Α COMMENTARY ON THE BOOK OF PSALMS. BY GEORGE, LORD BISHOP OF NORWICH, AND PRESIDENT OF MAGDALEN COLLEGE, OXFORD. EDITED BY THE REV. C. BRADLEY. TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. F LONDON : Printed by A. J. Valpy, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. Sold by Longman and Co., Baldwin and Co., Rivington and Co., Hamilton, Whittaker and Co., Simpkin and Co., Hatchard and Son, Warren, G. Wilson, London; Parker, and Vincent, Oxford; Barret, Cambridge; Macredie and Co., Edinburgh; Cumming, Dublin; and all other Booksellers. A COMMENTARY ON THE BOOK OF PSALMS. SIXTEENTH DAY.-MORNING PRAYER. ARGUMENT. [The argument of this Psalm is nearly the same with that of the 74th. The church, persecuted and afflicted, sets forth, 1-3. the sacrilegious devastation, and cruel slaughter, made by the enemy, with, 4. the reproach occasioned thereby; 5-7.she prayeth for redress and deliverance; 8, 9. confesseth, and entreateth forgiveness of the sins which had brought these calamities on her; and then, 10-12. asketh a removal of her reproach and misery; promising, 13. endless gratitude and praise for the same. We meet with passages of this Psalm, Jer. x. 25. 1 Macc. vii. 17. but when it was composed is not known.] 1. O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance; thy holy temple have they defiled; they have laid Jerusalem on heaps.' Three deplorable calamities are here enumerated by the faithful; the alienation of God's inheritance, the profanation of the sanctuary, and the desolation of the beloved city. When we represent, in our prayers, the sufferings and humiliation of the church, we take an effectual method of awakening the compassion, and recalling the favor, of heaven. Every redeemed soul is the inheritance, the temple, the city of God. When sin enters, and takes possession, the inheritance is alienated, the temple defiled, the city desolated. 2. The dead bodies of thy servants have they given to be meat unto the fowls of heaven; the flesh of thy Div. No. XXIII. A |