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of many species of instrumental music, in which the changes produced by the hand of the musician are exceedingly rapid; are exactly measured, even when most minute; and display, on the part of the muscles, an obedience of action, alike wonderful for its quickness and its


Or let a person only observe his own hand whilst he is writing; the number of muscles, which are brought to bear upon the pen; how the joint and adjusted operation of several tendons is concerned in every stroke, yet that five hundred such strokes are drawn in a minute. Not a letter can be turned without more than one, or two, or three tendinous contractions, definite, both as to the choice of the tendon, and as to the space through which the contraction moves; yet how currently does the work proceed! And when we look at it, how faithful have the muscles been to their duty, how true to the order which endeavour or habit hath inculcated! For let it be remembered, that whilst a man's hand-writing is the same, an exactitude of order is preserved, whether he write well or ill. These two instances of music and writing, shew not only the quickness and precision of muscular action, but the docility.

II. Regarding the particular configuration of muscles, sphincter, or circular muscles, appear to me admirable pieces of mechanism. It is the muscular power most happily applied; the same quality of the muscular substance, but under a new modification. The circular disposition of the fibres is strictly mechanical; but, though the most mechanical, is not the only thing in sphincters which deserves our notice. The regulated degree of contractile force with which they are endowed, sufficient for retention, yet vincible when requisite, together with their ordinary state of actual contraction, by means of which their dependence upon the will is not constant, but occasional, gives to them a constitution, of which the conveniency is inestimable. This, their semi-voluntary character, is exactly such as suits with the wants and functions of the animal.

III. We may also, upon the subject of muscles, observe, that many of our most important actions are achieved by the combined help of different muscles. Frequently, a diagonal motion is produced by the contraction of tendons pulling in the direction of the sides of the parallelogram. This is the case, as hath been already noticed, with some of the oblique nutations of the head. Sometimes the number of co-operating muscles is very great. Dr. Nieuentyt, in the Leipsic Transactions, reckons up a hundred muscles that are employed every time we breathe; yet we take in, or let out, our breath, without reflecting what a work is thereby performed; what an apparatus is laid in of instruments for the service, and how many such contribute their assistance to the effect. Breathing with ease, is a blessing of every moment: yet, of all others, it is that which we possess with the least consciousness. A man in an asthma is the only man who knows how to estimate it.

IV. Mr. Home has observed *, that the most important and the most delicate actions are performed in the body by the smallest muscles; and he mentions, as his examples, the muscles which have been discovered in the iris of the eye, and the drum of the ear. The tenuity of these muscles is astonishing. They are microscopic hairs; must be magnified to be visible; yet are they real, effective muscles: and not only such, but the grandest and most precious of our faculties, sight and hearing, depend upon their health and action.

V. The muscles act in the limbs with what is called a mechanical disadvantage. The muscle at the shoulder, by which the arm is raised, is fixed nearly in the same manner as the load is fixed upon a steelyard, within a few decimals, we will say, of an inch from the centre upon which the steelyard turns. In this situation, we find that a very heavy draught is no more than sufficient to countervail the force of a small lead plummet, placed upon the long arm of the steelyard, at the distance of perhaps fifteen or twenty inches from the centre and on the other side of it. And this is the disadvantage which is meant. And an absolute disadvantage, no doubt, it would be, if the object were to spare the force of muscular contraction. But observe how conducive is this constitution to animal conveniency. Mechanism has always in view one or other of these two purposes; either to move a great weight slowly, and through a small space, or to move a light weight rapidly, through a considerable sweep. For the former of these purposes, a different species of lever, and a different collocation of the

