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reigning toast among the numerous gentlemen who refide in the vicinity of Sedgely Grove? She is indeed greatly courted and admired, yet gentle and

ings, and very bad. hearts? moft certainly we do there are many weak men, indeed, who are good-natured, that is, well-difpofed; but to imagine, when we hear a man called good-na-unaffuming, and takes upon her no tured, that he must neceffarily have a lofty airs in confequence of this flatdafh of the fool in him, is furely to teiing diftinction. I know I fhall not pronounce upon his intellects with too be fufpected by my Harriet of vanity, much precipitation. That good-na-if I tell you, that too am not altotured men, having eafy difpofitions, gether unnoticed by the fmarts that are frequently drawn into fituations furround us. My amiable friend frankwhich do no credit to their under- ly confeffes, that her tenderest affecftandings, I will readily allow; but I tions have been long engaged to a muft beg leave to add, at the fame young gentleman, the only fon of a time, that I have feen men, remark-worthy nobleman, who is now in the able for their mental abilities, do as army in America. Her parents apmany good-natured actions as the beft-prove of this attachment, and intend, natured filly fellows in the univerfe when Mr. Bellamy returns,. to join could be guilty of. Let us therefore their hands. learn to feparate good-nature from folly, and not run away with a notion that they are conflant companions. I am Sir, Your's



Mifs MARIA VERNON, to Lady


Julia often rallies me on my conquefts, and fays, "That if her love for Harry B had not extinguished her ambition for gaining admirers, it would never have done to have introduced fuch a girl as your Maria among a fet of beaux, upon whom beauty has fuch influence."

Every day brings fome new scheme for amufement: our pleasures are varied in the moft agreeable manner; reading, writing, walking, and mufic, is our chief employ. Charles Wilmot is ever by my fide; his polite affiduities give me inexpreffible pleafure: for oh! Harriet, my heart is not proof

perfection of his mind, and the charms of his converfation. I love him, but this is a fecret that was unknown even to myself, till an accident difcovered the real fituation of my heart.

Sedley Grove, that the bare idea of quitting it gives me the most difagreeable fenfations. Lord and lady Melbourn entreat me not to leave them; Julia vows fhe cannot, will not part with me; her brother George Mils Melbourn, George, and Charles, too begs I will not defert them; and were diverting themselves yesterday the gentle Wilmot joins in the requeft with angling in the canal before the with an carneftnefs that pleafes me. houfe, while I, not feeling any incliSo many perfuafions are not to be with- nation juft then for that amusement, food; you must not, therefore, Har- fat on the bow-window of the drawingriet, expect me yet at Afhby Park. room an idle spectator. Wilmot's line Julia Melbourn is, I think, a ftran-entangling in a fhrub that hung over ger to your ladyfhip: fhe is a moll the water, he ftooped forward to difamiable girl-every day I find my engage it, and the bank giving way, friendship for her increate. Her form fell in. Oh heavens! what were my is the most elegant that can be ima- emotions! A tremor invaded gined, nor is her mind lefs lovely. Can limb, my heart funk within me, and I every it be wondered then, that he is a fhould certainly have fainted, if he had


not, with the affiftance of Mr. Melbourn, inftantly regained the fhore. The agonies I felt on this alarming occafion convinced me, that this amiable youth is dearer to me than I was aware of what would I give to know bis fentiments! His behaviour is reaily puzzling: fometimes he is fo attentive, and converses with me with fach feeming pleasure, that I am rea dy to flatter myself he regards me not with indifference; at others, he apparently avoids me, retires to the woods and gardens, and rambles for hours alone. Interrupted by Mifs Melburn." Well, Julia, what is the matter?""Matter, my dear, why you are for ever stealing from me to your pen; but come, put it by, and adjust your drefs, Sir William Seymour and his fifter are below-the ladies enquire after you, and the young baronet, I am certain, withes to fee you he has heard what a nonfuch you are, and is come prepared to admire you." Away hurried the dear girl.

