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Shore, unknown and silent, 429.
wild and willowed, 444.
Shores of old romance, 403.
Short and bright, 238.

and far between, 307.
and simple annals, 332.
as are the nights, 148.
measures, life in, 144.
swallow-flights, 522.
Short-lived pain, 447.
Shot forth peculiar graces, 184.

heard round the world, 527.
my arrow o'er the house, 119.
my being through earth, 432.
out of an elder gun, 64.
Should auld acquaintance, 389.
keep who can, they, 411.
not say it, say it that, 611.
take who have, they, 411.
Shouldered his crutch, 345.
Shoulders, whose heads do grow
beneath their, 124.

Shoures, April with his, 1.
Shout and revelry, 194.

that tore hell's concave, 172.
Shouted for joy, 545-

Show and gaze o' the time, 99.
driveller and a, 317.

his eyes, 96.

me the steep and thorny way,

us how divine a thing, 408.
which passeth, 101.
world is all a fleeting, 458.
Showed how fields were won, 345.
Showers, honied, 200.

like those maiden, 159.
sweetest, 148.

Shows, comment on the, 414.
Shreds and patches, 116.
Shrewsbury clock, hour by, 59.
Shriek, solitary, 487.
Shrine of the mighty, 477.
Shrines to no code, 529.
Shrunk shank, 41.

Shuffled off this mortal coil, 110.
Shunn'st the noise of folly, 203.
Shut of evening flowers, 189.
shut the door, 285.
the door, shall we, 313.
the gates of mercy, 334.
the windows of the sky, 311.

Shy of using it, 212.
Sibyl, contortions of the, 355-
Sick, say I'm, I 'm dead, 285.

that surfeit with too much, 35.
Sickness and in health, 579.
Sickness-broken body, 168.

Side the sun's upon, 457.
Sides of my intent, 91.
Sidelong looks of love, 344.
maid, snatched hasty from the


Sidney warbler of poetic prose, 364.
Sidney's sister, 145.

Siege to scorn, laugh a, 98.
Sieges, fortunes, 124.
Sigh from Indus to the pole, 293.
humorous, 30.

no more ladies, 26.
passing tribute of a, 334-
that rends thy constant heart,

to those who love me, 483.
yet feel no pain, 458.
Sighed and looked, 221, 309.
at the sound, 369.
for his country, 442.

no sooner, 43.

to many, 467.

to measure, 404.

to think I read a book, 404.
we wept we, 166.
Sighing, a plague of, 56.
farewell goes out, 74.
like furnace, 41.

that nature formed but one
such man, 482.

through all her works, 189.
Sighs, bridge of, 473

to find them in the wood, 514.
world of, for my pains a, 124.
Sight became a part of, 478.
charms strike the, 285.
faints into dimness, 479.
goodly, to see, 468.
hideous, a naked

heart, 263.

loved not at first, 15.
of human ties, 293.


of means to do ill deeds, 51.
of that immortal sea, 422.
of vernal bloom, 179.
out of, out of mind, 5, 14
spare my aching, 331.
swim before my, 293.
to dream of, 431.

which you all know by, 427.
Sightless Milton, 414.
Sights of ugly death, 69.
Sign, dies and makes no, 66.
of gratulation, 188.
outward and visible, 579.
Signet sage, 448.
Significant and budge, 367.
Signifying nothing, 99.

Sicklied o'er with the pale cast of Signs of woe, 189.

thought, 111.

Silence and slow time, 498.


Silence and tears, parted in, 466.
deep as death, 442.
envious tongues, 73.
expressive, 310.

float upon the wings of, 195.
in love bewrays, 13.

is gold, speech is silver, 610.
is the perfectest herald, 26.
that dreadful bell, 126.
was pleased, 182.

ye wolves, 292.

Silent as the moon, 193.

cataracts, 433.

dew, fall on me like a, 159.
fingers point to heaven, 424.
manliness of grief, 347.
organ loudest chants, 527.
prayer, homes of, 522.
sea of pines, 433-

shore, landing on some, 244.
that you may hear, 85.
upon a peak, 499.

Silently as a dream, 460.
Silk, unpaid-for, 133.

Silken tie, silver link the, 445.
Siloa's brook, 170.
Siloam's shady rill, 460.
Silver cord be loosed, 560.
fruit-tree tops, 78.
lining on the night, 195.
link, the, 445.
mantle threw, 182.
pictures of, 556.
speech is, 610.

Simile that solitary shines, 289.
Similes, play with, 403.
Similitudes used, 565.
Simon Pure, 249.
Simple child, 401.

wiles, transient sorrows, 404.
Simples, compounded of, 42.
Simplicity a child, 296.

a grace, 144.

of the three per cents, 377-
resigns her charge, 180.
truth miscalled, 135.
Sin and death abound, 438.
and guilt, each thing of, 197.
blossoms of my, 107.
by that, the angels fell, 72.
could blight, ere, 434-
falter not for, 524.
fools make a mock at, 553-
for me to sit and grin, 535.
his favourite, 427.

no, for a man to labour, 54.
of self-love, 63.

of self-neglecting, 63.
quantum o' the, 387.
thinking their own kisses, 80.

