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1. This story is more wonderful than any fairy tale that ever could be told. It is a true, true story, and you shall learn more of it when you are older.

2. These things happened nearly two thousand years ago, in a little village in a far away country.

3. In that country there were many shepherds. One clear, still night some of these shepherds were watching their flocks on the low hills near the village.

4. All at once, a great blaze of light shone down from the sky. It was so bright that the shepherds could not look at it. They fell upon the ground, in great fear, and hid their faces.

5. But scon a glorious angel stood in the midst of the light. He spoke to the shepherds and his voice was clear and sweet.

6. He said, “Fear not for I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be for all people."

7. The angel told the shepherds to go to the village, and they should find a little baby. He said, "Ye shall find the babe in a manger." He told them that the child was the Christ, and that he would be a King and Savior.

8. When the great angel had finished speaking, he rose again to the sky. Then the light was filled with thousands of angels that came with shining and flashing wings. These angels sang, "Peace on earth, good will toward men." The music was the sweetest this world has ever heard.

9. People had long been looking for the Christ to come. So the shepherds knew the angel spoke the truth, and they went in haste to Bethlehem.

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10. A beautiful star led the way, and stood over a stable in a cave. The shepherds went in and found Mary and her little babe.


11. People had thought that the Christ was to come as a mighty King and ruler. child was poor and lowly, yet his mother knew he was to be the Savior. The shepherds also knew they had found the child of whom the angel sang.


12. Now, in a country far from this village, there lived some wise men who looked for the coming of Christ. God told them that this was the time that Christ should come. He told them to go search for the Holy Child.

13. He sent a bright star to travel before them. The star was to lead the way to the baby's home. So for many, many days these wise men traveled, always keeping their eyes on the star.

14. They rode on camels, and carried rich

gifts for the child. At last the star stopped over a city.

15. The wise men went into the city. They asked of every one, "Where is the King that

is born? We have seen his star in the east, and have come to worship him."


16. The King in the city was a wicked and cruel man. He heard of the coming of the wise men, and of the questions they were asking the people.

17. King Herod was troubled, for he did not like to think of there being another king. He wished to have all the power for himself.

18. So he called together the wisest men of the city. He asked them where the ChristKing should be born. They said, "In Bethlehem, for so it is written."

19. Then King Herod sent for the three strangers who were looking for the child. He told them to go at once to Bethlehem. 20. "Find the young child," he said, “then

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