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BP 119.15

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American Authors, Two Little-known

First Editions of, Livingston, 455.

Auction Sales, 31, 82, 118, 161, 206, 236,

266, 324, 395, 472.

Bacon's Essays, and Wither's Poems, The

First American Edition of, Eames, 11.

Battle of Brooklyn, (The), P. L. Ford, 69.

Beer, William, Pagès' Voyages, 153.

Bewick, John and Holbein, Garrison, 47.

Bibliographical Journals, Notes from, Palt-

sits, 27, 72, 112, 156, 199, 246, 313,

383, 460.

Bibliographical Romance, A (The Colum-
bus Letter), Thacher, 269.
Bibliophilism (Of) and the Preservation of
Books, French, 304.

Bodley, Sir Thomas, and the Bodleian
Tercentenary, 335.

Book Club News, 34, 84, 122, 167, 198,

255, 322, 394, 470.

Bottle-Bindings, 465.
Brereton's "Discovery of the North Part of

Virginia," Livingston, 331; facsimile
reproduction of, October, November,

Burr, George L., A Witch-hunter in the
Bookshops, 431.

César Birotteau, before his Birth, Misfor-

tunes and Adventures of, translated by

R. H., 369.

Chew, Beverly, Some Notes on the Three

Parts of Hudibras, 123; The First
Edition of Waller's Poems, 296.
Columbus Letter, The (A Bibliographical
Romance) Thacher, 269.
Correspondence.-Concerning Bottle-Bind-
ings, 465.

Crisis, (The), P. L. Ford, 139, 195.

De Vinne, Theodore L., The Kelmscott

Style, 1.

Donkin's Military Collections, P. L. Ford, 22.
Dryden's Plays, A Check-list of, 374.

Eames, Wilberforce, The First American

Edition of Wither's Poems and Ba-

con's Essays, 11.

Early Printing, Some late Notes about,

Hawkins, 61.

Editorial Notes, 327, 398, 478.

Facsimiles, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14,

16, 18, 23, 24, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57,

59, 62, 63, 70, frontispiece preceding

89, 91, 93, 99, 101, 109, 128, 129,

130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136,
137, 138, 141, 143, 145, 147, 154,
frontispiece in May issue, 171, 172,
177, 178, 184, 185, 191, 192,
frontispiece preceding 215, 217, 218,
219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226,

227, 228, 234, 268, 272, 273, 286,

287, 288, 289, 300, 301, 302, 303,

309, 311, 335, 339, 340, 349, 351,
354, 356, 359, 379, 381, 408, 411,
413, 433, 436, 437, 439, 441, 442,
443, 445, 457, 458, 467, 468.
Ford, Paul Leicester, Donkin's Military
Collections, 22; The Battle of Brook-
lyn, 69; White's Century of Malig-

nant Priests, 107; The Crisis, 139,

195; Obituary Notice, 196.

Ford, Worthington Chauncey, Franklin's
Advice to a Young Tradesman, 89;
Bibliography of the Journals of the
House of Representatives (Mass.),

[blocks in formation]

Freneau, Philip, Bibliography of, Pattee,97.
Garrison, Wendell P., Holbein and John

Bewick, 47.

Goldsmith, Oliver, and Mother Goose,
Welsh, 285.

Growoll, A., The Term Catalogues and
their Prototypes, 181.

H. R., Translation of "Misfortunes and
Adventures of César Birotteau before
his Birth," 369.

Hariot, Thomas, "A Briefe and True Re-
port of the New Found Land of Vir-
ginia," Livingston, 35; facsimile re-
production of, 39, 88, 123.
Hawkins, Rush C., Some late Notes about
Early Printing, 61.

Holbein and John Bewick, Garrison, 47.
Hudibras, Some Notes on the Three Parts

of, Chew, 123.

Journals of the House of Representatives
(Mass.) Bibliography of, W. C. Ford,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Mosaic Bookbindings, Some Notes on,
Kent, 169.

Notes and Queries, 86, 117, 168.

P. R., Libraries versus Family Chests, 362.
Pagès' Voyages, Beer, 153.

Paltsits, Victor Hugo, Notes from Biblio-
graphical Journals, 27, 72, 112, 156,
199, 246, 313, 383, 460.

Pattee, Fred Lewis, Bibliography of Philip
Freneau, 97.

Plomer, Henry R., Michael Sparke, Puri-
tan Bookseller, 409.
Queries, 86, 122, 397, 477.
Reviews, 79, 165, 260.

Roden, Robert F., The Sixth McKee
Sale, 236.

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, Bibliography of the
Works of, by W. M. Rossetti, Part
I., 420.

Rossetti, William Michael, Bibliography of
the Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti,
Part I., 420.


Michael, Puritan Bookseller,
Plomer, 409.

Term Catalogues (The) and their Proto-
types, Growoll, 181.

Thacher, John Boyd, A Bibliographical
Romance (The Columbus Letter), 269.
Title-pages, Two Rare, 309, 379.
"Traveller, (The)," Explanation of the
Curious Early Form of, 231.
Waller's Poems, The First Edition of,
Chew, 296.

Welsh, Charles, A Forgotten Primer and its
Author, 190; Oliver Goldsmith and
Mother Goose, 285.

White's Century of Malignant Priests, P. L.
Ford, 107.

Witch-hunter (A) in the Book-shops,
Burr, 431.

Wither's Poems, and Bacon's Essays, The
First American Edition of, Eames, 11.

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