The Child's Entry Into a Social WorldAcademic Press, 1984 - Всего страниц: 236 |
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Стр. 30
... adaptation , which he was able to demonstrate by means of a " cross - fostering " experiment . Infants awaiting ... adapt her own response patterns . What we also see , however , is the considerable rapidity with which that ...
... adaptation , which he was able to demonstrate by means of a " cross - fostering " experiment . Infants awaiting ... adapt her own response patterns . What we also see , however , is the considerable rapidity with which that ...
Стр. 31
... adaptation at the very start of the child's life . To make feeding possible in the first place there must be mutual ... adapt her own actions accordingly . But the infant too has to play his part in making the appropriate head and ...
... adaptation at the very start of the child's life . To make feeding possible in the first place there must be mutual ... adapt her own actions accordingly . But the infant too has to play his part in making the appropriate head and ...
Стр. 155
... adaptation to the listener , and of this the egocentric child is said to be incapable . There are in fact reasons to ... adapted to the speech of the partner . Private ( or egocentric ) speech did occur but at nothing like the ...
... adaptation to the listener , and of this the egocentric child is said to be incapable . There are in fact reasons to ... adapted to the speech of the partner . Private ( or egocentric ) speech did occur but at nothing like the ...
Preface | 1 |
Initial Encounters | 18 |
FacetoFace Interactions | 63 |
Авторские права | |
Не показаны другие разделы: 7
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
ability Academic Press according action activity appear aspects baby becomes Belsky Bruner Cambridge caretakers changes characteristics Child Development Child Psychology child's attention child's social cognitive communicative competence complex compliance context conversation course Developmental Psychology dialogue direct Down's Syndrome dyad dyadic early effects emerge encounters environment experience face-to-face fixed action patterns function gaze gesture H. R. Schaffer imitation indicate individual infants influence initial instance integrated interchange interpersonal investigated involved joint attention Journal of Child labels language acquisition learning linguistic London looking maternal means months mother mother-child motherese mutual nature nonverbal object observed occur parent and child participants particular partner patterns peer interaction period person Piaget play polyadic preadapted preverbal refer relation relationship responses role sensitive sequence situation skills social interaction specific Stayton stimulation task topic turn taking University of Strathclyde utterances verbal visual vocal young children