Ademollo, A., La Giustizia a Roma dal 1674 al 1737, Agnosticism, 87-Gnosticism and Agnosticism, the two extreme opinions respecting human knowledge, ib.their definition, ib.-each has been regarded as a heresy, SS-the question between them, 89-each assumes that we possess a faculty which transcends the order of nature, ib.this assumption untenable, ib.-the sense of ignorance not identical with the sense of mystery, 90-their difference, 91-the vision of the supernatural comes to the Gnostic and the Agnostic, ib.-examination of the four theories of the origin of life, 92-the sense of limit gives the evidence of the supernatural, 100the supernatural reached by the study of self, ib.
Angus Graeme, Gamekeeper, by
Author of A Lonely Life, &c., Archæology in the South-West of Scotland, 70-Collections, published by the Ayr and Wigton Association, ib. -Rev. George Wilson on the antiquities of Wigtonshire, 71Dr. Munro's Ancient Scottish LakeDwellings, 72-no trace of riverdrift or cave men in Ayr and Wig. ton, 73-Hunterston rock-shelter, ib.-lacustrine settlements of the Paeonians, 75-wide diffiusion of lake-dwellings, ib. - Swiss lakedwellings, ib. Dr. Keller's description of fascine dwellings, 76 -similarity of Irish and Scottish crannogs, ib. crannogs of Loch Dowalton, 77-of the Loch of Kilbirnie, 79-- of Lochlee, 80--of Buston, 83-relics found in the crannogs, 84 -builders of the crannogs, ib.-their skill, 86-the crannogs originally permanent and not occasional dwelling places, ib. Antologia, Nuova,
Burghs, Early Scottish, 45-utility of Scottish Burgh Records, ib.-origin of Scottish burghs, 46-selection of sites, ib.-their value and privileges, 47-their constitution, 48-their relations with the Crown, 49-burgessship its privileges, 50-exercised by women, 53-its duties, 54monopolies enjoyed by burgesses, 55 -general law and practice modified by burgh laws, 56-right of burgess to elect their own magistrates, 57town councils, 58-liners, 59-apprisers of flesh, &c., 60-reciprocal duties imposed by the Laws of the Four Burghs, 61-merchant guilds, 62-laws of the guild of Scotland, 63-crafts and occupations in burghs, 66-the beneficial influence of burghs in national life, 67.
Cantu, C., Alessandro Manzoni, Carlyle, Letters of Mrs., Edited by J. A Froude, 127-her Diary, ib.-Mr. Froude as an editor, 128-charges brought against Mr. Carlyle, ib.- character of Mrs. Carlyle, 130-of her letters, 133- her relations with her husband, 136-domestic causes of her troubles, 139-residence in London, 142-interest in her hus- band's labours, 143-her visitors and visits, 144-Count d'Orsay and Lord Jeffrey, 145-general impression pro- duced by her letters, 146. Ciampoli, J., Trecce Nere, Civilta Cattolica, La, Cotterill, Rev. H., Does Science aid Faith in regard to Crea- tion?
Cunningham, Rev, Dr., Church History of Scotland,
![[blocks in formation]](,149,809,146)
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Emerson's Social Philosophy, his esti- mate of custom, 222-denunciation of 'conformity,' 223-Poverty de- moralizes,' 225-his social ideal, 226 -his teaching respecting the duties that are nearest to us, 228 - on expenditure, 229-the effort of all should be to produce, 230-character and circumstance, 231-his peculiar power as a teacher, 232-his private judgments, 233 purity of his writings, 233. Endowments, Educational and Secon- dary Education, 1-history and con- dition of primary and secondary education compared, ib. Educa- tional Endowments Act of 1882, 5 -insufficiency of existing arrange- ments for secondary education, ib.— two kinds of secondary schools re- quired, 6-Rural School Boards and higher education, 7-the proper destination of educational endow- ments, 8-effect of Lord Young's Act, 9-the anomalous position of secondary education, 11-the law of supply and demand and secon- dary education, 13-claims of the middle classes, 14-their supineness in educational matters, 15-State management and private enterprise, 16-economy of a system of secon- dary schools, 17-need for a Minister of Education, 20-his functions, ib. -University education in relation to secondary schools, 22-increasing desire for technical education, 24.
Fairbairn, A. M., The City of God, 148 Fitch, J. G., Lectures on Teaching, Fleming, J., Life of Alexander
Highlands, The Future of the, 101- The Highlands afford a large field for the employment of capital, 102— for the development of their re- sources, railways required, 103- planting of forests, 107-encourage- ment of local industries, 111-free trade in land, 112-amendment of the Game Laws, 114-County govern- ment, 116.
Hood, Paxton, Scottish Charac- teristics,
Kerbaker, Prof. M., La Scienza delle Religioni,
Lenormant, F., La Genése, Livre, Le,
Lydon, A. F., Scottish Loch Scenery,
Macaulay, Lord, 25-the Hon. A. S. G. Canning on Lord Macaulay, 26- Mr. Cotter Morison, 27-the climax of his abuse, 30-three essentials of a historian, 32-Macaulay's industry as a historian, ib. his impartial judgment, 34-suspicions of his par- tiality accounted for and refuted, 36 -the excellence of the History, the cause of hostile criticism, 40-the felicity of Lord Macaulay's style as a writer, 42-the enduring influence of his writings, 44.
