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Acclimatization, 319.
Acorn, 24.
Acracids, 160.

Adaptation, definition of, I.
Adjustments, individual, 12.
Agassiz, 1, 44, 61.
Agelæus, 173.

Alcohol, 13.

Algæ, red, 9.
Alkaloids, 13.

Allen, 173, 307-310.
Allolobophora, 380.
Alpheus, 344.
Ammophila, 5.
Ammotragus, 208.
Ampelopsis, 403.
Amphimixis, 448-449.
Amphioxus, 399.
Ancon race, 315-316.
Angiostomum, 422.
Anguillidæ, 320.
Annelids, 19, 20.

Anolis, 10, 194.

Ant-eater, 227, 228.

Antelope, 6, 206, 208.
Antitoxin, 14.

Ants, 141-146, 354, 386, 407.

Aphids, 384-386, 419, 426.
Apus, 418.

Archeopteryx, 41, 42, 53, 54.
Ardea, 200.

Argus pheasant, 199.

Aristolochia Clematitis, 10, II, 12.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Felis, 308.

Fish, change of color, 16.

Fishes, 7.

Heredity, 270.

Hermaphroditic animals, 126.
Hertwig, O., 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83.

Fishes, secondary sexual character of, 190. Hertwig, R., 447.

Flatfish, 137, 138.

[blocks in formation]

Hieracium, 330, 331.

Hildebrand, 148.

Hill, 252.

Hipparion, 51.
Hippeastrum, 148.
His, 71, 72.
Holmes, 72.
Hornbills, 219.
Horns, 229.
Horse, 42, 224.
Horse-chestnut, 24.
Hothura, 410.
Hottentots, 212.

Hudson, 140, 195, 409-412.
Humming-birds, 6, 197, 228.
Hurst, 75, 76, 77, 78.
Huxley, 49, 156, 233.
Hyatt, 259.

Geddes and Thompson, 417, 423, 426, 427. Hybrids, 149, 239.

Geer, De, 178.

Gegenbaur, 49.

Gelasimus, 177.

Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, 44, 67, 300-303.

Geological evidence, 39.

Gerbe, 429.

Germinal selection, 154.

Hydatina, 417.

Hydroides, 348.

Hylobates, 205.

Hymenoptera, 181.

Ice, 28.

Ichneumonidæ, 181.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Law of Biogenesis, 30.

Leaf, resemblance to, 7.

Leaves, closing of, 11.

Leeches, 417.
Leguminosa, 124.
Leidy, 46.

Length of life, 20.

Lenhossek, 435.
Leopard, 209.
Lepidoptera, 172.
Leptothrix, 320.
Leucophys, 442.
Lichen, 9.
Lillie, 72.

Limbs of vertebrates, 46.
Linaria, 401.
Linnæan species, 85.
Linnæus, 191.
Lion, 6.

Lizards, 7, 16, 17, 193.
Lobelia, 148.

Lobster, 343.

Lockwood, 138.
Locusts, 188.

Loeb, 383-392, 447.

Lomaria, 290.
Lowell lectures, 61.
Lumbriculus, 15.

Luminous organs, 133.
Lymnæa, 305, 322.
Lythrum, 365-370.

Machines, 26, 27, 28.

McIntosh, 176.

McNeill, 204.

Macropus, 192.
Malva, 401.

Mammalia, origin, 54, 202.

[blocks in formation]

Minnow, 16.
Minot, 433.

Mirabilis, 149, 150.
Mivart, 136, 137.

Mole, 1, 2, 18, 227.
Mole-cricket, I, 2.
Molothrus, 140.
Monkeys, 207, 208.
Mons, Van, 332.
Montgomery, 432.
Moor-hen, 453-

Moquin-Tandon, 303.
Morton, Lord, 238.
Moschus, 206.

Moths, 184, 387, 388.
Moussu, 257.
Mozart, 218.
Mulberry, 313.
Müller, 182, 188.
Müller, Fritz, 148.
Muscles, 12.

Mycetes, 205.
Myzostomum, 422.

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