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VIII. Considering the extended and powerful influence exerted upon the female portion of the population by the labours of Mrs. Hu, we deem it imperative that she and her husband continue to labour in this district, and that Mr. Gii be appointed to Hauchia; also, we deem it expedient that the two preachers exchange pulpits on the Sabbath, as far as practicable, but that each work his own station during the week.


LINDLEY, HUDDERSFIELD. WITH great joy we record the dedication of this spacious and splendid sanctuary, and the principal circumstances by which its opening services were attended. It is unnecessary to give details of the character of the building or the promised subscriptions to it, as these were very amply supplied to the Connexion when the work was commenced. It may, however, be repeated that the style is Grecian, with noble Corinthian pillars in front, an elegant arched ceiling, and accommodation for 1,200 persons. The building is of stone, with two excellent vestries, and all the modern apparati which can add comfort and attraction to a place of worship. To the present the cost amounts to a little over £4,000, and the receipts to £2,500; so that the debt will be less than £2,000. With joyful expectancy our friends have awaited for two years and a half its completion, which had been delayed once and yet again by contingencies quite beyond their control. But Thursday, Nov. 22nd, 1866, was fixed, with good reason to hope for no further delays, and, indeed, in the determination to open then whether completed or not. Contractors perceived this, and did their best to meet our views; and, although the surroundings outside were incomplete, the internal appointments left nothing to be desired.

The morning dawned gloomily and cold, and as noonday passed, heavy rain set in, which depressed our spirits, and weakened our hopes of a good attendance at three o'clock, when the Rev. S. Hulme (President) was to preach the opening sermon. Imagine, therefore, our surprise and grateful joy, when we entered the chapel, to find a very large and respectable congregation. Our President conducted the service most ably, fittingly, and profitably; and his appeal for help secured the noble sum

of £157. At 6.30 the chapel was crowded, and the Rev. M. Miller (Free Church) conducted the service; the sum offered making the total collections for the first day £229 3s. 6d. On Sunday, November 25th, the Rev. J. A. Macdonald (Wesleyan) took the morning service, which, had the Rev. W. Baggaly been in good health, he would have conducted; the Rev. R. Bruce, M.A. (Congregational), conducted service in the afternoon; and the Rev. Dr. Stacey preached at night to an immense assemblage, the collections making the total to that time £380 9s. 6d. On Lord's-day, December 2nd, the Rev. Dr. Crofts preached with great power; at 2.30 p.m. the Rev. E. J. Baxter occupied the pulpit, to the great profit of his old friends; and at night the Rev. C. D. Ward preached the last sermon of the series; the collections for the day increasing the total to £565 14s. 6d.!

On Monday, December 3rd, a teameeting was held to complete and crown the opening efforts. Unfortunately, the day was one of the wettest and most boisterous of this terrible year, and our hopes were again dashed. But everything, as before, was better than our fears. The friends appeared indifferent to, and seemingly unconscious of, bad weather, and actually 700 took tea; while the after-meeting had proportions considerably greater. Mr. Councillor Pilling, whose interest in this work has been most active and unflagging, presided, and his spirited and skilful generalship did much to make the meeting a triumphant success. W. Sykes, Esq., jun., treasurer, gave a complete summary of the facts and features of this noble effort, and it is quite impossible to describe the enthusiasm with which he was greeted again and again for his self-denying toil in connection with the Building Committee, and as the statements by which that toil was proved were presented to the people. Appropriate speeches were delivered by the Revs.

Dr. Crofts, E. J. Baxter, and J. Parker (Baptist); Wright Mellor, Esq., J.P., W. Jenkinson, and J. Turner, Esqs., of Manchester, and others; at which time my worthy colleague, the Rev. D. Brearley, and others were canvassing for donations among the people, with collecting boxes and slips of paper. This final effort resulted in offerings to the amount of £115, which, with the profits of the tea, brought up the grand total to £725 14s. 6d. ! That is a grand total, indeed! exciting in us lively gratitude and ardent joy. While the debt remaining will be easily managed and gradually reduced, I am glad to state that 550 sittings are already let; the friends are united, zealous, and hopeful; the old chapel is to be prepared for, and devoted to Sunday-school uses; and in society, congregation, and school, it is safe to predict that we shall maintain our longestablished precedence in Lindley, and I fervently pray that our people there may now devote themselves thoroughly to the great work of causing the righteousness of Zion to go forth as brightness and her salvation as a lamp that burneth. C. D. WARD.