M'Dowall, W., The Man of the Woods, Burns in Dum- friesshire,
Main, Thos., D.D., Memorials
of the Life and Ministry of,
Middle Classes, Educational Wrongs of, 209-indifference of Englishmen to symmetry of organisation illus- strated by state of national educa- tion, ib.-middle classes greatest sufferers therefrom, 210-their con- tribution to the school-rate, ib.- state of secondary education, 211- in South-West of Scotland, ib.—dif- ficulties in regard to higher schools, 213-unfairness of existing educa- tional arrangements, 214-Continen- tal system of education, 215-ad- vantages to be derived from an organised system of secondary edu- cation, 217-disadvantages accruing to the middle classes from existing arrangements, 220.
Middle Classes, Zola's Parisian, Moncrieff, Sir H. W., The Free
Muir, Sir W., Annals of the
Patriotism, Scottish, and Scottish Politics, 358-Lord Rosebery and Mr. Gladstone on the Local Govern- ment Board (Scotland) Bill, ib.— the desire of Scotland respecting it, 360-opinion in Scotland concerning the rejection of the Bill, 361-aim of the Bill, 363-legislation for Scot- land, 364-the present tendency to make Cabinet offices bureaus for the supervision of special interests com- mon to the Three Kingdoms, 366- can Scotland resist this tendency? ib. - the proposal to appoint an Under Home Secretary for Scotland, 367 arguments in favour of a Cabinet Minister, 368-creation of fresh Boards to be guarded against, 373-Mr. Dalgleish and Scottish patriotism, 374 - Lord Rosebery's view, 376-Mr. J. Boyd Kinnear's, 380-Scottish politics of the future,
Poets, Three Representative, Mr. Tennyson, Mr. Swinburne, Mr. Browning, 334-recent development of criticism, 335-the French Revol- ution and modern history, 336-- Wordsworth and Keats poetical
ancestors of Tennyson, 337-Tenny- son as an artist, 338-his natural instincts on the side of law, order, &c., 339-repelled by scepticism and heated enthusiasm, 341-his first and last word, 343-the spirit of Mr. Swinburne's poetry, the spirit of revolution, 343-his style as com- pared with Tennyson's, ib. -his spirit of revolt, 344-his defence of Poems and Ballads, 346-chastened character of his more recent poems, 349-Mr. Browning not a thinker par excellence and a poet par hasard, ib.- -a parabolic description of his method, 351-'A Gram- marian's Funeral,' ib.-Mr. Brown- ing differentiated from the previously considered poets, 353-his call to us, 354.
Politics, The 'Mean' in, 261-Aris- totle's definition of a 'mean,' ib.- a Whig the 'mean' between an ex- treme Tory and an extreme Radical, 262-Lord Young's Act a good illus- tration of a 'mean' in politics, ib.— fixed principles in politics, 266-as applied to Church establishments, ib.-to the question of a Monarchy or Republic, 268-to the present condition of Russia, 270-to the land laws, 271-the probable best proof that the Whigs hold the 'mean,' 272-the significance of Liberty, Fraternity, Equality,' 273-Mr. G. W. E. Russel on the Whigs, 275— the Radical extreme on the Irish question, 277-Macaulay's descrip- tion of political parties, 278-Mr. Gladstone and the Liberal party, 279-future of moderate Liberals, 280. Poole, R. S., The Cities of Egypt, Pressensé, E. de, A Study of Origins,
Preussische Jahrbücher, Pringle, John,
Proctor, R. A., The Great Pyramid,
Rassegna Nazionale, Revue Archéologique,
Do. des Deux Mondes, Do. de l'Histoire des Reli- gions,
Revue La Nouvelle,
Do. Philosophique,... Reynold, J. W., The Super- natural in Nature, The Mystery of Miracles,
Schwarz, D. C., Predigten aus der Gegenwart (Achte samm- lung), Scotland in the Eighteenth Century- 1707, 234-the Union and the na- tional memory, ib.-the beginning of modern Scottish history, 235- population and towns at the Union, 237-social and moral atmosphere of the old Scottish burgh, 234-scarcity of money, 240-commerce and trade, 241 Lanarkshire, 243 - Glasgow, 244 Renfrewshire, ib. Strath- clyde, 245-the old Pictish land, 246-ships and tonnage, 247-rural condition of the country, ib. dearths, ib.-pauperism, 248-state of agriculture, 250-feudal obliga- tions, 252-wretched condition of cottars, ib. -food of the people, 254 -spirit of independence, ib.-roads, 246-past and present, 260. Smith, W. C., North Country
Spurgeon, C. H., Farm Sermons,
153-The Treasury of David, Vol. VI.,
Stalker, Jas., M. A., The New Song, and other Sermons for the Children's Hour, Symonds, J. A., Italian By-
Swinburne, A. C., a repre- sentative poet, 343-A Cen- tury of Roundels,
Wallace, Edwin, Outlines of the Philosophy of Aristotle, Watson, Dr. A., Christ's Au- thority, and other Sermons, Wayside Songs, with other Verse, Whitman, Walt, 281-Emerson on Leaves of Grass, ib.-its first recep- tion, 282 Whitman on adverse criticism, 284-increasing popularity, 285-Specimen Days and Collect, 286 -the author's prose style, ib.- Leaves of Grass, 207-Whitman's aim, 288-his description of American society, 286-of American literature, 291-his defectiveness as an artist, 292-his violation of a natural in- stinct of the human mind, 295-dis- tinctively American in spirit, 296— his directness, ib.-mysticism, 297- modern in spirit, 298-suggestive- ness of his writings, 299.
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