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Rock-a-bye, baby, your cradle is green,
Father's a nobleman, mother's a queen,
And Betty's a lady, and wears a gold ring,
And Johnny's a drummer, and drums for the king.

See saw, Jack-a-daw,

Johnny shall have a new master;
Johnny shall have but a penny a day,
Because he can work no faster.

About the bush, Willie, about the bee-hive,
About the bush, Willie, I'll meet thee alive..

We're three brethren out of Spain,
Come to court your daughter Jane.
My daughter Jane she is too young,
She has no skill in a flattering tongue.
Be she young or be she old,

It's for her gold she must be sold
So fare you well, my lady gay,
We shall return another day.

Mistress Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle shells,
And maidens all a row.

[blocks in formation]

When I was a little boy, my mother kept me in,
Now I am a great boy, and fit to serve the king;
I can handle a musket, I can smoke a pipe,
I can kiss a pretty girl at ten o'clock at night.

Mary had a pretty bird,
Feathers bright and yel-


Slender legs, upon my


He was a pretty fellow.

The sweetest notes he always sung,
Which much delighted Mary,
And often where the cage was hung,
She stood to hear Canary.

This is the way the ladies ride,
Prim, prim, prim;

This is the way the gentlemen ride,
Trim, trim, trim.

Presently come the country-folks,

Hobbledy gee, hobbledy gee.

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Tom, Tom, of Islington,
Married a wife on Sunday,
Bro't her home on Monday,
Hired a house on Tuesday,
Fed her well on Wednesday
Sick was she on Thursday.
Dead was she on Friday,
Sad was Tom on Saturday,
To bury his wife on Sunday.

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