* Phil. Trans. part i. 1800, p. 8

muscles, might be better than the present; but for the second, the present structure is the true one. Now it happens that the second, and not the first, is that which the occasions of animal life principally call for. In what concerns the human body, it is of much more consequence to any man to be able to carry his hand to his head with due expedition, than it would be to have the power of raising from the ground a heavier load (of two or three more hundred weight, we will suppose), than he can lift at present. This last is a faculty, which, on some extraordinary occasions, he may desire to possess; but the other is what he wants and uses every hour or minute. In like manner, a husbandman or a gardener will do more execution, by being able to carry his scythe, his rake, or his flail, with a sufficient dispatch through a sufficient space, than if, with greater strength, his motions were proportionably more confined, and slow. It is the same with a mechanic in the use of his tools. It is the same also with other animals in the use of their limbs. In general, the vivacity of their motions would be ill exchanged for greater force under a clumsier structure.

We have offered our observations upon the structure of muscles in general; we have also noticed certain species of muscles; but there are also single muscles, which bear marks of mechanical contrivance, appropriate as well as particular. Out of many instances of this kind, we select the following.

I. Of muscular actions, even of those which are well understood, some of the most curious are incapable of popular explanation; at least, without the aid of plates and figures. This is in a great measure the case, with a very familiar, but, at the same time, a very compli- · cated motion,—that of the lower jaw; and with the muscular structure by which it is produced. One of the muscles concerned may, however, be described in such a manner, as to be, I think, sufficiently comprehended for our present purpose. The problem is to pull the lower jaw down. The obvious method should seem to be, to place a straight muscle, viz. to fix a string from the chin to the breast, the contraction of which would open the mouth, and produce the motion required at once. But it is evident that the form and liberty of the neck forbid a muscle being laid in such a position; and that, consistently with the preservation of this form, the motion, which we want, must be effectuated by some muscular mechanism disposed farther back in the jaw. The mechanism adopted is as follows. A certain muscle called the diagastric, rises on the side of the face, considerably above the insertion of the lower jaw, and comes down, being converted in its progress into a round tendon. Now it is manifest that the tendon, whilst it pursues a direction descending towards the jaw, must, by its contraction, pull the jaw up, instead of down. What then was to be done? This, we find, is done: the descending tendon, when it is got low enough, is passed through a loop, or ring, or pulley, in the os hyoïdes, and then made to ascend; and, having thus changed its line of direction, is inserted into the inner part of the chin: by which device, viz. the turn at the loop, the action of the muscle (which in all muscles is contraction) that before would have pulled the jaw up, now as necessarily draws it down. "The mouth," says Heister, "is opened by means of this trochlea in a most wonderful and elegant manner.”

II. What contrivance can be more mechanical than the following, viz. a slit in one tendon to let another tendon pass through it? This structure is found in the tendons which move the toes and fingers. The long tendon, as it is called, in the foot, which bends the first joint of the toe, passes through the short tendon which bends the second joint; which course allows to the sinew more liberty, and a more commodious action than it would otherwise have been capable of exerting *. There is nothing, I believe, in a silk or cotton mill, in the belts, or straps, or ropes, by which motion is communicated from one part of the machine to another, that is more artificial, or more evidently so, than this perforation.

III. The next circumstance which I shall mention under this head of muscular arrangement, is so decisive a mark of intention, that it always appeared to me to supersede, in some measure, the necessity of seeking for any other observation upon the subject: and that circumstance is, the tendons which pass from the leg to the foot, being bound down by a ligament at the ankle. The foot is placed at a considerable angle with the leg. It is manifest, therefore, that the flexible strings, passing along the interior of the angle, if left to themselves, would, when stretched, start from it. The obvious preventive is to tie them Ches. Anat. p. 119.


And this is done in fact. Across the instep, or rather just above it, the anatomist finds a strong ligament, under which the tendons pass to the foot. The effect of the liga ment as a bandage, can be made evident to the senses; for if it be cut, the tendons start up. The simplicity, yet the clearness of this contrivance, its exact resemblance to established resources of art, place it amongst the most indubitable manifestations of design with which we are acquainted.