I foon followed, and, on entering the parlour, was received with great refpect. Sir William approached me with a graceful bow, accompanied with a compliment. I anfwered only with a courtely. We feated ourselves, and foon entered into a fpirited and agreeable conversation, in which Charles difplayed the brilliance of his wit to great advantage.

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from Sedly Park :-their brother is juft returned from his travels, and appears in the most exemplary light, both as a fon and a brother. They gave us a preffing invitation to Famly Abbey, and we intend accepting at in a few days, as Julia and 1, to fay nothing of George, wish to cultivate an intimacy with these sweet girls.

Prefent my fincerest refpects to lord Walbrook, and tell him that his tender kindness to my Harriet, greatly enhances the good opinion I always had of him. You, my dear fifter, and my little nephew, are always remembered with the trueft affection By your


(To be continued.)


[From Mr. Falle's Dedication of his Hif-
tory of that Ifland, to Krg William.]


VER fince our ancient dukes

exchanged their coronet for that imperial crown which your majefty now wears, we have been noted for our fidelity to our kings. We glory not in the extent or riches of our country; but we glory in our loyalty, After tea we walked into the grove; which we kept unblemished to this the baronet attached himself to me,day." That this boaft of the hiftorian George was extremely attentive to the was not a vain one is eafily proved. In young ladies, and Wilmot deeply en- every war betwixt the English and the gaged with Julia, quite in the ferous French, Jerfey has ever been princi#tyle. My beau, I confefs, was unex-pally aimed at by the enemy, fomeceptionable: he has an excellent un-times attempted by them, always with derstanding, and his fentiments are noble and delicate.-Thefe amiable qualities, united to a fine perfon, a pair of dark blue expreffive eyes, and a remarkable foftnefs of addrefs, you will fay, muft render him an irrefiftible object-not in my eyes, I affure you, Harriet. Well, but you fay, what are the girls? Why, my dear, they are perfectly lovely, amiable, fenfible, and accomplished. They refide with their mother, at a fine feat five miles

ill fuccefs. During the unfortunate reign of king John, when the French forces, teized upon Normandy, this, with its fifter islands, remained unalterably fixed in firm allegiance to England.

Twice did the French

make good their landing in Jersey, and though the English were too much embroiled at home, to afford the iflanders any affiftance, yet were they obliged to retire with lofs and fhame. In king Edward's reign, the ¡same

E 2



A new Translation from MAR MONTEL.
By Miss GEORGIANA HT, a young
Lady between Sixtern and Seventeen.
(Continued from Vol. XI. Pag, 698.)


that with which was not for him! "See how he revenges himself for Juftina will you believe me now? Is not this a charming Sylph."

fate attended the famous Betrand du The SYLPH HUSBAND. Guefelin, who made a descent on this ifland, with ten thousand men; this being the only place belonging to England, which baffled the arms of that great and unfortunate warrior. And in later days, twice did Charles the Second find a fafe retreat in this ifland, when the patriots of thofe days excluded him from the rest of his dominions. Their unfkaken fidelity to HE next morning as Eliza fat his father is well known, and the noble her eyes upon the fopha, and cried at her toilette, Juftina fixed ftand they made against the rebels (af-out in aftonishment. Eliza turned her ter they had imbrued their hands in head, and faw a robe difplayed there, royal blood, and all England had fub- like that which he had taken notice mitted to their tyranny) itands record- of in her walk. ed in the memoirs of one, who was in the confidence of the arch-rebel, himfelf. Elizabeth Castle in Jerfey, and Coronet Caftle in Guernsey, were the two laft places that ftood out for the king; and when neceility at latin looking at this new prodigy. VoThe eyes of Eliza were never tired obliged the garrifon to open their lange came at this inftant. gates, yet did they march out upon Madam," faid he, "a charming robe, "This is, equal and honourable terms. How Your tafte, Madam, is a fufficient comwell they have acquitted themfelves mendation of the object of your choice. out of their own country, is well Indeed," added fhe," in examining known in the navy of Great Britain. the fabric more minutely, it feems to To the names of Carteret, Hardy, be the manufacture of the fairies." and Durell, men of great eminency This familiar ftyle of difcourfe, was and reputation in naval command, to e-propos, that Eliza blushed as much might be added many, who in the laft as if he had been betrayed, and her war, and in this, have (though not as fecret had been difcovered. admirals yet as captains, lieutenants, In the evening fhe did not fail to &c.) fhewn themselves men of true applaud the active gallantry of her honour, abilities, and courage. That pretty little Sylph; and he on the the catalogue of men of learning fhould other hand, fpoke a thoufand and at be large, cannot be expected; but thoufand tender things on the happieven in this point, the ifland of Jerfey nefs flowing from the decorating thofe has fomewhat wherein to glory: wit-whom we love, and of enjoying the good nefs Dr. Durell, dean of Windfor, and Dr. Brevint, dean of Lincoln, in Charles the Second's time, authors of feveral learned treatifes, in defence of the church of England; Mr. Falle, who, belides his valuable hiftory of that ifland, published feveral excellent fermons; Mr. D'Auvergne, to whom we are indebted for the best accounts of fome of king William's campaigns; Mr. Morant, the antiquary; the late Dr. Durell, principal of Hertford College, Oxford; and Dr. Bandinel, the prefent public orator of that university.