December 12th, 1866.




Ir deserves to be placed on permanent record, that a third new chapel is now in course of erection in the Huddersfield circuit. The site is on Primrose Hill, a flourishing suburb of the circuit-town. The foundationstone was laid by Mrs. H. Dyson Taylor, on Saturday, October 20th, in the presence of a large concourse of respectable friends. The Rev. C. D. Ward presented to Mrs. Taylor a very elegant silver trowel, and Mr. Alfred Taylor presented a walnut mallet. The stone having been lowered into its place, Mrs. Taylor, with great grace and skill, observed the usual formalities, and declared it duly laid. The Rev. C. D. Ward expounded our denominational polity and doctrines, after which Mrs. Taylor gave a cheque for £50, in the name of Messrs. H. D. and J. W. Taylor; a number of purses

with contributions were placed on the stone, and a collection was made.

In the evening a large tea-meeting was held in a spacious tent; W. presided over the public meeting, and Jenkinson, Esq., of Manchester, the circuit ministers, with Mr. J. Harvey, and others, addressed it. The total proceeds thus realized amounted to more than £70, and various other sums, already given, bring up the contributions to near £200. A general convass, however, has still to be made, which is expected to produce a vastly larger total.

The intended chapel is to accommodate above 300 persons, and the school-room about 400 scholars. Our present room is excessively crowded with scholars in schoolhours, and with adults in public worship. We have had, of late, glorious seasons of grace, and striking

conversions. A second class has been formed with promising prospects, and the influx of scholars has driven us to rent a second cottage until the new school is ready.

This interest, if well worked, will be a valuable accession to our circuit. Nov., 1866. C. D. WARD.


MY DEAR SIR,-When our beloved and beautiful chapel was opened, twelve months ago, our generous friend, Mark Firth, Esq., offered to give £250 towards the reduction of the debt, then £1,560, on condition that the congregation would raise £310 more within one year. The offer was rather a startling one on two accounts-the largeness of the sum promised by Mr. Firth, and the difficulty of beginning afresh to beg so soon. On the one account it was accepted with gladness, and on the other with fear; but accepted it was, and right nobly have our friends responded and redeemed their pledge. The usual machinery was soon set in motion. Subscriptions were obtained, a sale was held on the 30th and 31st of October, and a teameeting on the 5th of November. After tea, a public meeting was held in

the chapel, over which Mr. Firth presided.

Mr. Saville, the treasurer of the trustees, read the financial statement, by which it appeared, to the great delight of the meeting, that the sum necessary to claim Mr. Firth's subscription of £250 had been obtained. He also expressed his conviction that an extremely prosperous future was opened before our church.

Mr. Firth said he was very glad to hear Mr. Saville's statement, and congratulated the friends upon their success, assuring them that it would give him much more pleasure to hand over to Mr. Saville the sum he had promised than to keep it.

Mr. T. E. Barkworth next addressed the meeting, and in a very earnest address, containing many beautiful allusions, illustrated and enforced the "voluntary principle," of which, he thought, their success was a glorious instance.

Mr. Coupe said he was not much of a speaker, but would give £20 towards the reduction of the debt, and when the time came for its extinction would be glad to help again.

Mr. Edward Firth, who, like his brother, has again and again proved himself a generous friend of our church, congratulated the meeting upon the great success which had crowned the efforts of the congregation, a success made singular by the fact that it was only twelve months since the chapel was opened.

The Rev. T. D. Crothers, in a most solemn and beautiful address, urged upon the church the necessity and glory of "constant labour," and wound up with a peroration of such energetic force, and yet of such chaste beauty, as to surprise while it quickened those who were accustomed to regard him as a "quiet speaker" only.

Mr. Coe, in a few happy remarks, told the meeting how willing he had found the people willing to give almost beyond their means; certainly to the extent, in many cases, of some personal sacrifice.

Mr. T. Scott, after referring to the gladness with which all the people worked and gave, made some very beautiful remarks upon the "value of consistency," illustrating his principle by reference to the fine effect of consistency in the architecture of the building in which they were assembled.

Mr. F. Newberry, whose cheerful

and humorous addresses rarely fail to enliven any meeting at which he speaks, then delivered a speech in rhyme, which would certainly have kept the meeting from "dulness" had there been any such danger, as it was full of humorous illustration and kindly feeling.