Sin, they, who tell us, 426.
wages of, is death, 572.
Since heaven's eternal year, 226.
the conquest, 234-
Sincerity wrought in a sad, 527.
Sinews bought and sold, 361.
of the new-born babe, 115.
of war, 584

stiffen the, 63.

Sing and that they love, 169.
because I must, 522.
for joy, widow's heart to, 545-
he knew himself to, 199.
in a hempen string, 147.
Singeth to a quiet tune, 430.
Singing of anthems, 60.

of birds is come, 561.
robes, garland and, 206.
singers, 243.
Single blessedness, 32.

hour of that Dundee, 412.
life, careless of the, 523-
Sings about the sky, 489.
Sink beneath the shock, 478.
or swim live or die, 462.
Sinking, alacrity in, 21.

in thy last long sleep, 380.
Sinks or swims, 179.

Sinner of his memory, 17.
Sinning, more sinn'd against than,

I 20.

Sins, compound for, 213-
multitude of, 577-
our compelled, 23.
remembered, 111.

Sion hill delight thee more, 170.
Si: Oracle, I am, 35.
Sires, green graves of

your, 528.

sons of great, 299.
Sirups, lucent, 498.
Sister spirit come away, 295.
Sisters, weird, 96.

Sit upon the ground, let us, 53.
Sitting in a pleasant shade, 143-
Sits on his horse-back, 49.

the wind in that corner, 26.
Six hours in sleep, 380.

hundred pounds a year, 245.
Richmonds in the field, 71.
Sixes and sevens, 603.
Sixpence all too dear, 126.

I give thee, 398.
Size of pots of ale, 212.
Skies, commercing with the, 202.
passed into the, 366.
people of the, 141.
pointing at the, 279.
raised a mortal to the, 221.
rush into the, 270.

setting in his western, 222.

[blocks in formation]

of an innocent lamb, 66.
of my teeth, 545.
Skirmish of wit, 26.
Skirt the eternal frost, 433-
Skirts of happy chance, 523.
Skulls, dead men's, 69.

Sky, admitted to that equal, 270.
banner in the, 535.
beyond the, 466.

blue, bends over all, 431.
canopied by the blue, 483.
forehead of the morning, 200.
girdled with the, 426.
howls along the, 340.
in our northern, 378.
is changed, 472.
milky way i' the, 157.
parent from the, 287.

stars set their watchin the, 442.
tears of the, 306.

under the open, 513.
windows of the, 311.

witchery of the soft blue, 409
yon rich, 520.
Skyey influences, 24
Slain, he can never do that 's, 219.
thrice he slew the, 220.
Slander sharper than the sword, 133.
Slanderous tongues, death by, 28.
Slaughter, lamb to the, 563.

ox goeth to the, 552.
to a throne, 334-

Slave, base is the, that pays, 62.

born to be a, 366.

passion's, 113.

to no sect, 275.
to thousands, 127.
to till my ground, 361.
whatever day makes mana, 299.
Slavery, a bitter draught, 325.

or death, 250.

sold to, 124.

Slaves as they are, down to the
dust with them, 458.
Britons never shall be, 312.
cannot breathe in England, 361.
howe'er contented, 366.
with greasy aprons, 132.
worst of, 338.


Sleave of care, 93.
Sleek-headed men, 83.
Sleep and a forgetting,
charm that lulls to, 348.
exposition of, 33.

Sleep falleth on men, 543.
fan me while I, 361.
first invented, 9.
friendliest to, 185.
giveth his beloved, 551.
in Abraham's bosom, 70.
in dull cold marble, 72.
is like a cloak, 9.

it is a gentle thing, 430.
lay me down to take my, 600.
life rounded with a. 18.
Macbeth does murder, 93.
Nature's soft nurse, 61.
no more, a voice cry, 93.
no more, to die to, 110.
O gentle, 61.

of a laboring man, 558.
of death, 110.

sinking in thy last long, 380.
six hours in, 380.

some must, 114.

sweet restorer, balmy, 261.
the friend of woe, 427.
the innocent, 93.

the sleep that knows not, 448.
timely dew of, 183.

to mine eyes, 551.
to that sweet, 128.
undisturbed, 319.
was aery-light, 184.
yet a little, 552.
Sleeping when she died, 506.
within mine orchard, 106.
Sleepless themselves, 291.
Sleeps in dust, 160, 580.

on his own heart, 418.
the pride of former days, 453.
till tired he, 273-

upon this bank, 38.

Sleet of arrowy shower, 332.

Sleeve, heart upon my, 123.

Sleeves, herald's coat without, 58.

Slepe, out of his, to sterte 3.
Slepen alle night, 1.

Slept, dying when she, 506.

[blocks in formation]

Slowly the Spring comes, 431.
Sluggard, go to the ant thou, 552.
voice of the, 255.

Sluggards sleep, while 316.
Slumber, little, 552.

to mine eyelids, 551.

