INDEX. VOLUME TWENTY-FIVE. Alice. A Story of the times of Cotton Mather. Baptiste Redivivus. By Henry Wikoff. California Gold.- A Song for the occasion. Capital and Labor.. .....249,338 Page. ....416 401 ..368 -193 .385 Cooper's Works - The Spy; a Tale of the Neutral Ground. By the ......51 Education. By Cotton.-Preliminary-General Education-Its Oppo- ....149 Earning a Living. A Comedy in Five Acts. By a Citizen of New- York. ..161, 257, 345, 447, 553 Educational Facilities. - United States and Britain. A paper read before History of the Dauphin.-History of the Dauphin, son of Louis the ..11 John Hill, alias Nixon Currie; or, the Victim of Circumstances. A ..144 My First Week in Paris. By Henry Wikoff.. 116,209, 305 People and Life of Luther... ..129 Marat. By the author of "Robespierre," &c....... ......28 Melville's Mardi.-Mardi, and a Voyage thither. By Herman Melville...44 |