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Broadus, E. K., lecture, 153. Bryant, H. C., lectures, 283, 437, 438, 439.

Buckham, J. W., lecture, 153.
Buildings and grounds, 130,
262, 263, 409, 526.
Bunker Hill and Sullivan Min-
ing Company, gift, 417.
Burke, '08, James M., gift, 417.
Buwalda, J. P., lecture, 436;
Boy Scouts talk, 442.
Cady, B. J., lecture, 281.
California Book of Undergrad-

uate Verse, 148.

California School of Design, change of name, 527. California State Commission for P. P. I. E., gift, 417. California State Dental Association, gift, 533.

California State Historical Survey, 134.

Carnegie retiring allowances, 528.

Carnot debate, 428.

Carpenter, F. A., lectures, 539. Carrell, H. T., lecture, 154. Cebrian, J. C., gifts, 417, 533. Charter Day, 1916, 413. Cherrington, B. M., Boy Scouts talk, 285.

Chi Omega, initiation, 274. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company, gift, 418.

Children's Hospital, arrangement with the Medical School, 526.

Chinese Commission for P. P. I. E., gift, 418.

Chinese students, careers of, 412.

Class of '96, gift, 265. Class of 1915 Fund, 140; insurance plan committee, 149. Class of 1916, gift, 265. Edith Claypole Memorial Research Fund, 141, 533. Clemens, '15, Mildred L., lecture, 436, 538.

Coleman, Charles, lecture, 154. Coleman, S. W., lectures, 436. Commencement week, 415. Concordia Safety Lamp Company, gift, 418.

Crane Company, gift, 533.

Crawford, R. T., Boy Scouts talks, 442.

Crocker, W. H., gift, 266, 418. Curtis, H. D., lectures, 436. Daniels, '05, Mark, lecture, 438. Danton, G. H., lecture, 437. Davis, Horace, death, 521. Davis, '74, W. R., gift of scholarship, 534.

Day, Clinton, death, 263. Degree, new, Graduate in Education, 258.

Degrees conferred, 415; to be voted by Faculties, 401. Dentistry, College of, addition to building, 261, 526; Dental Institute, 261; four-year course, 406.

Dohrmann, F. W., gift, 418.
Dyment, C. V. lecture, 540.
Ebina, D., lecture, 153.
Ebright, G. E., lecture, 540.
Eddy, A. J., lecture, 155.
Education, School of, 403; new
higher degree in, 258, 403.
Elson, J. C., lecture, 538.
English Club, initiation, 274;
plays, 408.

Enrollment figures, 253.
Eshleman, John M., death, 251.
Eta Kappa Nu, initiation, 427.
Evermann, B. W., lecture, 441.
Exchange professors, 522.
Faculty matters, 136, 269, 421,

Faculty research lecturer for
1916, 269, 413, 437.
Falconer, F. H., lecture, 282.
Faye, P. L., lecture, 541.
Fishback, G. W., lecture, 281.
Fisk, Mrs. E. C., gift, 140.
Fleishhacker, Mortimer,


pointed treasurer of the Regents, 412.

Flint, L. N., lecture, 539. Force, J. N., Boy Scouts talks, 441.

Ford peace expedition representative, 148; lecture by,


Forest utilization, new course, 524.

Forke, Alfred, lectures, 154. Formilli, Chevalier C., lecture, 539.

Francke, Kuno, lectures, 539, 540.

Fraternities, scholarship, 272, 400, 530.

Freeborn, S. B., lecture, 282.
French Commission for P. P.
I. E., gift, 418.
French Republic, gift, 140.
Freshman advisors, 128.
Fussell, '16, Paul, University
representative on Ford peace
expedition, 148.

Gay, F. P., lectures, 153, 438;
Faculty research lecturer,

269, 413, 437. General Electric Company, gift,


General Gas Light Company of

San Francisco, gift, 266. Gifford, E. W., lectures, 156, 283, 440, 541. Gifts to the University, 139, 265, 416, 532.

