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5. Who shall dig his grave?

"I," said the Owl,

"With my spade and shov'l, And I'll dig his grave."

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7. Who'll be the clerk?

"I," said the Lark,

"If it's not in the dark, And I'll be the clerk."

8. Who'll carry him to his grave? "I," said the Kite,

"If it's not in the night,

And I'll carry him to his grave."

9. Who'll carry the link? "I," said the Linnet,

"I'll fetch it in a minute, And I'll carry the link."

10. Who'll be the chief mourner?

"I," said the Dove,

"I mourn for my love,

And I'll be the chief mourner."

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căptain princess

Pō-ca-hon'tas Pow-ha-tăn' warriors daughter. huş band



1. Many years ago, when there was only one white village in the country, the Indians lived in great numbers in the forest. The name of the village was Jamestown, and its chief man was Captain John Smith, who was a brave soldier.

2. One time Captain Smith became lost in the forest, far away from the village. The Indians found him, seized him and bound him. They brought him before their great chief, Powhatan.

3. Powhatan said the white chief must die. A large stone was brought. Smith, bound hand and foot, was laid on the ground with his head on this stone. Indians came with great war clubs to dash out his brains,



4. Just as the warriors were about to strike, Pocahontas, a little daughter of Powhatan, ran to Smith, clasped her arms about him, and laid her head on his. The warriors could not kill Smith without killing the chief's daughter.

5. Pocahontas was very dear to Powhatan. He could never refuse her anything. He made the warriors put away their clubs. Smith was unbound and set free.

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