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for his return at the gate. His addrefs had two objects: "to entreat that the affembly would devife fome method of relieving the dreadful fcarcity of bread which prevailed at Paris, and which he faid had been occafioned by the interception of convoys, and by the monopolifts; and to folicit that the gardes-ducorps might be ordered to affume the national cockade." He had fcarcely finished, when a national cockade was prefented to him on the part of the gardes-du-corps, as a proof that they had already adopted it. Maillard fhewed it to the women, who immediately answered by loud acclamations of Vive Le roi, & M. M. les gardes-du-corps! A deputation was immediately appointed to wait on the king with this intelligence.

The king had gone that morning to take the diverfion of fhooting in the woods of Meudon; and in the midft of his fport intelligence was brought, "that a moft formidable band of women were on the way from Paris, exclaiming for bread." "Alas!" answered the king, "if I had it, I fhould not wait to be asked." On his return, as foon as he mounted his horse, a chevalier of St. Louis fell upon his knees and befeeched his majefty not to be afraid." I never was afraid in my life," returned the king.

On his arrival at Verfailles he found the gardes-du-corps and the national guard under arms, and the palace furrounded with a mob. With the deputation from the affembly five of the women were introduced to his majefty, who on hearing of the diftreffes of the metropolis was extremely moved, and the women fympathized in the feelings of the monarch. Louisa Chabry, a young woman who was em

ployed in fome of the branches of fculpture, and was only feventeen years of age, fainted. When the recovered the defired leave to kis the king's hand, who embraced her, and difmiffed her with an elegant compliment. The women without doors could fcarcely believe the report of those who had been admitted. In the mean time the king figned an order for bringing corn from Senlis and de Lagni, and for removing every obftacle which impeded the fupply of Paris. This order was reported to the women, and they retired with acclamations of gratitude and joy.

This band of Amazons was no fooner difperfed than it was fuccéeded by another, headed by M. Brunout, a foldier of the Parifiau guard, whom they had compelled to affume the unpleasant office of their leader. It is uncertain upon what provocation M. Savonieres, a lieutenant in the gardes-du-corps, and two other officers, imprudently fingled out Brunout from his company, and chafed him along the ranks with their drawn fabres. The unhappy man was upon the point of being cut to pieces with their fabres, when one of the national guard of Verfailles fired upon M. Savonieres, and broke his arm, and by that' means faved the life of Brunout: and this incident is faid to have greatly increased that unfortunate hatred which the people afterwards manifefted by atrocious acts of cruelty to the gardes-du-corps.

Whether there was indeed a concerted plan to carry off the king to Metz, or whether the court was really terrified by the accident which we have juft recounted, it is impoffible to determine; but the king's carriages were ordered to the gate of the caftle which communicates

with the orangery. The national guard of Verfailles, however, who occupied the poft, refused to permit them to pafs; and the king himself was refolute in his determination to ftay-declaring, "that he would rather perish, than that the blood of the people fhould be fpilled in his quarrel."

The affembly continued fitting; but the feffion was tumultuous, and interrupted by the fhouts and harangues of the Parifian fish-women, who filled the galleries. A letter however from the king was read, deploring the scarcity of provifions, and recommending that effectual means might be taken to remedy that calamity; and in a little time after M. Mounier entered with the pure and fimple affent of the king to the conítitutional articles. The affembly was then adjourned; but the applaufe which was beftowed on its proceedings was mingled with affecting murmurs and complaints, the multitude crying out that they were actually ftarving, and that the majority of them had eaten nothing for upwards of twenty-four hours. The prefident therefore humanely ordered that provifions fhould be fought for in every part of the town, and the hall of the affembly was the fcene of a miferable, fcanty, and tumultuous banquet. Indeed, fuch was the dreadful famine, that the horfe of one of the gardes-du-corps being killed in a tumult, he was immediately roafted, and greedily devoured, by the mob. Previous to the adjournment of the affembly, Maillard and a number of the women set off in carriages, provided by the king, for Paris, carrying with them the king's letter, and the refolves of the national affembly, in the hope of restoring peace to the metropolis.

Darkness and a deluge of rain added to the horrors of the night. The wretched multitudes who had travelled from Paris were exposed, almost famifhed, to the inclemencies of the weather in the open ftreets: within the caftle all was trepidation; nothing was to be heard from without but imprecations, and the voice of enraged multitudes demanding the life of the queen and the gardesdu-corps. Towards midnight, however, all appeared tolerably ftill and peaceable, when the beating of the drums, and the light of innumerable torches, announced the approach of the Parifian army. The marquis de la Fayette on his arrival repaired to the clofet, and informed the king of the whole proceedings of the day; a part of the national guards were diftributed in pofts agreeably to the orders of his majefty; the reft were entertained by the inhabitants of Verfailles, or retired to lodge in the churches and public edifices, for the remainder of the night; and tranquillity appeared once more perfectly reftored.

The troops of vagabonds who had accompanied Maillard, or who had followed the Parifian militia, were chiefly difpofed of in the hall of the affembly, and in the great corps-degarde; and at about five in the morning the marquis de la Fayette, after having vifited all the pofts, and found every thing perfectly quiet, retired to his chamber to write to the municipality of Paris, and perhaps in the hope of fnatching a few hours repofe.

