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Once in my life I married a wife,
And where do you think I found her?

On Gretna Green, in velvet sheen,

And I took up a stick to pound her,
She jumped over a barberry-bush,
And I jump'd over a timber,
I showed her a gay gold ring,
And she showed me her finger.

Ride a cock horse to Charing-Cross,

So see a young woman

Jump on a white horse,
With rings on her fingers.
And bells on her toes,
And she shall have music
Wherever she goes.

Johnny shall have a new bonnet,
And Johnny shall go to the fair,
And Johnny shall have a blue ribbon
To tie up his bonny brown hair.

And why may not I love Johnny,
And why may not Johnny love me?
And why may not I love Johnny
As well as another body?

And here's a leg for a stocking,

And here's a foot for a shoe,

And he has a kiss for daddy,

And two for his

mammy also.

And why may not I love Johnny?

And why, &c. &c.

Who comes here? A Grenadier,
What do you want? A pot of beer.
Where's your money? I forgot.
Get you gone, you drunken sot.

Smiling girls, rosy boys, Come and buy my little toys, Monkeys made of gingerbread, And sugar horses painted red.

There was an old woman, she liv'd in a shoe,
She had so many children she didn't know what to do,
She gave them some broth without any bread,
She whipt them all soundly and put them to bed.

Heigh ding a ding, what shall I sing?

How many holes in a skimmer?
Four and twenty. I'm half starving!

Mother, pray give me some dinner.

Hey rub-a-dub, ho rub-a-dub, three maids in a tub,
And who do you think was there?

The butcher, the baker, the candlestick-maker,
And all of them gone to the fair.

To be sung in a high wind.

Arthur O'Bower has broken his band,
And he comes roaring up the land,
King of Scots with all his power

Never can turn Sir Arthur O'Bower.

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