Thy sinless land, Which eye hath never seen. Visions come and go; Shapes of resplendent beauty round me throng, From angel lips I seem to hear the flow Of soft and holy song. The Land We Love - Стр. 1861866Полный просмотр - Подробнее о книге
| 1849 - Страниц: 750
...mortal ne'er hath been, Wrapp'd in the radiance from thy sinless Which eye hath never seen, [land, Visions come and go ; Shapes of resplendent beauty...the flow Of soft and holy song. It is nothing now, j When heaven is opening on my sightless eyes, When airs from Paradise refresh my brow. The earth in... | |
| 1845 - Страниц: 624
...stand Trembling, where foot of mortal ne'er hath been, Wrapped in the radiance from thy sinless hand, Which eye hath never seen. Visions come and go; Shapes...brow, — The earth in darkness lies. In a purer clime My being fills with rapture, — waves of thought Roll in upon my spirit, — strains sublime Break... | |
| 1854 - Страниц: 744
...stand Treml ling, where foot of mortal ne'er hath been "Wrapp'd In the radiance of thy sinless hand, Which eye hath never seen. Visions come and go ; Shapes...When heaven is opening on my sightless eyes, When aim from Paradise refresh my brow, The earth in darkness lies. In a purer clime, My being fills with... | |
| 1862 - Страниц: 802
...and go ; Shnpos of resplendent beauty round me tlirong, From angel lips I set-in to hear the flow Ot soft and holy song. It is nothing now, When heaven...Paradise refresh my brow, The earth in darkness lies. "In apurercilme. My being fills with rapture — waves of thought Roll on my spirit — strains sublime... | |
| Enoch Lewis, Samuel Rhoads - 1848 - Страниц: 856
...stand Trembling, where foot of mortal ne'er hath been, Wrapped in that radiance from the sinless land Which eye hath never seen. Visions come and go, Shapes...soft and holy song. It is nothing now, When heaven is openins on my sightless eyes; When airs from " Paradise" refresh my brow, That earth in darkness lies.... | |
| 1849 - Страниц: 586
...I seem to stand Trembling, where foot of mortal ne'er hath been, Wrapp'd in the radiance from that sinless laud, Which eye hath never seen. Visions come...brow, The earth in darkness lies. In a purer clime My being fills with rapture — waves of thought Roll in upon my spirit — strains sublime Break over... | |
| Manchester district Sunday school assoc - 1855 - Страниц: 800
...stand Trembling, where foot of mortal ne'er hath been, Wrapped in the radiance of thy sinless hand, Which eye hath never seen. Visions come and go —...brow, The earth in darkness lies. In a purer clime My being fills with rapture — waves of thought Roll in upon my spirit — strains sublime Break over... | |
| Samuel Dunn - 1852 - Страниц: 1074
...thing. Oh ! I seem to stand Trembling, where foot of mortals ne'er hath been, Wrapped in the radiance of Thy sinless laud, Which eye hath never seen. Visions...holy song. It is nothing now, When heaven is opening to my bightleas eyes ; When airs from Paradise refresh my brow, The earth in darkness lies. In a purer... | |
| 1856 - Страниц: 666
...stand Trembling, where foot of mortal ne'er hath been, Wrapped in the radiance of Thy sinless hand, Which eye hath never seen. Visions come and go ; Shapes...resplendent beauty round me throng ; From angel lips I sewn to hear the flow Of soft and holy song. It is nothing now When heaven is opening on my sightless... | |
| 1850 - Страниц: 642
...stand Trembling, where foot of mortal ne'er hath been, Wrapped in the radiance of Thy sinless Land, Which eye hath never seen. Visions come and go ; Shapes...brow, The earth in darkness lies. In a purer clime My being fills with rapture — waves of thought, Roll in upon my spirit — strains sublime Break... | |
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