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WHEN, in June, 1871, I placed before Mr. Goschen, then First Lord of the Admiralty, the scheme I had formed for a Scientific Circumnavigation Expedition, I stated as its general object" the extension to the three great oceanic areas-the Atlantic, the Indian and Southern, and the Pacific-of the Physical and Biological Exploration of the Deep Sea, which has been tentatively prosecuted by my colleagues and myself, during a few months of each of the last three years, on the eastern margin of the North Atlantic, and in the neighboring portion of the Mediterranean. Those researches had been regarded by the scientific publicnot of this country only, but of the whole civilized world-as of extraordinary interest; not only for the new facts they had brought into view and the old fallacies which they had exploded, but for the new ideas they had introduced into various departments of scientific NEW SERIES.-VOL. XXXI., No. 6

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thought. And I felt myself justified in expressing the confident belief" that the wider extension and systematic prosecution of them will be fruitful in such a rich harvest of discovery as has been rarely reaped in any scientific inquiry."

A ship

The Challenger Expedition, thus originated, was fitted out in the most complete manner, everything being done which skill and experience could suggest to make it a complete success. was selected whose size and construction rendered her peculiarly suitable for the work; she was placed under the command of Captain (now Sir George) Nares, than whom no more highly qualified head could have been chosen. In the work of the ship he had the zealous co-operation of a selected staff of naval officers; while for the direction of its scientific work the expedition had the advantage of the services of Professor (now Sir) Wyville Thomson, with five assistants, each of


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