offices which one has done, that the inceffantly repeated them; "No mortal could ever make ufe of fuch language; it was granted only to a celef tial intelligence to think and fpeak in

fuch a manner."

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I must forewarn you notwithftanding," faid he," that your huftake a pleafure in refining his foul, in band will foon become my rival. I rendering him as gentle, as tender, and as flexible as his nature will permit. You will be a gainer by it without doubt, Eliza, and your happiness is


all I wish; but fhall I not be a loofer by the bargain ?"

"Oh, do you doubt," faid fhe, "that I fhall not attribute to you every attention he fhall practife to pleafe me? Is he not like a ftatue, which you endeavour to animate ?"

"So then, you will love me in him; and while you think that it is I who animate him, you will take a pleafure in making him happy?"

"No, Valoé, that would be to deceive him; but falsehood I deteft. It is you that I love, it is not him; and to addrefs him in the fame manner as I would you, would be to deceive you both."

Volange being fearful of engaging any father on fo delicate a fubject, changed the difcourge on purpose, and asked how she had diverted herself the preceding day?

"And, do you, who can read my thoughts, want any information in that head? Thofe moments, wherein I was free from conftraint, were employed in making a cypher which was compofed of the initials of our two names. I have drawn many a flower, and never finished one that pleafed me fo much as this cypher."

"You are mistress likewise of an uncommon talent," said he, "which you neglect, though the pleafures refulting from it are of the pureft kind: you have a charming voice, an exquifite ear, and the harp, when touched by your fingers, and accompanied by your voice, must give a feaft to the inhabitants of the air."

Eliza promised him to practife it, and they left each other more enamoured, more enchanted than ever.

"I am frequently left by myself," faid the to her husband, "mufic would be an elegant diflipation. The harp is a fafhionable inftrument, and I have a mind to try it."

"Nothing is more eafy," said Volange, with an air of complaifance; and that very evening he fent her in an harp.

The Sylph returned at the ufual hour, and was charmed to find that he adopted and followed his ideas

with fo much vivacity. "Ah," faid Eliza to him, "you are far more happy, you guefs mine, and you know how to anticipate them. What a precious gift muft it be to read the fentiments of one, whom one loves! We do not give them time enough to wish! So much have you the advantage of me."

"Do not let that make you uneafy," replied Valoé, "complaisance is not without its reward; I accomplifh my wifhes, when I prevent your's, and you, while you wait for mine, have the pleasure of faying to yourself, that it is my foul which conducts you. It is more flattering to prevent, but it is more charming to pleafe. My advantage is that of self, but your's that of love."

Such delicacy was to Eliza the most charming attachment in the world. She wished the might never ceafe to hear fuch endearing expreffions; but out of compaflion to her, Volange thought it beft to leave her after he had caufed fo great an agitation; and fleep came to compofe her.


