Nugae Inutiles: Specimens of TranslationH. L. Shepard, 1874 - Всего страниц: 133 |
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Стр. 85 - Divesne prisco natus ab Inacho Nil interest an pauper et infima De gente sub divo moreris, Victima nil miserantis Orci. Omnes eodem cogimur, omnium Versatur urna serius ocius Sors exitura et nos in aeternum Exilium impositura cumbae.
Стр. 63 - An' riches still may fly them O; An' tho' at last they catch them fast, Their hearts can ne'er enjoy them O. But gie me a canny hour at e'en, My arms about my dearie O; An' warly cares, an' warly men, May a
Стр. 37 - Come away : for Life and Thought Here no longer dwell ; But in a city glorious — A great and distant city — have bought A mansion incorruptible. Would they could have stayed with us ! THE DYING SWAN.
Стр. 42 - In the scene that ensued I did not take a hand ; But the floor it was strewed Like the leaves on the strand With the cards that Ah Sin had been hiding, In the game "he did not understand.
Стр. 66 - Drink to-day, and drown all sorrow ; You shall perhaps not do it to-morrow : Best, while you have it, use your breath ; There is no drinking after death.
Стр. 28 - Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall: Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King's horses and all the King's men Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty in his place again.
Стр. 119 - Die Rose, die Lilie, die Taube, die Sonne, Die liebt ich einst alle in Liebeswonne. Ich lieb sie nicht mehr, ich liebe alleine Die Kleine, die Feine, die Reine, die Eine; Sie selber, aller Liebe Bronne, Ist Rose und Lilie und Taube und Sonne. Wenn ich in deine Augen seh, So schwindet all mein Leid und Weh; Doch wenn ich küsse deinen Mund, So werd ich ganz und gar gesund. Wenn ich mich lehn an deine Brust, Kommt's über mich wie Himmelslust; Doch wenn du sprichst: Ich liebe dich!
Стр. 60 - GOD, that madest earth and heaven, Darkness and light, Who the day for toil hast given, For rest the night. May Thine angel guards defend us, Slumber sweet Thy mercy send us, Holy dreams and hopes attend us, This live-long night.
Стр. 87 - NON ebur neque aureum Mea renidet in domo lacunar, Non trabes' Hymettiae Premunt columnas ultima recisas Africa...
Стр. 40 - That for ways that are- dark, And for tricks that are vain, The heathen Chinee is peculiar — Which the same I am free to maintain.