Gillihan, A. F., lecture, 541. Glee Club annual concert, 285. Golden Anderson Valve Special

ty Company, gift, 266. Golden Bear, initiation, 274, 426.

Grinnell, J., lectures, 437, 440. Grounds and buildings, 130,

262, 263, 409, 526; sale of bonds, 130. Guggenhime, D. J., gift, 418. Hahnemann Medical College,

gift, 141. Half-Hour of Music, 156, 285, 442, 542.

Hall, H. M., Boy Scouts talk,


Hannah, I. C., lectures, 540.
Hart, W. M., appointed dean of
Summer Session, 256.
Hearst, Mrs. P. A., gifts, 141,
266, 418, 534.

Hellman, I. W., Jr., resignation as treasurer of the Regents, 412. Hercules gift, 534. Hicks, H. H., lecture, 436. High school certificate, requirements for, 129.

Powder Company,

Hilgard, Professor E. W., memorial services, 269; elected

life member of American Association for the Advancement of Science, 269. Hilgard, The Misses, gift, 418. Hilgard Hall, 411.

Hitchcock lectures of 1915,

published in book form, 270. Hoag, E. B., lectures, 541. Hockensmith Wheel and Car Company, gift, 419.

Honors, candidacy for, 400, 529; awarded to, 272. Hopkins, E. M., lecture, 439. Hotchkiss, W. E., Weinstock lecture, 438.

Howison, G. H., lecture, 155.
Howison Foundation, 519.
Hurst, G. L., gift, 534.
Hurwitz, H., lecture, 540.
Idaho State Commission for P.
P. I. E., gift, 419.

Ingels, B. D., lecture, 437, 438. International Peace Congress, 153.

Iphigenia in Aulis, 157.
Irving Prize for Wit and
Humor, winner, 275.
Ishi, death of, 408.

Istyc Club, 149; initiation, 275.
Jablons, B., lecture, 438.
Jackling, D. C., gift, 419.
Jacobus fellowship of Prince-

ton University, winner, 413. Jáen, Ramón, lectures, 538, 539, 540.

Jamme, Miss A. C., lectures, 541.

Japanese Commission to P. P.
I. E., gifts, 266, 419.
Jastrow, Morris, Jr., lectures,

John Rutledge Chapter, G. A.
R., scholarship, 266.
Johns-Manville Company, gift,


Jones, F. C., lecture, 439.
Jones, H. D., lecture, 281.
Jones, L. T., 281, 437.
Juilliard, '01, F. A., gift of
marble chair in Greek Thea-
tre in memory of Professor
Paget, 534.

Junior farce, 157.
Kallem, H. M., 153.
Kearney vineyard, 134.

Keeping it Dark, 157.
Keith, J. M., gift, 133.
Kiang Kangu Hu, S. C., gift,

Kleeberger, F. L., Boy Scouts talk, 285.

Knights of St. Patrick, gift, 141.

Kroeber, A. L., lecture, 540. Lemaire, Emanuel B., death, 522.

Laney, F. P., lecture, 154. "Lawson Adit," 524. Leaves of Absence, 151, 280, 434, 537.

LeConte, Mrs. Caroline Nisbet, death, 135.