The firft idea fhe had on opening her eyes was that of the Sylph and the second that of her harp. It was brought her the preceding evening, plain and without ornaments. ran into her study, and found a harp embellished with feftoons of flowers, which feemed but juft gathered. Her joy was equal to her aftonishment ! No," faid he, "the pencil could never have produced fuch an illufion in a mortal hand!" And how could fhe doubt its being a prefent from the Sylph ? Two brilliant wings crowned. this harp, which was no doubt the fame as Valoé touched in the celeftial concert. While fhe was meditating thanks, the master came, whom the fent for to give her a lesson.

M. Timotheus being inftructed by Volange in the part he was to play, began with the praife of the harp. "What richness, what harmony there is in the tone of this charming inftrument! What can be fweeter, what more majeftic! The harp, if they were to be believed, would revive all the miracles afcribed to the lyre. But

the harp is then incomparable," added | Or announcing to the fwains

the modern Orpheus, "when accompanied with the tones of a melodious voice. Obferve likewife, my lady, that nothing difplays to more advantage an elegant arm, and a fine hand; and when a lady has learnt to hold up her head with an air of enthusiasm, how are her charms animated, her eyes fired with the founds the hears, and in a word fhe redoubles her native charms !"

Eliza cut fhort this elogium, by afking her mafter, whether he was defcended from Timotheus, Alexan

der's musician.”

"Yes, my Lady," said he are of the fame family."

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She practifed her first leffon. mufician feemed to be charmed with the tone of the harp. "That is celeftial!" cried he.

"I believe it," faid Eliza, afide in a low voice.

"Come, my Lady, try thefe fweet


Eliza ftretched her trembling fingers to the ftrings, and every note fhe played pervaded her very heart.

"That is miraculous!" cried Timotheus, "miraculous indeed! I hope I fhall foon hear you accompany it with your sweet voice, and give fome grace to my mufic and my words."

Flora fhall refume the reins.

Greater bleffings fill my panting breast,
Aurora fheds her tears in vain,
I prefide o'er my fair beauty's reft.
Zephyr's fond love may ceafe to deck the plain.
Eliza, to my love-fick eyes,
Rivals the beauties of the skies.

"What, Mr. Timotheus! what! did you make thefe yerfes ?""

"I! my Lady, I never made a verfe in my life. My ginie dictated them. He has been more liberal; he has fet them; and you will find that he has done them juftice."

"Well, my Lady," faid he, after he had fung, "what do you think of them? Am I not happy in having such a genie."

"But, Sir, do you know who the Eliza is, whofe praise you have celebrated?"

"No, my Lady: but I think it is just like using the name of Phillis, Cloris, or Ifis. I fuppofe my genie made ufe of that of Eliza, because it is mufical."

"Then you do not regard the fenfe of the verfes you fung to me?"

"No, my Lady, that is of no importance; they are melodious, full of expreffion, and that is enough for a finger."

"I infift upon it," replied the, "that no one fhall know any thing of them but myself; and if your


"Do you then write verfe?" faid she, fmiling. "Ŏ, my Lady," anfwered Timo-genie fhould infpire you again, I beg theus; "it was one of the oddeft things you will referve his production for that you ever heard, and what I can fcarcely believe myfelf. I have been told that every own had his genie, but I looked upon it as a mere fable; yet now believe nothing is more certain. I myself, as fure as I am fpeaking to you had one, but yet I did not know it. Even yesterday in the evening I was wavering in my belief."

"But how came you to make the difcovery ?"

"How! At night, as I was a fleep, and dreaming, my genie appeared and dictated these verses to me,

"Far be the flighty honour, far Of guiding fair Aurora's car!

She waited, with impatience for her Sylph, to thank him for his infpiring her mufic mafter. He pretended that he was totally ignorant of the matter; but at the fame time granted that it was reafonable that fine writers fhould be thought to be inspired.

"They are," faid he, "the favourites of the Sylphs, and every one of them has his genie likewife. It is, therefore, no furprifing thing, that M. Timotheus fhould have one; and if it fhould infpire him with verfes, which you are pleafed with, he may think himfelf next time, one of the happiest inhabitants of the air."


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