Slumbering ages, 515.

Slumber's chain, 457.

Slumbers in the shell, 399.
light, dreams and, 447.

Smack of age, 60.

of observation, 49.
Smacked of noyance, 310.
Small choice in rotten apples, 44.
drop of ink, 488.

habits well pursued, 379.
Latin and less Greek, 145.
one a strong nation, 564.
rare volume, 395.
sands the mountain, 267.
service is true service, 420.
things with great, 603.
vices do appear, 122.
Smallest worm will turn, 67.
Smart for it, 553-

for it, some of us will, 28.
girls that are so, 244-
Smarts so little as a fool, 286.
this dog, 314.

Smell a rat, 214, 610.

ancient and fish-like, 18.
flower of sweetest, 410.
of bread and butter, 484.
of the lamp, 583.
sweet and blossoms in the
dust, 160.

the blood of British man, 121.
villanous, 21.

Smelleth the battle, 546.
Smells to heaven, 114.

wooingly, heaven's breath, 90.
Smels sweete al around, 10.
Smile and be a villain, 107.

and sigh, 503.

because it makes us, 490.
calm thou mayst, 380.
could be moved to, 83.
from partial beauty, 439.
ghastly, 178.
good man's, 345.
in pain, 266.

on her lips, 447.
that glowed, 188.

to those who hate, 483.
tribute of a, 444.
vast substantial, 538.
we would aspire to, 72.
why we shall, 87.

Smiled, all around thee, 380.

Smiles at the drawn dagger, 251.

Smiles from reason flow, 189.
his emptiness betray, 287.
in yer face, 304.

of boyhood's years, 457-
of joy, 458.

robb'd that, 125.

seldom he, 83.

the clouds away, 479-
welcome ever, 74-

Smiling at grief, 47.

in her tears, 440.

Smith stand with his hammer
thus, 51.

Smiting it, gently not, 534-
Smoke and stir, 194

that so gracefully curled, 458
Smoking flax, 563.

Smooth runs the water, 66.

the bed of death, 287.
Smoother than butter, 548.
Smoothing the raven-down, 195-
Smooth-lipped shell, 423.
Smoothness, torrent's, 442.
Smote the chord of Self, 518.
Snail, creeping like, 41.
Snails, feet like, 158.
Snake, scotched the, 94.
wounded, 282.
Snapper-up of trifles, 48.
Snatch a fearful joy, 328.

a grace, 280.

Sneer, laughing devil in his, 480.
solemn, 472.

teach the rest to, 286.
Snore upon the flint, 133.
Snow, December's, 52.

fall in the river, 385.
mockery king of, 53.

pure as, 111.

rosebuds filled with, 139.
Snow-flakes fall, 492.
Snow-white ram, 425.
Snuff, only took, 348.
Snuffed out by an article, 490.
Snug as a bug, 316.

little Island, 429.
So much to do, 523.
Soap, invisible, 507.
Soar, wont to, 168.
Sober certainty, 196.
go to bed, 147.
in your diet, 303.
second thought, 233-
Soberness, truth and, 572.
Society became
my glittering

bride, 423.

one polished horde, 491.
solitude is best, 189.

where none intrudes, 475.

Socrates whom well inspired, 192.

[blocks in formation]

he makes a, 479.
how passing sweet is, 366.
is sweet, 366.

least alone in, 472.

sometimes is best society, 189.
where are the charms, 369.

Some are born great, 47.
asked me where, 158.
natural tears, 191.
said John print it, 231.
say no evil thing, 196.
sipping punch, 409.
three ages since, 29.
Something after death, 111.
better than his dog, 518.
dangerous in me, 119.
in a flying horse, 409.
in a huge balloon, 409.
rich and strange, 17.
the heart must have, 534-
too much of this, 113.
wicked this way comes, 96.
Sometimes counsel take, 284.
Son and foe, 178.

every wise man's, 46.
happy for that, 67.
of Adam and Eve, 242.
of his own works, 8.
of parents, 366.
two-legg'd thing a, 222.

Song, burden of some merry, 288.
charms the sense, 176.

for our banner, 512.
govern thou my, 186.
metre of an antique, 134.
mighty orb of, 422.
moralized his, 287.

no sorrow in thy, 380.

of Percy and Douglass, 14.
one immortal, 222.
satire be my, 466.
swallow-flights of, 522.

truth of a, 242.

wanted many an idle, 285.

Songes make and wel endite, 1.
Songs, had my book of, 20.

turned to holy psalms, 140.
Sonne, up rose the, 3.
Sonorous metal, 172.

Sons and kindred slain, 165.
of Belial, 172.

of Columbia, 443.
of night, 454.

of reason valour, 311.
of the morning, 460.
of their great sires, 299.
Sooner lost and won, 46.
Soothe the savage breast, 256.
Soothed with the sound, 220.
Sophonisba, O, 311.
Soprano basso, 484.
Sore labour's bath, 93.
Sorrow, bread in, ate, 534.

calls no time that 's gone, 148.
climbing, 120.
earth has no, 458.

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