Lectures, 152, 281, 436, 538. Lectures: Thomas Addison, 281; R. G. Aitken, 436, 437; F. R. Alder, 281; Louis Allard, 538, 539, 540; A. H. Allen, 285; C. B. Babcock, 282; A. L. Barrows, 283, 441; D. P. Barrows, 154; F. J. Bates, 436; S. O. Beasley, 437; K. C. Beaton, 154; G. L. Bell, 541; Dr. Billings, 439, 440; J. C. Bloodgood, 437; A. U. Brandt, 281; E. K. Broadus, 153; H. C. Bryant, 283, 437, 438, 439; J. W. Buckham, 153; J. P. Buwalda, 436; B. J. Cady, 281; F. A. Carpenter, 539; H. T. Carrell, 154; B. M. Cherrington, 285; Mildred L. Clemens, 436, 538; Charles Coleman, 154; S. W. Coleman, 436; H. D. Curtis, 436; Mark Daniels '05, 436, 439; G. H. Danton, 437; C. V. Dyment, 540; D. Ebina, 153; G. E. Ebright, 540; A. J. Eddy, 155; J. C. Elson, 538, 540; B. W. Evermann, 441; F. H. Falconer, 282; P. L. Faye, 541; G. W. Fishback, 281; L. N. Flint, 539; Alfred Forke, 154; Chevalier C. Formilli, 539; A. Foucher, 153; Kuno Francke, 539, 540; S. B. Freeborn, 282; Paul Fussell, 282; F. P. Gay, 269, 413, 437, 438; E. W.

Gifford, 156, 283, 440, 541; A. F. Gillihan, 541; Joseph Grinnell, 437, 440; I. C. Hannah, 540; H. H. Hicks, 436; E. B. Hoag, 541; A. Holman, 153; E. J. Hopkins, 439; W. T. Hornaday, 153; W. Z. Hotchkiss, 438; G. H. Howison, 155; H. Hurwitz, 540; B. D. Ingels, 437, 438; B. Jablons, 438; Ramón Jáen, 538, 539, 540; Miss A. C. Jamme, 541; Morris Jastrow, Jr., 539; F. C. Jones, 439; H. D. Jones, 281; L. T. Jones, 281, 437; H. M. Kallem, 153; F. L. Kleeberger, 285; A. L. Kroeber, 540; F. P. Laney, 154; C. I. Lewis, 154; E. P. Lewis, 281, 436, 439; Hans Lisser, 281; J. Loewenberg, 281; Jack London, 153; J. A. Long, 282, 437, 441; W. P. Lucas, 282; F. W. Lynch, 436; John McNaught, 282; A. M. Meads, 285; J. C. Merriam, 283; C. W. Merrill, 441; Kuno Meyer, 281; K. F. Meyer, 281, 284, 440; Dr. MeyerRiefstahl, 540; John Metz, 153; R. S. Minor, 154, 282; H. C. Moffitt, 284; F. Monsen, 438; Carlos Morbio, 154; Rev. W. H. Moreland, 439; T. H. Morgan, 438, 439; Howard Morrow, 440; L. Morrow, 541; W. W. Morrow, 154, 155; P. W. Nahl, 539; Ng Poon Chew, 154; H. F. Nichols, 439; G. H. Palmer, 437; C. J. Pierson, 281; W. H. Pillsbury, 438; S. T. Pope, 154; F. H. Probert, 285; Paul Radin, 155; W. J. Raymond, 438, 439; Aurelia H. Reinhardt, 539; T. A. Rickard, 284, 437; W. P. Roop, 154, 436; C. H. Rowell, 539; I. M. Rubinow, 541; A. W. Ryder, 538, 539; J. M. Scammell, 155, 283; N. B. Scofield, 438; F. E. Scotford, 281; C. L. Seeger, Jr., 540; A. H. Singleton, 285;

L. F. Smith, 439; W. R.
Spalding, 539, 540; T. I.
Storer, 438, 540; I. B.
Stoughton-Holborn, 539, 540;
G. M. Stratton, 282; J. W.
Swaren, 154, 439; W. L.
Sweet, 436; W. H. Taft, 152,
153; E. L. M. Tate, 541; J.
S. P. Tatlock, 439; Paul
Thelen, 438, 439; Richard
Thürnwald, 283; H. B. Tor-
rey, 153; E. L. Walker, 284,
440; W. D. Wallis, 155; T.
T. Waterman, 155, 156, 541;
G. H. Whipple, 539; H. R.
Wilson, 285; S. S. Wise, 155;
W. S. Wollner, 285; C. W.
Woodworth, 281; L. E.
Young, 284.

