Celebrated Speeches of Chatham, Burke, and Erskine: To which is Added, The Argument of Mr. Mackintosh in the Case of PeltierE.C. & J. Biddle, 1847 - Всего страниц: 546 |
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Стр. 7
... Defendant in the Case of Howard vs. Bingham , - 378 MR . ERSKINE'S Speech , in Defence of Thomas Hardy , indicted for high Treason in compassing the Death of the King , 387 MINTOSH . Speech of MR . MINTOSH , ( since Sir James M'Intosh ...
... Defendant in the Case of Howard vs. Bingham , - 378 MR . ERSKINE'S Speech , in Defence of Thomas Hardy , indicted for high Treason in compassing the Death of the King , 387 MINTOSH . Speech of MR . MINTOSH , ( since Sir James M'Intosh ...
Стр. 139
... defendants in the suit . Refus- ing a shilling from his hoards for the satisfaction of any demand , the nabob of Arcot is always ready , nay , he earnestly , and with eagerness and passion , contends for delivering up to these pretended ...
... defendants in the suit . Refus- ing a shilling from his hoards for the satisfaction of any demand , the nabob of Arcot is always ready , nay , he earnestly , and with eagerness and passion , contends for delivering up to these pretended ...
Стр. 241
... defendant alleged , and the principles he maintained ; and after a deliberation , not short of judicial , we proceeded with confidence to your bar . So far as to the process ; which , though I mentioned last in the line and order , in ...
... defendant alleged , and the principles he maintained ; and after a deliberation , not short of judicial , we proceeded with confidence to your bar . So far as to the process ; which , though I mentioned last in the line and order , in ...
Стр. 285
... defendant . Mr. Hastings , instead of answering the charge , attacks the accuser . Instead of meeting the man in front , he endeavored to go round , to come upon his flanks and rear , but never to meet him in the face upon the ground of ...
... defendant . Mr. Hastings , instead of answering the charge , attacks the accuser . Instead of meeting the man in front , he endeavored to go round , to come upon his flanks and rear , but never to meet him in the face upon the ground of ...
Стр. 296
... defendant , he holds him- self up with a firm , dignified , and erect countenance , and says , I am not here any longer as a delinquent , a receiver of bribes , to be punished for what I have done wrong , or at least to suffer ' n my ...
... defendant , he holds him- self up with a firm , dignified , and erect countenance , and says , I am not here any longer as a delinquent , a receiver of bribes , to be punished for what I have done wrong , or at least to suffer ' n my ...
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abuse act of parliament America arbitrary power authority bill bribery bribes British called cause character charge colonies compassing conduct consider conspiracy constitution corrupt court of directors crimes criminal crown death Debi Sing debt declared defendant duty effect England English evidence France French revolution Gentlemen give governor hands Hastings high treason House of Commons human Hyder Ali India intention interest jacobin John Freind judge Jury justice King King's kingdom learned friend letter libel liberty Lord Coke lords lordships mankind means ment mind ministers Munny Begum nabob of Arcot nation nature never noble object opinion oppression overt act parliament persons polygars present prince principles prisoner proceedings punishment reason reform religion repeal revenue right honorable gentleman ruin society sovereign spirit stamp act stand statute supposed Tanjore things thought tion trust usury whilst whole