There is also a farther use to be made of the present example, and that is, as it precisely contradicts the opinion, that the parts of animals may have been all formed by what is called appetency, i. e. endeavour, perpetuated, and imperceptibly working its effect, through an incalculable series of generations. We have here no endeavour, but the reverse of it; a constant renitency and reluctance. The endeavour is all the other way. The pressure of the ligament constrains the tendons; the tendons react upon the pressure of the ligament. It is impossible that the ligament should ever have been generated by the exercise of the tendon, or in the course of that exercise, forasmuch as the force of the tendon perpendicularly resists the fibre which confines it, and is constantly endeavouring, not to form, but to rupture and displace, the threads of which the ligament is composed.

Keill has reckoned up, in the human body, four hundred and forty six muscles, dissectible and describable; and hath assigned a use to every one of the number. This cannot be all imagination.

Bishop Wilkins hath observed from Galen, that there are, at least, ten several qualifications to be attended to in each particular muscle; viz. its proper figure; its just magnitude; its fulcrum; its point of action, supposing the figure to be fixed; its collocation, with respect to its two ends, the upper and the lower; the place; the position of the whole muscle; the introduction into it of nerves, arteries, veins. How are things, including so many adjustments, to be made; or, when made, how are they to be put together, without intelligence?

I have sometimes wondered, why we are not struck with mechanism in animal bodies, as readily and as strongly as we are struck with it, at first sight, in a watch or a mill. One reason of the difference may be, that animal bodies are, in a great measure, made up of soft, flabby substances, such as muscles and membranes; whereas we have been accustomed to trace mechanism in sharp lines, in the configuration of hard materials, in the moulding, chiseling, and filing into shapes, of such articles as metals or wood. There is something therefore of habit in the case; but it is sufficiently evident, that there can be no proper reason for any distinction of the sort. Mechanism may be displayed in the one kind of substance, as well as in the other.

Although the few instances we have selected, even as they stand in our description, are nothing short perhaps of logical proofs of design, yet it must not be forgotten, that in every part of anatomy, description is a poor substitute for inspection. It is well said of an able anatomist*, and said in reference to the very part of the subject which we have been treating of "Imperfecta hæc musculorum descriptio, non minùs arida est legentibus, quàm inspectantibus fuerit jucunda eorundem præparatio. Elegantissima enim mechanicês artificia, creberrimè in illis obvia, verbis nonnisi obscurè exprimuntur: carnium autem ductu, tendinum colore, insertionum proportione, et trochlearium distributione, oculis exposita, omnem superant admirationemt."

Steno, in Blas. Anat. Animal. p. 2, c. 4.

("This description of the muscles is imperfect, being not less uninteresting to those reading it, than the preparation of the same parts was satisfactory to those inspecting them. For their intricate mechanisms are most elegant, and, though very often remarkably apparent, they are obscurely described in words: thus the form of the fleshy parts, the colour of the tendons, the proportion of the insertions, and the distribution of the joints, when exposed to the eye, are superior to any praise.")


A few more phenomena of the construction and action of the muscles, than have been noticed by our author, seem well worthy of observation. The most important muscular structure in the animal frame is the heart. its ventricles are superficially examined, the muscular fibres by which they are united seem to belong equally to both. But this is not so, for the septum is almost entirely a portion of the left ventricle, giving it a great superiority of strength over the right, and consequently fitting it for its office of propelling the blood through the arteries.



THE circulation of the blood, through the bodies of men and quadrupeds, and the apparatus by which it is carried on, compose a system, and testify a contrivance, perhaps the best understood of any part of the animal frame. The lymphatic system, or the nervous system, may be more subtle and intricate; nay, it is possible that in their structure they may be even more artificial than the sanguiferous; but we do not know so much about them*.

