MR. ERSKINE'S SPEECH, FOR THE DEFENDANT IN THE CASE OF HOWARD vs. BINGHAM. GENTLEMEN OF THE JURY, My learned friend, as counsel for the plaintiff, has bespoke an address from me, as counsel for the defendant, which you must not, I assure you, expect to hear. He has thought it right (partly in courtesy to me, as I am willing to believe,) and in part for the purposes of his cause, that you should suppose you are to be addressed with eloquence which I never possessed, and which if I did, I should be incapable at this moment of exerting; because the most eloquent man, in order to exert his eloquence, must have his mind free from embarrassment on the occasion on which he is to speak :-I am not in that condition. My learned friend has expressed himself as the friend of the plaintiff's family :-He does not regard that family more than I do; and I stand in the same predicament towards my own honorable client and his relations; I know him and them, and because I know them, I regard them also: my embarrassment, however, only arises at being obliged to discuss this question in a public court of justice, because, could it have been the subject of private reference, I should have felt none at all in being called upon to settle it. Gentlemen, my embarrassment is abundantly increased, when I see present a noble person, high, very high in rank in this kingdom, but not higher in rank than he is in my estimation :I speak of the noble Duke of Norfolk, who most undoubtedly must feel not a little, at being obliged to come here as a witness for the defendant, in the cause of a plaintiff so nearly allied to himself: I am persuaded no man can have so little sensibility, as not to feel that a person in my situation, must be greatly embarrassed in discussing a question of this nature before such an audience, and between such parties as I have described. Gentlemen, my learned friend desired you would take care not to suffer argument, or observation, or eloquence, to be called into the field, to detach your attention from the evidence in the cause, upon which alone you ought to decide; I wish my learned friend, at the moment he gave you that caution, had not himself given testimony of a fact, to which he stood the solitary witness: I wish he had not introduced his own evidence, without the ordinary ceremony of being sworn.-I will not follow his example. - I will not tell you, what I know from the conversation of my client, nor give evidence of what I know myself:-my learned friend tells you, that nothing can exceed the agony of mind his client has suffered, and that no words can describe his adoration of the lady he has lost: these most material points of the cause rest, however, altogether on the single, unsupported, unsworn evidence of the COUNSEL for the plaintiff.-NO RELATION has been called upon to confirm them, though we are told, that the whole house of Fauconberg, Bellasye, and Norfolk, are in the avenues of the court, ready, it seems, to be called at my discretion:--and yet my learned friend is himself the only witness; though the facts, (and most material facts, indeed, they would have been) might have been proved by so many illustrious persons. Now, to show you how little disposed I am to work upon you by anything, but by proof; to convince you, how little desirous I am to practise the arts of speech as my only artillery in this cause; I will begin with a few plain dates, and, as you have pens in your hands, I will thank you to write them down. I shall begin with stating to you, what my cause is, and shall then prove it; not by myself; but by witnesses. The parties were married on the 24th of April, 1789. The child that has been spoken of, and in terms which gave me great satisfaction, as the admitted son of the plaintiff, blessed with the affection of his parent, and whom the noble person to whom he may become heir, can look upon without any unpleasant reflection: that child was born on the 12th of August, 1791; take that date, and my learned friend's admission, that this child must have been the child of Mr. Howard; an admission which could not have been rationally or consistently made, but upon the implied admission, that no illicit connexion had existed previously, by which its existence might have been referred to the defendant. On this subject, therefore, the plaintiff must be silent; he cannot say the parental mind has been wrung:-he cannot say hereafter, "NO SON OF MINE SUCCEEDING;" he can say none of these things. This child was born on the 12th of August 1791, and as Mr. Howard is admitted to be the author of its existence (which he must have been, if at all, in 1790,) І have a right to say, that, during all that interval, this gentleman could not have had the least reasonable cause of complaint against Mr. Bingham; his jealousy must, of course, have begun after that period; for, had there been grounds for it before, there could be no sense in the admission of his counsel, nor any foundation for that parental consolation which was brought for ward in the very front of the cause. The next dry date is, therefore, the 24th of July, 1793; and I put it to his lordship, that there is no manner of evidence which can be pressed into this cause previous to that time. Let me next disembarrass the cause from another assertion of my learned friend, namely, that a divorce cannot take place before the birth of this child; and that, if the child happens to be a son, which is one contingency; and if the child so born does not die, which is another contingency; and if the noble Duke dies without issue, which is a third contingency, then this child might inherit the honors of the house of Norfolk: that I deny. -My recent experience tells me the contrary. In a case where Mr. Stewart, a gentleman in Ireland, stood in a similar predicament, the Lords and Commons of England not only passed an Act of Divorce between him and his lady, but, on finding there was no access on the part of the husband, and that the child was not his, they bastardized the issue. What then remains in this cause?-Gentlemen, there remains only this-In what manner, when you have heard my evidence (for this is a cause, which, like all others, must stand upon evidence,) the plaintiff shall be able to prove what I have the noble judge's authority for saying, he must prove, viz. the loss of the comfort and society of his wife, by the seduction of the defendant.