Once in my life I married a wife, On Gretna Green, in velvet sheen, And I took up a stick to pound her, Ride a cock horse to Charing-Cross, So see a young woman Jump on a white horse, Johnny shall have a new bonnet, And why may not I love Johnny, And here's a leg for a stocking, And here's a foot for a shoe, And he has a kiss for daddy, And two for his mammy also. And why may not I love Johnny? And why, &c. &c. Who comes here? A Grenadier, Smiling girls, rosy boys, Come and buy my little toys, Monkeys made of gingerbread, And sugar horses painted red. There was an old woman, she liv'd in a shoe, Heigh ding a ding, what shall I sing? How many holes in a skimmer? Mother, pray give me some dinner. Hey rub-a-dub, ho rub-a-dub, three maids in a tub, The butcher, the baker, the candlestick-maker, To be sung in a high wind. Arthur O'Bower has broken his band, Never can turn Sir Arthur O'Bower. |