The utility of the circulation of the blood, I assume as an acknowledged point. One grand purpose is plainly answered by it; the distributing to every part, every extremity, every nook and corner of the body, the nourishment which is received into it by one aperture. What enters at the mouth, finds its way to the fingers' ends. A more difficult mechanical problem could hardly I think be proposed, than to discover a method of con

It is impossible to make the peculiar arrangement of its muscular fibres understood by an unprofessional reader without drawings, and a lengthened description. We must be content, therefore, merely to quote Sir Everard Home's concluding observations:-" By this beautiful mechanism, the muscular fibres of the left ventricle perform their office with a smaller quantity of contraction, compared to their length (although in themselves proportionally longer) than those of any other muscle in the body, and consequently produce a greater effect in a shorter time. By this disposition of the fibres, an advantage is gained over every other arrangement, and adapting the ventricle so perfectly to its office, that it would appear almost impossible to construct it in any other way, so as to answer the purpose for which it is intended."

The rapidity of muscular motion is among one of the greatest wonders of the animal frame. In the race horse, when going with its greatest speed, each leg must move in theth part of a second. When a man is rapidly running, the rectus femoris in the leg is shortened three inches everyths of a second. But the quickest movements are of the tongue in speaking. Haller pronounced 1500 letters in a minute, therefore each muscular contraction to effect this must, on an average, occupy no more than the th of a minute; and still less time in such letters as R, which require repeated contractions of the same muscle. If the tremors occurring in its pronunciation are ten, the styloglossi muscles must contract in the 30th of a minute, or in of a third. Pigeons have performed distances so rapidly, that an agitation of their wings must have been made in theth of a third. (Haller's Elem. Physiolog. iv. 483.)

The accuracy with which the muscles regulate motion is as admirable as the rapidity with which they effect it. In producing the several musical notes by minute changes in the small aperture of the glottis, or in balancing the body on the tight or slack rope, the muscles of the singer and the dancer must contract with an accuracy which demands that there shall not be an error in the admeasurement equal to the oth part of an inch. (Barclay's Muscular Motions of the Human Body, 299).

The muscles capable of such rapid, and yet such accurate motions, are not thereby disabled to exert extreme power. A weight of 300 pounds has been elevated by the lower jaw; and Topham lifted with his mouth a table six feet long, with 50 pounds attached to the furthest extremity. (Haller's Elem. Phys. xi. s. 2.)

As the

Though the circulation of the blood, as our author states, is among the best understood phenomena of the animal economy, yet it is of comparatively modern discovery. To our countryman, Dr William Harvey, mankind is indebted for its demonstration. It was a discovery that advanced our knowledge of the animal economy more in one day than it had been during many preceding ages. All the disputes about phlebotomy, some of which ran very high, especially in the early part of the 15th century; all the theories of the ancients relating to the subject were exposed in all their error by this single demonstration. "The circulation of the blood, and the ductus thoraci cus," exclaimed the delighted Gasseridus, "are the two poles upon which all physic for the future must turn." It is one of the few discoveries which, being demonstrated by unvarying experiments, was at once forced into belief, and acquired unbounded fame to the discoverer. fact cannot be confuted, or its importance be diminished, the only mode of lessening Harvey's merit is to deny the originality of the discovery. It is to be regretted, that even so great a man as Dr William Hunter is among the number of his detractors. A plain statement of truths will put the subject in its just position. Hippocrates, Aristotle, Plato, Apuleius, the Alexandrian anatomists, and others, have been cited as cognisant of the blood's circulation, but these declare in their writings, that they believed the blood to ebb and flow like the ocean's tides; and that the blood is confined to the veins, whilst the arteries merely contain air. Galen denied that the latter did not contain blood, but he was as ignorant as his predecessors of its circulation. Servetus subsequently was aware that the blood passed through the lungs; and Fa bricius ab Aquapendente, the tutor of Harvey, demonstrated the valves of the veins; but it was this his pupil who first discovered, or even guessed, that the blood flows from the heart through the arteries, and returns to it through the veins. Some have declared that this circulation was known to St Ambrose; and others, from Ecclesiastes xii. 6, that Solomon had this knowledge among his other stores of wisdom. These, at the utmost, noticed that the blood moved in living creatures, a fact which every child must have observed. When the course of the motion came to be described, we have seen nothing was offered but erroneous surmises. Harvey's discovery was the legitimate result of anatomical research, a discovery which has been further illustrated, but which has not been, cannot be, changed.

stantly repairing the waste, and of supplying an accession of substance to every part of a complicated machine, at the same time.