-THAT is the very gist of the action. -The loss of her affection, and of domestic happiness, are the only legai foundations of his complaint. Now, before anything can be lost, it must have existed;-before anything can be taken away from a man, he must have had it;-before the seduction of a woman's affections from her husband can take place, he must have possessed her affections. Gentlemen, my friend, Mr. Mingay, acknowledges this to be the law, and he shapes his case accordingly: he represents his client, a branch of a most illustrious house, as casting the eyes of affection upon a disengaged woman, and of rank equal to, or, at least, suitable to his own; he states a marriage of mutual affection, and endeavors to show, that this young couple, with all the ardor of love, flew into each other's embraces: he shows a child, the fruit of that affection, and finishes with introducing the seductive adulterer coming to disturb all this happiness, and to destroy the blessings which he describes: he exhibits the defendant, coming with all the rashness and impetuosity of youth, careless of the consequences, and thinking of nothing but how he could indulge his own lustful appetite, at the expense of another man's honor; while the unhappy husband is represented, as watching with anxiety over his beloved wife, anxious to secure her affections, and on his guard to preserve her virtue. Gentlemen, if such a case, or anything resembling it, is estab lished, I shall leave the defendant to whatever measure of damages you choose in your resentment to inflict. In order, therefore, to examine this matter (and I shall support every syllable that I utter, with the most precise and uncontrovertible proofs ;) I will begin with drawing up the curtains of this blessed marriage-bed, whose joys are supposed to have been nipped in the bud, by the defendant's adulterous seduction. Nothing, certainly, is more delightful to the human fancy, than the possession of a beautiful woman in the prime of health, and youthful passion: it is, beyond all doubt, the highest enjoyment which God in his benevolence, and for the wisest purposes, has bestowed upon his own image: I reverence, as I ought, that mysterious union of mind and body, which, while it continues our species, is the source of all our affections; which builds up and dignifies the condition of human life; which binds the husband to the wife by ties more indissoluble, than laws can possibly create; and which, by the reciprocal endearments arising from a mutual passion, a mutual interest, and a mutual honor, lays the foundation of that parental affection which dies in the brutes, with the necessities of nature, but which reflects back again upon the human parents, the unspeakable sympathies of their offspring, and all the sweet, delightful relations of social existence. While the curtains, therefore, are yet closed upon this bridal scene, your imaginations will naturally represent to you this charming woman, endeavoring to conceal sensations which modesty forbids the sex, however enamored, too openly to reveal; wishing, beyond adequate expression, what she must not even attempt to express; and seemingly resisting what she burns to enjoy. Alas, gentlemen! you must now prepare to see in the room of this, a scene of horror, and of sorrow; you must prepare to see a noble lady, whose birth surely required no farther illustration; who had been courted to marriage before she ever heard even her husband's name; and whose affections were irretrievably bestowed upon, and pledged to, my honorable and unfortunate client; you must behold her given up to the plaintiff by the infatuation of parents, and stretched upon this bridal bed as upon a rack; - torn from the arms of a beloved and impassioned youth, himself of noble birth, only to secure the honors of a higher title; a legal victim on the altar of heraldry. Gentlemen, this is no high coloring for the purpose of a cause; no words of an advocate can go beyond the plain, unadorned effect of the evidence: I will prove to you, that when she prepared to retire to her chamber, she threw her desponding arms around the neck of her confidential attendant, and wept upon her as a criminal preparing for execution: I will prove to you, that she met her bridegroom with sighs and tears; the sighs and tears of afflicted love for Mr. Bingham, and of rooted aversion to her husband :-I think I almost hear her addressing him in the language of the poet, "I tell thee, Howard, Such hearts as ours were never pair'd above; That duly took its turn, and was forgotten." Gentlemen, this was not the sudden burst of youthful disappointment, but the fixed and settled habit of a mind deserving of a happier fate :- I shall prove that she frequently spent her nights upon a couch, in her own apartments, dissolved in tears that she frequently declared to her woman that she would rather go to Newgate than to Mr. Howard's bed; and it will appear by his own confession, that for months subsequent to the mar riage she obstinately refused him the privileges of a husband. To all this it will be said by the plaintiff's counsel (as it has indeed been hinted already,) that disgust and alienation from her husband could not but be expected; but that it arose from her affection for Mr. Bingham.-Be it so, gentlemen. I readily admit, that if Mr. Bingham's acquaintance with the lady had commenced subsequent to the marriage, the argument would be irresistible, and the criminal conclusion against him unanswerable; but has Mr. Howard a right to instruct his counsel to charge my honorable client with seduction when he himself was the SEDUCER? My learned friend deprecates the power of what he terms my pathetic eloquence: alas, gentlemen! if I possessed it, the occasion forbids its exertion, because Mr. Bingham has only to defend himself, and cannot demand damages from Mr. Howard for depriving him of what was his by a title superior to any law which man has a moral right to make: Mr. Howard was NEVER MARRIED: God and nature forbid the banns of such a marriage. If, therefore, Mr. Bingham this day could have, by me, addressed to you his wrongs in the character of a plaintiff demanding reparation, what damages might I not have 4 |