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relative to the political position of my Cabinet, I find it absolutely necessary that the question of the maintenance and of the possibility of carrying out the Constitution of the 4th of March, 1849, should be taken into ripe and serious consideration.

"You have to consult with the President of my Reichsrath, and to give me as soon as possible your mutual opinions and propositions relative to the manner and extent of the question, as also as to the proceedings and forms to be observed during the examination.

"During the examination of this question, and in all future discussions concerning it, you have to consider as principle and object, and as the irrefragable foundation of all your operations, the maintenance of all the conditions of monarchical government, and the unity of the states of my empire.

"FRANZ JOSEPH (M.P.) "Schönbrünn, Aug. 20, 1851."

SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN.In our preceding volume we stated that before the close of last year the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein submitted to the authority of the King of Denmark. This was substantially the fact, for after the offered mediation by Prussia and threat on the part of Austria to interfere summarily by force with a body of Federal troops, no further attempt at hostility was made. But the formal submission was not made until the beginning of the present year, when a proclamation was issued by the Stadtholders to the inhabitants, in which they announced the cessation of the war, and the reference of the matters in dispute to the arbitrement of the

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"Schleswig-Holsteiners, -The treaty of peace of the 2nd of July made a renewed recognition of the rights of our country, and left it to the Duchies to protect those rights; but since the Germanic Confederation has now resolved to enforce the peace, with a promise that they will protect the rights of Holstein, and the old and vested right of the connection between that duchy and Schleswig, the Stadtholders felt it to be their duty to decree the cessation of hostilities. They have placed the rights of the country under the protection of the Germanic Confederation.


The Stadtholders have to thank the army and navy for the glorious proofs of gallantry and honourable perseverance which they have given; they have to thank the people for the joyful readiness with which they made the heaviest sacrifices.

"The Government of the country thinks it a duty to mediate the transition to another administrative board, which will be established by the Germanic Confederation. After the installation of this board, the Stadtholders will resign their power.

"Schleswig-Holsteiners! For the future, too, we are sure you will preserve the glory of order and legality.

"The Stadtholders of the Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein




Kiel, Jan. 11.


On the 1st of February the following proclamation appeared:"Fellow-Citizens,-On the summons of the Powers of Germany, acting in the name of the Germanic Confederation, and pursuant to a resolution of the Diet of the 11th of January of this current year, the Stadtholders have mediated the transition from the power of Government which was delegated to them by the Central Power of Germany to another Government which is being appointed by the Germanic Confederation. Having discharged their part of the duty, the Stadtholders have resigned their power into the hands of the Commissioners of the Germanic Confederation.

"The purposes of the late war are now to be effected by means of peaceable negotia


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George V., by the grace of God King of Hanover, Royal Prince of Great Britain and Ireland, Duke of Cumberland, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, &c. God the Almighty hath been pleased this day to remove from the world our most honoured Father, the Most Serene, Most Mighty Prince and Lord, Ernestus Augustus, King of Hanover, Royal Prince of Great Britain and Ireland, Duke of Cumberland, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg. We, our Royal House, and our subjects have by this bereavement been overwhelmed with affliction. And whereas by the established order of succession the government of the kingdom of Hanover hath passed into our hands, we by these presents inform our subjects and authorities that we have entered upon

the functions of government. And further, we promise by these presents, and pledge our Royal word to the most sacred observance of the constitution of the country ;

and while we confirm our Ministers of State, and all our servants of secular or clerical estates, in their offices, trust, and dignities, we have that confidence in them, and in all our subjects, that they will grant us all due obedience, love, and honour. In return of which, we assure them of our Royal grace and favour, of our protection, and desire, with the help of Almighty God, and to the best of our abilities, to promote the welfare of our subjects.

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affixed thereunto, shall be placed into the archive of the General Assembly of Estates, and that the same shall be published in the first number of the edition of our laws.







CAPE OF GOOD HOPE.-Meeting at King William's Town between Sir H. Smith and the Caffre Chiefs-Deposition of Sandilli-Unsuccessful Attempt to capture that Chieftain-General Rising of the Natives and Outbreak of Caffre War-Repulse of Colonel Somerset-The Caffres advance beyond the Great Fish River and ravage the Colony-Contests between them and the British Troops-Severe losses of the Settlers— Insurrection of Hottentots-They are successfully attacked by General Somerset-Memorial of Board of Defence of Graham's Town to Sir Harry Smith-His Reply-Engagement between Troops under the Command of Colonel Fordyce and the Caffres-He is subsequently killed in Action-Constitution granted by Earl Grey to the ColonyIts Provisions-Its Reception by the Colonists.