The Rev. A. J. Harrison was the concluding speaker. He remarked that the earnest work the friends had been doing together had, he was sure, increased their piety towards God and their love for each other. It had revealed hitherto unsuspected excellences in character, and increased a genuine Christian regard in the church.

Votes of thanks were then given to the ladies of the sewing-meeting, and by enthusiastic acclamation to the chairman. The meeting was then closed by singing and prayer.

I am glad to say the congregations are good and increasing, and if you were only once present in our Sunday evening prayer-meetings, I am sure you would say there is at least one Gothic chapel in the country in which the people are not afraid to say Amen.

The analysis of the amount raised is as follows:-Mark Firth, Esq., £250; by subscriptions, £174 6s. 8d.; by sale, £106 7s.; by tea-meeting, £17 19s. 6d. : total, £608 13s. 2d. A. J. H.


THE above chapel having been closed for repairs and painting, was re-opened on Sunday, November 4th, when the Rev. J.Addyman (of Oldham) preached in the morning and evening, and the Rev. J. Morris (Wesleyan) in the after


On the Monday evening following, a tea-meeting was held in the lower school-room, when a good number of the friends were present. At the public meeting in the chapel Mr. Hill presided, and the writer supplied the particulars of finances, which showed that over £50 had been expended, towards which the promises of the friends, the collections at the services, and the proceeds of the tea-meeting, amounted to about £40, and stated that the ladies were holding a weekly sewing-meeting, to assist in clearing off the remainder. Addresses were given by the Revs. J. Addyman, Professor Dowson (Principal of the Baptist College, Bury), W. Roseman,

(Independent), Mr. W. Kempster, and the writer. A vote of thanks was passed to the tea committee and ladies for their kind services, and another to the chairman, which being suitably acknowledged, the meeting was concluded with the Doxology and prayer.

The friends are much pleased with the improved condition of our sanctuary. We are now expecting larger congregations, and we hope to concentrate our efforts, and to use the means more vigorously for spiritual prosperity. W. J. FENNELL.


MONDAY, November 26, was a redletter-day at King Street, Old Kent Road. Some time ago a mission was established there, which has been a great blessing to the people in the locality. A plot of ground has been secured for a new chapel, and the foundation-stone was laid. At 3 p.m., a large crowd of interested spectators being assembled, the Rev. James Wilson commenced the proceedings by giving out a hymn commencing,

"Great God, attend while Zion sings."

After this had been sung, the Rev. W. Dunkerley offered an earnest prayer. The Rev. George Hallett then read portions of Holy Scripture in an impressive manner. Mr. E. H. Rabbits then came forward and said: That after he, and other members of the New Connexion, had for years looked for a place in that neighbourhood in which to preach the Gospel, the friends in connection with Brunswick Chapel opened the present preaching place on November 30, 1862. From that day of small and feeble things the church and congregation had so greatly increased, that the place for some time past had been inconveniently crowded at nearly every service, and a room in a neighbouring house had been taken on account of the crowded state of the Sunday-school. Many persons had been converted, and some of them had gone home in triumph to heaven. There are now sixty-five members in society, besides probationers, and, during the last month, the average attendance of scholars had been 75 in the morning, and 193 in the afternoon. A larger place had long been felt to be a necessity, and since it had been de

cided on, difficulties and discouragements had met them at every turn; but at length they have one by one been cleared away, and the gentleman owning the ground has let it for the whole of the term of his lease, accompanying the same with his prayers and best wishes. It was pleasing to know that in the sanctuary about to be erected the Gospel trumpet would give no uncertain sound. The good old Methodist doctrines would be fully proclaimed, whether by the itinerant or the most humble local preacher. The doctrine of justification by faith would be the chief topic; and he prayed

"That in the great, decisive day,

When God the nations should survey,
Before the world it should appear
That crowds were born for glory here."

The Rev. B. Child then gave out Montgomery's fine hymn, commencing—

"This stone to Thee in faith we lay."

