TREATISE ON CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE, COMPILED FROM THE HOLY SCRIPTURES ALONE; BY JOHN MILTON. TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL BY CHARLES R. SUMNER, M. A. LIBRARIAN AND HISTORIOGRAPHER TO HIS MAJESTY, AND PREBENDARY OF CANTERBURY. FROM THE LONDON EDITION. VOLUME L. BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, AND CO.-RICHARDSON AND LORD- 1825. 149 TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. SIRE, In obedience to Your Majesty's gracious command, I have executed a Translation of the recently discovered theological treatise of MILTON, which I have now the honour of laying most humbly at Your Majesty's feet. With every sentiment of gratitude and attachment, I have the honour to be, SIRE, Your Majesty's most humble servant, and dutiful subject, CHARLES R. SUMNER. Windsor, June 25, 1825. 299845 |