Agricultural Club, 436; Department of Anthropology, 155, 283, 440, 541; Beta Kappa Alpha, 153; The City Man in Agriculture, 282; Commerce Club, 436; Cosmopolitan Club, 153; Earl Foundation, 152; Entomology Club, 436, 438, 439; Faculty research lecture, 269, 413, 437; Forestry Club, 438; Hitchcock lectures, 438, 439; International Peace Congress, 153; College of Mining, 284, 441; Phi Beta Kappa, 439; Philosophical Union, 154, 155, 281, 282, 437; Sigma Xi, 282, 436, 438; Tropical Medicine, 284, 439; Weinstock Foundation, 438. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Max, gift

of scholarship, 267. Lewis, C. I., lecture, 154. Lewis, E. P., lectures, 281, 436, 439.

Lisser, Hans, lecture, 281. Loewenberg, J., lecture, 281. Long, J. A., lectures, 282, 437,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Moffitt, H. C., lecture, 284. Moffitt, J. K., gifts, 419, 535. Monsen, F., lecture, 438. Morbio, Carlos, lecture, 154. Moreland, Rev. W. H., bacca

laureate sermon, 439.

Morgan, T. H., Hitchcock lecture, 438, 439. Morrison, Alexander, gift, 419. Morrow, H., lecture, 440. Morrow, L., lectures, 541. Morrow, W. W., lectures, 154, 155.

Motion pictures in University extension work, 129.

Mu of Eta Kappa Nu, initiation, 274.

Musical and dramatic events,

157, 285, 443, 542.

Nahl, P. W., lectures, 539.
Nathan, B., gifts, 141, 535.
New York Commission for P.
P. I. E., gift, 419.
Ng Poon Chew, lecture, 154.
Nichols, H. F., lecture, 439.
Noble Electric Steel Company,
gift, 420.

Norwegian Commission for P.
P. I. E., gift, 420.

[blocks in formation]


Railroad Com

pany, gift, 267.

Pettingell, W. J., gift, 267.

Phi Beta Kappa, initiation, 426.

Philippine Commission for P.
P. I. E., gift, 267.

Pierson, C. J., lecture, 281.
Pillsbury, W. H. lecture, 438.
Pope, S. T., lecture, 154.
President's Report, 252.
Press Club, initiation, 150.
Prizes awarded at 1916 Com-
mencement, 427.

Probert, F. H., lecture, 285; gift, 420.

Promotions and changes in title, 279, 433, 537. Prunella, 157.

Prytanean Society, gifts, 535. Radin, Paul, lectures, 155. Raymond, W. J., lectures, 438, 439.

Regents, discretion as to contractors, 133.

Registration figures, 127, 255. Reinhardt, Aurelia H., lecture, 539.

Resignations, 152, 280, 435, 537. Rickard, T. A., lectures, 284, 437.

Rieber, Dean C. H., resignation, 256.

Robinson, Miss M. C., gift, 142. Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, gift, 142.

[blocks in formation]

Sather chimes, 410.

Scammell, J. M., lectures, 155, 283.

School of Education, 403.
Scofield, N. B., lecture, 438.
Scotford, F. E., lecture, 281.
Scott, '08, P. M., gift, 268.
Scout Masters' Training Class,

Institution, summer assembly, 257; building improvements, 409; dedicatory exercises, 527.

Seeger, C. L., Jr., lectures, 540. Shakespeare Tercentenary, 407, 439.

Sigma Iota Phi, initiation, 275. Sigma Kappa Alpha, initiation, 427.

Sigma Xi, initiation, 426. Singleton, A. H., Boy Scouts talks, 285, 441.

Skull and Keys, running, 144; initiation, 150.

Smith, L. F., lecture, 439. Smith, Vern, vindication of,

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