CUBA.-Second Piratical Invasion of Cuba by General Lopez from America-Narrative of the disastrous Failure of the ExpeditionDeception practised to engage Volunteers-Execution of LopezAccount of his Career-Letter from Colonel Crittenden-Narrative written by M. Xavier Isturiz, Spanish Minister in Great Britain. UNITED STATES.-Message of the President. TOPICS.-1. Cuban Expedition-2. Right of Search of American Vessels-3. Assault on the House of the Spanish Minister at New Orleans-4. The Turkish Government and Kossuth-5. Intercommunication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans-6. Financial Statement-7. Question of a Low Tariff-8. Californian Gold-9. Ad valorem and specific Duties10. Disposal of Lands in California-11. Agricultural Bureau12. Army-13. Navy-14. Post Office-15. Proposal to revise the written Laws of the United States-16. Fugitive Slave Act― 17. Territorial and Slavery Questions.


APE OF GOOD HOPE.CAFFRE WAR.-For many years the Great Fish River formed the eastern boundary of our colonial dominion in South Africa, and Graham's Town was the principal settlement or capital of the eastern district. But latterly the frontier line had been extended as far as the river Kei, and the territory between this and the Great Fish River was called British Caffraria,

and treated by the Colonial authorities as a sort of neutral district. But it became the fertile source of many disputes between the native Caffres and the settlers, and the most powerful of the Caffre chiefs, Sandilli, especially, gave much trouble by his conduct, and excited well-founded alarm as to his hostile intentions. Last year Sir Harry Smith, the officer who so greatly distinguished him

self in the Sikh war by his brilliant victory at Aliwal, was appointed Governor of the Cape, and in the month of October, in consequence of the threatening aspect of affairs in British Caffraria, he left Cape Town by sea and sailed to King William's Town, where he summoned a meeting of the Caffre chiefs. A great many assembled, but Sandilli, who was the most formidable, and regarded as a kind of king amongst them, did not appear. The following account of the interview is taken from one of the Cape journals :

"On mentioning the rumours that were spread abroad in the colony, Sir H. Smith wished to know who had thus alarmed the colonists; he understood they had originated with the native Gaika tribes. He was surprised that they should be such fools as to believe in such a fool-a boy prophet who was all over grease, and as black as a coal. If they were not happy, continued his Excellency, and wanted war, he would make war with them (holding up a long stick with a brass knob at the end, called generally the stick of peace). 'I will make war, and bring my troops from Cape Town in four days, as I came myself; and I will drive you all over the Kei, and get Krili to drive you to the Umzimvoobo, and I will be there too-I was there once; you know it and then get Faku to drive you further; and then you will be scattered over the earth, as beasts of the field and vagabonds. But the good I will protect and assist, and be their father. I will kill every one that will not fight on my side. There is a God above; he knows all things.'

"There were about 350 Caffres in all; and the meeting separated

peaceably, his Excellency inviting the chiefs into the house. The chiefs were very humble, more especially Pato; and came forward at his Excellency's request to shake hands with him, as a token of peace and allegiance to the Queen as British subjects."

As Sandilli had refused to obey Sir Harry Smith's summons, he was formally deposed by the Governor from his authority, and Sir Harry Smith then returned to Cape Town.

Soon afterwards,

however, news arrived there that Sandilli was determined not to recognise the act of deposition, and was preparing to assert his claim to the chieftainship over his dependent tribes by force. Upon this, Sir Harry Smith hastened back to King William's Town, which is in the centre of British Caffraria, and on the 19th of December held at Fort Cox a great meeting of the Gaika chiefs and people. He there called upon them to choose a chief to govern them in place of Sandilli; and, after some delay, they named Sutu, the


great widow," and mother of Sandilli, whom Sir Harry Smith at once accepted, and on the following day he notified her appointment by a public proclamation.

He wished to prevail upon the other chiefs to accomplish the capture of the outlawed Sandilli; but this they declined to attempt, alleging that he was too powerful for them to cope with. But as information was given that Sandilli was lurking in the neighbourhood, Sir H. Smith thought he might be able by a sudden sortie to make him prisoner, or at all events, force him to abandon that part of the country. He therefore ordered a body of troops to make the at

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