingo shall be annexed to the United States. Of course, all the southerners will be in favor of that. Perhaps they may have an idea that by bringing in the colored inhabitants of St. Domingo, they will have a chance to extend slavery.

LAND REFORM MOVEMENT.-At a meeting called by certain Land Reformers, at the Fourteenth Ward Hotel, on Monday evening last, Dec. 24, James Pyne was called to the chair, and John H. Keyser appointed Secretary. Thomas A Devyr being called upon, made a brief statement of the purposes for which the meeting had been convened, urging all the Reformers of the nation to rally around the standard of Land Reform, and bear it on to a glorious victory—a triumph worthy any sacrifice and struggle; a victory which would secure Free Homes and Independence to the thousands who are eating the bread of employment by this disaster. bitter dependence, and writhing under the lash of wages servitude.

A destructive fire took place in New-York on the 22d inst. consuming the large sugar refinery of Woolsey & Co. and other valuable property to the amount of $600,000, of which less than half was insured. Nearly 500 men are thrown out of

The notorious religious fanatic generally known as "Fa

Mr. E. S. Manning then made a few pertinent remarks, inther Miller," who predicted the destruction of the world, and which he urged that a Committee be appointed to prepare an address calling upon all true friends to the cause to renew their efforts in consummating the aims and principles so long and strenuously advocated by National Reformers.

Mr. Wm. V. Barr followed, urging all co-workers in Land Reform, through the country, to blend their efforts in prosecuting and consummating the cause, averring that the Anti-Renters, Abolitionists and Reformers generally, who have hitherto kept aloof from us, now acknowledge the justice of our cause, and are willing and anxious to press these great principles to an issue with the great political parties of the nation.

A debate then arose as to the necessity of calling a National Convention, which was finally referred to a committe of conference.


a Delegate from Rockland County, then stated the progress and prospects of Land Reform in his County. Several strangers were also present, and being invited by the Chairman, stated their views of Reforms, &c.

After some debate it was moved and carried that a committee be appointed to prepare and present at a future meeting the most feasible and successful plan of securing a full representation of Reformers thorughout the Union, in general Convention; after which, at a late hour, the meeting adjourned.

the second coming of Christ in the year 1843, building up a sect of some 40,000 disciples, died on the 20th inst. at the age of 68.

Letter, on the eve of being starved out of his sanctum, writes a A LAST APPEAL.-The unlucky Editor of the Westfield News heart-rending leader under the title of "Help us! Cash-us! er

we sink."

A watchmaker in Liverpool has succeeded in drilling a hole through a sixpence edgeways. The diameter of the hole in the coin is the four-thousandth part of an inch in size and barely sufficient to admit a fine hair.

TELEGRAPH PLOUGH.-This is the age of invention, and when there is a necessity, there is an invention. We have just been shown a species of sub-marine plough, which will plough a furrow under the bed of the river, to put the telegraph wire in, and cover the furrow. The wire, so to speak, is sowed in the furrow by an ingenious movement in machinery. All looks practicable, and if it works, there is a way found out to put telegraph wires under rivers, safe from anchers.→→Express.

RIGHTS OF MARRIED WOMEN.-The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has decided recently, that a husband has no claim to the possession of any property owned by his wife previous to marriage, or which may accrue to her after marriage; and that even the consent of the wife, that her husband should have possession of her property, is of no avail while the life is a minor This decision is based on the law of 1848, which has wrought a radical change in the condition of married females.


PAYMENT in advance, is desirable, in all cases. $2 will pay for one year.

SUBSCRIBERS will please be particular in writing the name of PoзT OFFICE, COUNTY, and STATE, distinctly, in all letters addressed to the publishers, as this will prevent delays, omissions,

and mistakes.

THE UNIVERCOLUM. There are a few complete copies of VolMr. Robert Beverly, of Sunflower, Mississisippi, was re-umes ONE, and THREE on hand, which will be sold for ONE DOLLAR cently murdered by seven of his slaves, who entered his room. a copy. while he was asleep and strangled him to death. In the struggle, one of his eyes was gouged out. They then dressed the body carefully in his own coat and boots, and threw it into the river. The seven negroes were arrested and are in confinement. One of them was Mr. Beverly's body-servant. They have fully confessed the crime.

A NEW STATE COMING.-It is said that Mr. Babbitt, the Delegate from the Mormon Territory of Deseret, insisted that he has been regularly elected to Congress, and designs claiming his seat as such as soon as the House is organized. He bases his right to a seat upon a precedent set in the case of Minesota, which at the time was regarded as an unsafe one, and which will lead to some embarrassment in the dispostion of Mr. Babbitt's claims.

CHINESE SLAVES IN CAL ORNIA.-The number of Chinese arriving in California, at last accounts was said to be enormous. A letter from thence says that they are brought in cargoes by English vessels, and sold as servants to the highest bidder, on the cooley system, a shade less than absolute slavery. This is a species of trade that will soon get its quietus from the State Government.-[Balt. Sun.

