Writing to Give God the Glory: A Potpourri of Devotions, Encouragement, And Tips for the Christian Who WritesiUniverse, 1 мар. 2005 г. - Всего страниц: 186 God has called you to write. As you may well know, the journey of a writer is often filled with set-backs, frustration, and rejections. God understands the pitfalls of the publishing world today. He wants to encourage you to keep progressing along the journey. Don't travel along this pathway alone, however. As your fellow writers, we want to help you, too! "Writing to Give God the Glory" offers encouragement, timely advice, and a dose of just enough laughter to spark your love of writing once again so you will be strengthened to take that very next step. With Scriptures, devotions, instructional aid, and samples of each contributor's manuscripts, your writer's heart will be renewed and restored so you can keep running your race until you hear the words, "Well done, my good and faithful friend!" "Here's a book for writers, by writers, that fills the writer's reservoir with inspiration and creativity through devotions, poetry, humor, how-to, and example." --Sally E. Stuart, "Christian Writers' Market Guide |
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Amen Annie Buckell asked beloved better bless bumblebees called Chinese Chinese surname Chino Valley Christian church Colby computer keyboard critique group Dear didn’t door e-mail encourage eyes face Father's Day feel Freda Hatfield Tong friends gave gift give glory hand happened hear heart hot August night husband ideas Idyllwild inspiration Jesus John Joshua Joyce Jennison kids knew learned Linda lives looked Lord manuscript Mary mind moment of truth Mommy Rose morning mother Myra NASB nasturtiums never NKJV painting poem poetry pray prayer protected published quilt rewrite Rice Creek Shirley Shibley shou byau someone Steve story Sweet Beth Taipei Taiwan tell Teresa Billingsley Thank things thought tiums told Truth trying Vivian voice wait walk watch wildflower wondered words write دو