After this had been sung, Mr. W. G. Denham came forward, holding, on a rich cushion, a very handsome silver trowel, and, in a graceful manner, addressed Mrs. E. H. Rabbits and the friends as follows:-"I esteem it an honour to be selected by the friends to introduce to you the lady who has kindly consented to lay the memorialstone of this our new chapel. To those, indeed, who know Mrs. Rabbits, she will not need a single word of commendation from my lips, for those who know her best esteem her most; and I may fairly claim for Mrs. Rabbits a large share of the liberality, the largehearted generosity, and the enlightened spirit of enterprise in connection with the cause of God, for which her dear husband, Mr. E. H. Rabbits, has been so long distinguished. It has often been my privilege to meet with Mrs. Rabbits when I have had occasion to consult Mr. Rabbits on matters in connection with our circuit, and on all such occasions I can honestly affirm that the lady who appears before you now has shown as much zeal and devotion to the cause of God as Mr. E. H. Rabbits himself, and I don't know that I can say more than this. It has often been said that Christianity has been an especial blessing to woman, that it has elevated her character and dignified her in all the relationships of life-and this is undoubtedly true. But, on the

other hand, it is equally true that religion has gained immensely by enlisting woman on its side. Take away from the Church all the piety and zeal, the tact and graciousness, and the influences which women now exert for the cause of God, and the loss would be incalculable. It is well for us, then, that a lady of Mrs. Rabbits's position is willing to leave the quiet of her home, and that she has the moral courage to stand before this public assembly, and, by solemnly laying this memorial-stone, and dedicating this house to God, to manifest in the face of day her attachment to God's cause and her love for precious souls. And now, Mrs. Rabbits, allow me to present you with this silver trowel in behalf of the trustees of this chapel, and with the prayer that your valuable and truly gracious life may long be spared, and that it may often be your happiness, in time to come, to hear of the prosperity of God's cause in the chapel the memorial-stone of which we invite you now to lay." After the enthusiasm of the audience had a little abated, Mrs. Rabbits said, in laying the stone:

"I lay this stone in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, and at the same time I earnestly pray that the blessing of God may rest upon the building, and that hundreds of immortal souls may be born for glory within its walls." The Rev. C. Bamford gave out Doddridge's hymn, 928, commencing,

"And will the great eternal God."

When this was sung, the Rev. Dr. Cooke offered his congratulations in a few kind words, promising a longer address in the evening. After the collection, and another hymn, lined by the Rev. J. Wilson, the Rev. H. T. Marshall concluded this delightful service with prayer.

The friends hastened to Brunswick school-room, where some 300 sat down to a pleasant tea. At 7 p.m., Mr. William Rabbits was called to the chair, in place of Mr. W. J. Haynes, who was not well enough to be present, but who had kindly sent a cheque to help the cause. The Rev. James Wilson opened the meeting with singing and prayer. Mr. Henry Howard gave an interesting account of the origin and progress of their mission at King Street, delighting the audience with details of some sincere conversions

and triumphantly happy deaths, as trophies of what the Gospel can do even amongst the poorest in King Street. Mr. Howard's warm-hearted sympathetic address produced a rich and hallowed feeling of joy and thankfulness throughout the audience.

Mr. W. Rabbits, the chairman, in a short, practical, and earnest address, expressed his delight at the spiritual tone given to the meeting by Mr. Howard, and referred with feelings of hope and satisfaction to the religious efforts now being put forth systematically to reach the poor and the neglected portion of the people, giving King Street as one of the most happy and successful examples of Christian zeal meeting with its full and legitimate reward in the salvation of those sought to be benefited. He concluded by offering an earnest prayer for a more general outpouring of the Spirit of God upon the churches.

Rev. Dr. Cooke said they had that day been standing on holy ground, which had been consecrated by the outpouring of the Spirit of God and by the conversion of sinners. He had never known of more remarkable examples of the successful preaching of the Gospel than those which had been referred to by Mr. Howard; they most clearly demonstrated the power of religion to change the heart and make the life happy, even amidst poverty and the most adverse circumstances, and resulting in a triumphant death. These were the development of genuine Methodism, which was genuine Christianity, that Divine charity which leads to the entire consecration of all we have to God. The building they were about to erect would be plain and humble, fitting the locality; and would be just such a place as the poor would not be afraid to enter, and where they might hope to hear the orthodox amen and hallelujah without restraint; yet it would be a true temple in which God would delight to dwell. The Doctor then proceeded to give a retrospective glance at the history of the New Connexion cause in London, in which he showed how long they had aimed at concentration, and found it to fail entirely, as they had almost come to a point; their present policy was extension. And he proceeded to detail the various efforts put forth to found mission-stations in and around London, specifying espe cially the mission in King Street,

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