OPIUM EATING. In conversation a few days ago with an apothecary of this city who does an extensive business, we were astounded to learn to what an immense extent the baneful and destructive practice of opium eating is indulged in this community; and were still more amazed when he informed us that the chief consumers of the poisonous narcotic are females.

☛ Mr. D'Isrelia, in be friending the landed aristocracy of England, has exposed a very weak spot in their apparent prosperity. He asserts that their lands are mortgaged to about the amount of £4,000,000 sterling. Those of Scotland and Ireland are mortgaged for half as much more.

RUSSIAN CONSCRIPTION.-A Russian ukase ordering out four men for every thousand of the population in the Eastern Governments came into operation on the 1st of November. The conscripts must present themselves for military service on the 1st of Jan. 1850.

POPULATION OF BERLIN. The census of Berlin had just been taken, showing a population of 400,670 inhabitants. The police returns for the month of August show that 1640 persons entered the city and 2152 persons, strangers and others, left it in that month.

Professor Koolentai, of Berlin has propounded a theory that men shed their skins as animals do their coats, and that like them they assume a thicker or a thinnerfcovering according to the elimate in which they reside.

Volume Two, lacks one number, of being complete; price tho
Address the publishers of this paper.



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THIS Weekly Paper seeks as its end the Peaceful Transformation of human societies from isolated to associated interests, from competitive to co-operative industry, from disunity to unity. Amidst Revolution and Reaction it advocates Reorgani zation. It desires to reconcile conflicting classes, and to har monize man's various tendencies by an orderly arrangement of all relations, in the Family, the Township, the Nation, the World. Thus would it aid to introduce the Era of Confederated Communities, which in spirit, truth and deed shall be the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness, a Heaven upon Eorth.

In promoting this end of peaceful transformation in humas societies, The Spirit of the Age will aim to reflect the highest light on all sides communicated in relation to Nature, Man, and the Divine Being,-illustrating according to its power, the law of Universal Unity.

form Movements-sketches of Scientific discoveries and MechanBy summaries of News, domestic and foreign,-reports of Re

ical inventions-notices of Books and Works of Art-and ex tracts from the periodical literature of Continental Europe Great Britian and the United States, The Spirit of The Ag will endeavor to present a faithful record of human progress.

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Ope, tyrants! ope the gates of hell again:

Bid War and Pestilence ride darkly forth:

Stain with her children's blood the shuddering Earth:

Man's universal heart transfix with pain:

Loose from the Northern hills

The huge, Barbarian avalanche; and cast
Pale Famine's gathered ills,

Like winter on the blast:

Crush beneath Atalantean loads of wrong,
The Poor, lest they should rise:

Strengthen with arms, and gold, and buttress strong,
Your crumbling Anarchies:

Pierce, with the blinding spear, Thought's sun-like eyes,
Lest Men should see the heavens o'erflow with light:
Drown with shrill, clamorous lies,

The harmonies of Love, the Archangel trump of Right: Lift, if ye dare, the awful Cross on high,

And crucify HUMANITY thereon;

While an unnatural gloom usurps the sky,

No. 1.


We hail from far the beatific Nations.
We stand among the ancestral generations,
The People of the Skies!

Below the Earth, through golden exhalations,
Glows like an Isle in some far Indian Sea.
Splendors and Loves, and calm Transfigurations,
Rulers of Heaven's divine Humanity.

O'er each Hesperean hight,

Lead in harmonious march the Immortal Sons of Light. They call, they call, from far!

Each like a spheréd star!

Let us go up and join the array of these, "The Cloud of Witnesses."

Called from Heaven's wide extremes, they go

Up to its inmost shrine; their faces glow

With hope for Earth, now crushed beneath its last great Wo.


Lo! the great Temple, burning from afar,

As if in every ray was fused a star;
As if the sunrise in its glorious dome
Was born, and made its sempiternal home!

It is the Temple of the Ages, wrought

With traceried sculptures of Immortal Thought.
"Tis the Shekinah, shadowing forth to view,
The Infinite Beautiful, and Good, and True!
There reign, in mild supremacy of love,
Th' Hierarchal Rulers of the realms above.
There in the calm divine of peace, await

And the dead Past comes forth and reigns-like Death alone. The mighty Angels of delivering Fate,

[blocks in formation]

Till the GREAT HOUR shall lead them radiant forth,
To ope the Gates of Morning on the Earth.
Banner and crest droop low! We enter there,

And pause entranced like flames that rest in purple air.


The mortal History of immortal Man,

Shines, pictured on that time-revealing dome. Each glorious Spirit, who since life began,

Hath poured out thought or blood to rear a home For Earth's fraternal Peoples, and to span

The Race with Freedom's sun-bow, hath a throne 'Neath that far shining arch, and sits serene thereon! Angels of Light! they rest, entranced in vision, Fronting the Infinite with god-like eyes.

Angels of Beauty! picturing the elysian.

Repose and peace of new eternities.

Angels of Harmony! in whose high cadence,
Heaven's mystic music finds a living voice.
Angels of Gladness! lifting urns of fragrance,
Saying, oh, blessed ones, rejoice, rejoice!
Angels of Worship! who, in pure communion
Of love and wisdom, silently adore,

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