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The War in Europe.-On the first of August, 1914, the world was startled by the outbreak of a great war in Europe. This war was caused by the ardent belief of the German people Causes in their superiority over other races and by the wicked desire of their leaders to conquer and rule other countries. "We are the missionaries of human progress," said the German emperor; "God has called us to civilize the world." "Might gives the right to occupy or to conquer,' was the spirit of Germany. For forty years the German Empire. had been growing in population, in wealth, and in readiness for war. When its rulers felt that they were fully prepared they took advantage of a controversy between Austria and Serbia over the assassination of the Austrian Crown Prince, to provoke a war that


was destined to have a far different outcome than they dreamed. At first, Germany and Austria fought against Russia, France, England, and the smaller states, Belgium, Serbia, and Montenegro. Presently Bulgaria and Turkey cast their lot Nations with Germany, while the great powers, Japan and Italy, and engaged

The western front

drawn into it.

the lesser states, Portugal, Roumania, and Greece, joined the Allies. Indeed, before the war ended, nearly the whole world was Judged by the extent of the countries involved, by the immense number of men engaged, and by the frightful destructiveness with which it was waged, the war which Germany recklessly forced upon the world in 1914 was the greatest and the most terrible struggle in all history. The Germans

One of the Great Skoda Howitzers Used by the planned to crush Germans to Destroy the Belgian Forts.


France quickly, then to

break the power of Russia, and finally to strike at Great Britain with all their might. But when they tried to invade France

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through neutral Belgium that brave little nation defended itself so vigorously that the German advance was delayed for ten days. Then the gray-clad German hosts swept on, driving the French armies and a small but heroic British force before them, until the ruthless invaders had almost reached the gates of Paris. Here the French turned at the command of their great leader, Marshal Joffre, defeated the Germans in the famous battle of the



Marne, and hurled them back from Paris. Germans then dug a line of intrenchments from the North Sea through northern France to Switzerland. Many bloody battles were fought along this line, but its position was not much changed for the next three years. In 1916 the Germans made a supreme effort to break through the French line at Verdun, but the heroic French said, "They shall not pass," and the Germans did not pass, though they lost half a million. men in the attempt.

Underwood & Underwood, N. Y. Jerusalem Delivered

Triumphal entry of General Allenby into the Holy The eastern

City after its capture by the British forces.

While the tides of battle ebbed and flowed along the western front the Germans and the Austrians were also fighting hard against the Russians on the east. For a time the Russians resisted with the utmost gallantry, but they lacked supplies and in the end the Germans overran the western provinces of their country. Early in 1917 a revolution in Russia drove the Czar from power, and before the end of that year Russia was practically out of the war.


of war

In the meantime fierce fighting was raging in many other places. The Italians and the Austrians were locked in combat

Other fields upon the borderland of their countries. In the Balkan peninsula the Germanic powers devastated Serbia and conquered Roumania. A combined British and French expedition against Constantinople met a disastrous repulse at Gallipoli. There was also fighting in Asia and in Africa, where all of Germany's colonies were wrested from her.

At first our country was neutral

The rising feeling against


Why We Entered the World War.-At first American

British Official Photograph

Tanks and Infantry Going into Action at Bapaume

public opinion about the great war in Europe was divided. Some people favored Germany; a far larger number sympathized with the Allies and hoped that they would win. Many were confused about the questions at issue or indifferent about what seemed so far away from them. When the war began, President Wilson promptly declared that the United States would not take sides and appealed to our people to be neutral even in thought.


"Every man who really loves America," he said, "will act and speak in the true spirit of neutrality, which is the spirit of impartiality and fairness and friendliness to all concerned." When he said this the president hoped that by keeping out of the strife abroad we might be free to play a large part in restoring peace and prosperity when the war ended.

But it was impossible for Americans to be neutral in thought. They could not help condemning the wicked German invasion of Belgium, or admiring the plucky stand made by that little country, or being shocked by the horrid atrocities

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