This system presents itself under two views: first, the disposition of the blood-vessels, i. e. the laying of the pipes; and, secondly, the construction of the engine at the centre, viz. the heart, for driving the blood through them.

I. The disposition of the blood-vessels, as far as regards the supply of the body, is like that of the water-pipes in a city, viz. large and main trunks branching off by smaller pipes (and these again by still narrower tubes) in every direction, and towards every part in which the fluid, which they convey, can be wanted. So far the water-pipes which serve a town may represent the vessels which carry the blood from the heart. But there is another thing necessary to the blood, which is not wanted for the water; and that is, the carrying of it back again to its source. For this office, a reversed system of vessels is prepared, which, uniting at their extremities with the extremities of the first system, collects the divided and subdivided streamlets, first by capillary ramifications into larger branches, secondly, by these branches into trunks; and thus returns the blood (almost exactly inverting the order in which it went out) to the fountain whence its motion proceeded. All which is evident mechanism.

The body, therefore, contains two systems of blood-vessels, arteries and veins. Between the constitution of the systems there are also two differences, suited to the functions which the systems have to execute. The blood, in going out, passing always from wider into narrower tubes; and, in coming back, from narrower into wider; it is evident, that the impulse and pressure upon the sides of the blood-vessel, will be much greater in one case than the other. Accordingly, the arteries which carry out the blood, are formed of much tougher and stronger coats, than the veins which bring it back. That is one difference: the other is still more artificial, or, if I may so speak, indicates, still more clearly, the care and anxiety of the artificer. Forasmuch as in the arteries, by reason of the greater force with which the blood is urged along them, a wound or rupture would be more dangerous than in the veins, these vessels are defended from injury, not only by their texture, but by their situation; and by every advantage of situation which can be given to them. They are buried in sinuses, or they creep along grooves, made for them in the bones: for instance, the under-edge of the ribs is sloped and furrowed solely for the passage of these vessels. Sometimes they proceed in channels, protected by stout parapets on each side; which last description is remarkable in the bones of the fingers, these being hollowed out, on the underside, like a scoop, and with such a concavity, that the finger may be cut across to the bone, without hurting the artery which runs along it. At other times, the arteries pass in canals wrought in the substance, and in the very middle of the substance, of the bone: this takes place in the lower jaw; and is found where there would, otherwise, be danger of compression by sudden curvature. All this care is wonderful, yet not more than what the importance of the case required. To those who venture their lives in a ship, it has been often said, that there is only an inch-board between them and death; but in the body itself, especially in the arterial system, there is, in many parts, only a membrane, a skin, a thread. For which reason, this system lies deep under the integuments; whereas the veins, in which the mischief that ensues from injuring the coats is much less, lie in general above the arteries; come nearer to the surface; are more exposed.

It may be farther observed concerning the two systems taken together, that though the arterial, with its trunk and branches and small twigs, may be imagined to issue or proceed; in other words, to grow from the heart; like a plant from its root, or the fibres of a leaf from its foot-stalk (which, however, were it so, would be only to resolve one mechanism into another); yet the venal, the returning system, can never be formed in this manner. The arteries might go on shooting out from their extremities, i. e. lengthening and subdividing indefinitely; but an inverted system, continually uniting its streams, instead of dividing, and thus carrying back what the other system carried out, could not be referred to the same process.

II. The next thing to be considered is the engine which works this machinery, viz. the heart. For our purpose it is unnecessary to ascertain the principle upon which the heart

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