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to get into full business, than in Westminster Hall. The disputes and controversies of the neighbourhood were settled in his little bow parlour; and the effects which he produced around him, are so well known, that it would be superfluous for me to give any account of them. Every thing which attention and kindness could do, was directed to the benefit of his tenants and neighbours. A regular system of well arranged benevolence, pervading every cottage, and reaching every individual around him, was so successfully administered, and with such general effect, that few travellers have ever passed the road through Monk Appleton, without stopping to admire the neatness of the cottages, the crops of the gardens, the division of the cow pastures, the beauty of the new school, the healthy and cheerful looks of the inhabitants, and the variety of circumstances, which denoted the industry and happiness of the possessors -The stone on the Church wall, which you see from the high road, was put up by a subscription of the cottagers for several miles round, who each gave the value of one day's milk of their cows. It contains the following inscription.



This Stone

was erected by the Cottagers
of this Neighbourhood.

In Memory

of his Virtues,

and of their Gratitude.

He died 28th January, 1808,
Aged 54 Years.

Mr. Goodenough had a servant of the name of JONES, who had had the care of his little establishment in Chancery-lane, Upon his coming to the family estate, and removing to Monk Appleton, he appointed her his housekeeper; trusting her not only with the management of his family, but in a great degree, with the execution of the plans which he formed for the benefit of his poor neighbours. He was not deceived in his confidence: for though she possessed a liberal mind, and an active and eager temper, yet Mrs. Jones was frugal and careful. She held waste to be a deadly sin; having, with her Master's leave, had painted in

large black letters, over the kitchen chimney, those sacred words, pronounced in the moment of miraculous plenty,-GATHER UP THE FRAG


LOST. The consequence was, that though his estate was never more than $ool. a year, and though he set apart (as other gentlefolks do) a tenth part of his income to charity, yet he lived more respectably and hospitably, than some other Squires, with twice, nay thrice his income, and yet he never run out,


Mrs. Jones determines to visit her Sister-the Journey-arrives at Middle Dean-Family Prayer-View of the Dean.

WHY should I renew my own and my reader's sorrow, by describing the circumstances of the Squire's death, and the unavailing care and attention of his faithful housekeeper? The estate, we all know, went, on his death without issue, to his next brother, Captain Goodenough, then serving in the West Indies. Upon opening the Squire's Will, they found he had left the furniture and stock, and the arrears of rent, to his brother; and the rest of his personal

property to his friends and domestics; having given Mrs. Jones an annuity of thirty pounds for her life, with a legacy of one hundred and twenty guineas.-When the concerns were settled, and she found herself her own mistress for the first time in her life, she determined to visit her half-sister, some years younger than herself; who had married, and had a family at Middle Dean, in the county palatine of Durham. Her sister had been the wife of John Thomson, a very honest and industrious carpenter. He had lately died, leaving her with five children.

There was something congenial in their situations, which promised mutual comfort. The assistance of a kind sister might do much for a widow, so left, and with such duties. To Mrs. Jones, after the loss of her excellent and adored master, any useful occupation was an advantage. She travelled down by the coach, stopping at Doncaster for a day's rest and respite; which was more necessary to one, who had lived a settled and quiet life for many years, and had acquired no habits of winter travelling.

The fourth day brought her safe to Middle Dean; where, it being darkish, Dame Thomson and her eldest daughter were on the road

side, waiting to meet her, and to shew the way to their cottage. The good dame received her sister with great kindness and affection. When she reached the house, the children soon got the better of their shyness; and began nestling around her, asking for one little tale after another, and always liking the last the best. They regarded her as a new discovered friend, with the keenest curiosity, until the desire of rest made them wish for bed. Mrs. Jones then said,

My dear sister, Almighty God has this day "restored friends and relations who have been

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long, and long separated; and he has mercifully preserved us during our long separa"tion. Before we go to rest, let us humbly "bless and praise his name, for all his mercies "unto us: and I trust we shall find in that tri"bute of gratitude, such comfort and consola"tion, that we shall never omit it hereafter."I have in my pocket a Treatise on the Sacra"ment, by the pious Bishop Wilson. In the "169th page of it is an excellent family prayer, "which I beg we may all join in, before our 66 young friends go to bed. You must let me "be your chaplain, while I continue with you." She then closed their evening with the solemn and sacred duty of prayer. Her young friends

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