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a tree, and there gave way to melancholy reflections. However, as I was sensible these reflections would answer no end, they did not last long. I got up, and marking a great tree, I there deposited my load, not being able to carry it any farther;" and then

"The hardy tar pursued,

Pale, but intrepid, sad, but unsubdued."

After some hours he rejoined his companions; but, struck to the heart by their total want of compassion for his disaster, and by their reproaches for the loss of his burden, "I got up," he says, “and struck into the wood, and walked back at least five miles to the tree I had marked, and returned just time enough to deliver it before my companions embarked, with the Indians upon a great lake."

This zeal however won him very little favour from the Indians, to whom he had thus returned. They forbade his embarking with them, and left him to "wait for some other Indians," not even leaving him a morsel of the putrid seal which he had suffered so much for. How much is contained in his simple

words!"I was left alone upon the beach, and night was at hand. * * I kept my eyes upon the boats as long as I could distinguish them, and then returned into the wood, and sat myself down upon the root of a tree, having eat nothing the whole day but the stem of a plant. * * Quite worn out with fatigue, I soon fell asleep."

He was saved by some Indians. He travelled northward with them, but they gave him scarce any food or shelter. One dark night he slept alone on the beach half in the water, until awakened in agonies of cramp. At last, having again met the captain and officers, and passed

O'er many a cliff sublime,

He found a warmer world, a milder clime.

The wanderers were now Spanish prisoners of war, and thrown into a condemned hole, containing nothing but a heap of lime, swarming with fleas. Whilst here, they suffered from a dreadful shock of an earthquake. But at last, in St. Jago, the four who remained of the crew of the Wager found

A home to rest, a shelter to defend;

Peace and repose,-a Briton and a friend.

This friend being a good Scotch physician, who kept them two years in his house, and treated them as brothers. The prisoners were now put on board a French vessel, and, after more adventures, Byron lived to receive the joyful welcome of his family in England.


ONE of the most remarkable books of adventure ever written, is Mr Borrow's Bible in Spain. Mr. Borrow travelled on foot through Spain and Portugal, to disseminate the Bible among the masses of the people, especially the lowest orders, who are extremely ignorant and superstitious. He lived chiefly with the Gitanas, or Gipsies, who believed him to be one of their own race. He was quite familiar with their language; he conformed to many of their wild habits; they received him into their secret confidence, and admitted him to their most private meetings. The following is the substance of one among many romantic scenes with which Mr. Borrow at once surprises and amuses his readers.

One night more than twenty Gitanas, men and women, were assembled in a long low room, on the ground floor, in a dark alley of the gloomy old town of Cordova.

They for some time conversed of jockey plans and private bargains, then gathered round a huge brasero, or fire-pan of burning charcoal.

Mr. Borrow, who was there precisely as one of themselves, now proposed, as they had nothing to amuse themselves with-such was his cautious tact that they should turn into the Cala language some piece of devotion, to see if it were capable of expressing anything but horses, mules, and Gipsy traffic. He had often heard them regret the decline of their language, and therefore he judged that this would prove acceptable. The proposal was received, indeed, with acclamations.

Mr. Borrow first recited in Spanish, the Apostles' Creed, in the usual manner, without pausing. Then he went through it, sentence by sentence; and the Gipsies, with eager interest, translated each sentence into the Cala tongue, disputing with each other as to the best render

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