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There was a man in our town,
And he was wond'rous wise,

He jump'd into a bramble-bush,
And scratch'd out both his eyes;
And when he saw his eyes were out,
With all his might and main
He jump'd into another bush,

And scratch'd them in again.

As I was going to sell my eggs,
I met a thief with bandy legs,
Bandy legs and crooked toes,

I tript up his heels and he fell on his nose.

Old mistress McShuttle

Lived in a coal-scuttle,

Along with her dog and her cat;

What they ate I can't tell,

But 'tis known very well,

That none of the party were fat.

Hen. Cock, cock, cock, cock,
I've laid an egg,

Am I to gang ba-are-foot

Cock. Hen, hen, hen, hen,

I've been up and down,

To every shop in town,
And cannot find a shoe

To fit your foot,

If I'd crow my hea-art out.

[To be said very quickly, except the last two words in each verse, which are to be "screamed out.]

Pussy sits behind the log,

How can she be fair? Then comes in the little dog,

Pussy, are you there?

So, so, dear mistress Pussy,

Pray tell me how

you do? I thank you, little dog, I'm very well just now.

How many days has my baby to play?
Saturday, Sunday, Monday,

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, Sunday, Monday.

Pat a cake, pat a cake,

Baker's man!

So I do, master, as fast as I can.

Pat it, and prick it,

And mark it with T,

And then it will serve

For Tommy and me.


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There was a man and he had naught, And robbers came to rob hiin;

He crept up to the chimney top,

And then they thought they had him.

But he got down on t'other side,

And then they could not find him: He ran fourteen miles in fifteen days, And never look'd behind him.

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