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further need of parties and sentimental loyalty. Business in politics and politics in business. The theory is being extended to state organizations and administration. There are utopian dreamers who fondly dream of a millennial age when the Federal Government will substitute a national budget for the patriotic pork-barrel. There is a strong appeal in the conception of business efficiency. It fits into the practical spirit of the people. It demands good service and applies more searching tests. And yet this business 'sense of the state" cannot touch the imagination and arouse the devotion which our common life demands. Men will not spend themselves gladly for systems of cost accounting and civil service examinations.


Yet, the demand for business efficiency springs from very real needs. Whether we like it or not, the community has more and more regulative and constructive tasks forced upon it. Shall we assume an attitude of reluctance, even resistance, or endure the change as a necessary evil, or shall we welcome an opportunity to enter into a constructive co-operation? Germany today offers an instructive illustration of national unity based not chiefly on coercive authority, but upon enlightened social policy. In Germany the State has not hesitated to undertake a wide range of activities which we have left to private initiative. who studies the trend of modern life cannot doubt that we shall have to follow gradually a similar policy. Many of us dislike the idea. But what difference does that make? Yes, there is a new "sense of the state" as a vast agency of a purposeful, advancing society in which individuals find self-development and self-expression. Public health, industrial organization, popular education, taxation, control of public utilities, challenge attention and demand more than negative treatment. The loyalty which is only a superficial emotional response is not to be relied upon. A sense of justice, of opportunities fairly equalized, of burdens fairly borne, of rewards justly apportioned, is the only guarantee of safety. We are beginning to realize that we

are entering on a new phase of community life. May we have the constructive imagination to do consciously and collectively the things that must be done!

The vision of constructive co-operation implies the moral ideal which Mr. Bryce missed in us thirty years ago. Back of this change is the conviction that the State is more than a business corporation. It is an ethical force. It seeks justice, tolerance, mutual understanding, respect and goodwill. It cannot rest content with a technical or administrative efficiency which neglects the moral development of its citizens. It seeks their spontaneous, intelligent, self-directing loyalty. Through the conflicts and turmoil of our times, through the policies that are urged and the devices proposed, there is struggling for expression a quickened "sense of the state" as a moral purpose. For, after all, moral life is a collective co-operation, not an isolated individual thing. Most of us live under the control of group standards. These are raised to higher levels by the vision and leadership of men and women who have new moral insight. Yet we all share in the ethical achievements of these prophets. The State is one of the vehicles of moral power. In its laws and their administration it helps to give effect to the ethical energy of the people whom it serves.

Moral earnestness is fostered by the idealism which has religious fervor. Church and State are separate in America, but this does not mean that we Americans are irreligious. Quite apart from theological differences is a unifying spiritual power which kindles our enthusiasm for common tasks. No thoughtful student of our national life can doubt that immense spiritual energy is finding expression in many forms of public and social service. There is a faint glimpse at least of an ideal which makes the State an object of inspiring idealism. Only a few perhaps have yet caught this vision, but these men and women are the prophets and leaders of our times. Sir Thomas More in his Utopia describes a national religion which, without in any way interfering with the various sects, united all citizens in the

worship of what they accepted as a common object of faith: "The Divine Essence."

Such are several typical 'senses of the state" in American minds. These different attitudes have grown out of changing conditions. All of these views have had-most of them still have-value. They vary in insight and in inspiring power. They arrange themselves roughly in a progressive series, each larger conception including and perpetuating what is best in that which it supersedes. No education can be called liberal which does not arouse men and women to a truer patriotism, to a 'sense of the state" which shall blend in a noble vision, a chastened chauvinism, a love of the land itself, a thrill of future greatness, a faith in Divine purposes, a submission to just control, a demand for technical efficiency, a deepened feeling of comradeship, a loyalty to common tasks, an enduring moral earnestness, and fidelity to an ideal national purpose.


We face new times. We must prepare for an industrial and commercial struggle in the world's markets, and for a readjustment of our own social order. We shall become a moral force, not by assertion, but by showing our capacity for self-discipline and sacrifice. We shall wield an influence for world welfare only if we are ready to assume our international responsibilities. In these new times our colleges and universities will be tested as never before. If they fail to furnish intelligent, fearless, loyal leadership, they will lose their greatest opportunity and forfeit public confidence. Upon State Universities will fall a double burden. They must furnish a practical, technical training more and more exacting. They must respond with well considered plans to every authentic social demand. At the same time, they must foster in their students a consciousness of the community and its purposes, must liberalize practical pursuits by giving these social significances and dignity. This idealizing function is of increasing importance. There is very real danger of a recrudescence of materialism under the guise of a demand for national efficiency. The "new

humanities'-the social sciences-must be cultivated with a new energy and in a new spirit. There must be a steady and high-minded appeal to the imagination, to social sympathy, to common purposes. The shibboleth of service must be translated into concrete, constructive social tasks.

May you men and women of the University of California, on this day of memory and high resolve, dedicate yourselves anew to the service of truth, justice and the common life! May you organize your personal careers into the community and the nation. May you repay what you have received here in no carefully calculating fashion, but gladly, freely, generously may you spend yourselves for others who are a part of your larger selves. May you see in your Alma Mater, not a fond, indulgent mother, but a stern parent mindful of public duty and scornful of sons and daughters who seek only their own success! May you gain an ever nobler "sense of the state," for "without a vision the people perish."



MARCH 23, 1916, 3 P.M.

Presiding Officer, Regent JOHN A. BRITTON

1. Song by UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GLEE CLUB, "Hail to California."

2. Address-JOHN A. BRITTON, representing the Regents of the University of California.

3. Address-OSCAR SUTRO, President of the Alumni Association. 4. Address-Professor A. O. LEUSCHNER, representing the Faculty of the University.

5. Response-President BENJAMIN IDE WHEELER.

6. Laying of the Cornerstone-Regent JOHN A. BRITTON.

7. University Hymn, led by UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB and UNIVERSITY BAND, "All Hail!''


Charter Days have come and gone, and Charter Days will come and go, but as there never has been in the history of our beloved University a Charter Day such as this, so in my judgment will there never be. On this day we are met to give recognition and reward to one who has served the University faithfully and well. We are giving this

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