The day began to break at about half past five; and at this period crowds of women and other defperate perfons, breathing vengeance and thirsting for blood, advanced to the caflle, which, in the fatal fecurity which the arrival of the Pari

fian militia infpired, was left unguarded in feveral places. Some of the iron gates were fhut, and fome left open. An immenfe crowd found its way into the cour des miniftres, and immediately proceeded to the royal gate, which was fhut, and a number of the invaders attempted to fcale it. Another troop of ruffians proceeded to the chapel court, and another to that of the princes, and by both thefe avenues penetrated into the royal court. Some hafty difpofitions of defence were made by a M. Agueffcau; the gardes-du-corps were foon under arms, and one man was wounded by them in the arm, and another fhot dead. The crowd immediately mounted the grand flaircafe, where one of the gardes-ducorps, M. Miomandre, endeavoured to diffuade them from their at tempt; but he narrowly efcaned with his life. M. Tardivet du Repaire hatted to the queen's apart ment, in order to prevent the entrance of the banditti; but he was affailed' by thoufands, and ftretched upon the ground. A villain with a pike attempted to pierce him to the heart; but he had the good fortune to wreft the weapon from his hand, with which he parried the attacks of his enemies, and at length effected his escape. M. Miomandre in the mean time made his way to the queen's apartment. He opened the door, and cried out to a lady whom he faw in the inner chamber-"Save the queen, madam, her life is in danger-i am here alone againft two thoufand tigers." He fhut the door; and after a few minutes refiitance was defperately wounded with a pike, and left for deadthough he has fince.recovered.

The queen had been awaked a quarter of an hour before by the clamours of the women who affem

bled upon the terrace; but her waiting-woman had fatisfied her by, faying, "that they were only the women of Paris, who the fuppofed, not being able to find a lodging, were walking about." But the tumult approaching, and becoming apparently more ferious, fhe rofe, dreffed herfelf in hafte, and ran to the king's apartment by a private paffage. In her way he heard the noife of a piftol and a musket, which redoubled her terror. "My friends," faid fhe to every person the met, "fave me and my children." In the king's chamber the found the dauphin, who had been brought there by one of her women; but the king was gone. Awaked by the tumult, he had feen from a window the multitude preffing towards the great ftair-cafe; and alarmed for the queen, he hafted to her apartment, and entered at one door in the moment fhe had quitted it by the other. He returned without lofs of time; and having with the queen brought the princefs royal into the chamber, they prepared to face the multitude..

In the mean time the noife and tumult increased, and appeared at the very door of the chamber. Nothing was to be heard but the most dreadful exclamations, with violent and repeated blows against the outer door, a pannel of which was broken. Nothing but inftant death was expected by the royal company. Suddenly, however, the tumult feemed to ceafe-every thing was quiet; and a moment after a gentle rap was heard at the door. The door was opened, and in an inftant the apartments were filled with the Parifian guard. The officer who conducted them, ordered them to ground their arms. "We come," faid he, "to fave the king;" and turning to fuch


of the gardes-du-corps as were in The apartments, "We will fave you alfo, gentlemen; let us from this moment be united."

Unfortunately the national guard arrived too late to prevent all the mifchief. Two of the gardes-ducorps were murdered by the mob before the troops could be rallied, and their heads fixed on fpikes ferved as the standards of this deteftable banditti. From the first moment of the alarm the marquis de la Fayette had even exceeded his ufual activity. He appeared in every quarter:-"Gentlemen," faid he to the Parifian foldiers, "I have pledged my word and honour to the king that nothing belonging to him fhall receive injury. If I break my word, I shall be no longer worthy to be your commander." Captain Gondran, the officer who had driven the ruffians from the king's apartment, was not lefs confpicuous for his activity. The Parifians forced their way in every part through the almost impenetrable mafs-furrounded the gardes-du-corps, and placed them in fafety under their own colours.

Plunder is however commonly one great object of a mob. The banditti had already begun to ftrip the palace, and to throw the furniture to each other out of the windows. M. Gondran pursued them from place to place, till the caftle was at length completely cleared. Expelled from the palace, they repaired to the ftables; but here a Judden ftop was put to their depredations by M. Doazon, a farmergeneral, and captain of the Paris militia. The horfes were all recovered, and brought back in fafety to their ftalls. Difappointed at length in every view, they departed in a body to Paris; and left Verfailles

entirely free, and under the protec tion of the national guard. The moft generous expreffions of kindnefs and gratitude took place between the gardes-du-corps and the national guard. The former confidered the others as their deliverers ; while the latter evinced every inclination that they fhould in future form one united corps.

The royal family now ventured to fhew themselves at a balcony, and received the moft lively acclamations of refpect from the foldiers and the people. But whether it had been planned by the popular party, or whether it was the immediate impulfe of the multitudebut the former is moft probableat the firft a fingle voice, or a few voices, exclaimed-" The king to Paris;" and this was inftantly followed by an univerfal acclamation enforcing the fame demand. After fome confultation with the marquis de la Fayette, (the king addreffed them: "You wish me to go to Paris-I will go, on the condition that I am to be accompanied by my wife and children." He was anfwered by reiterated acclamations of Vive le roi !

Before the departure of the king, the national affembly was convened; and, on the motion of M. Mirabeau, paffed a folemn decree, "that the affembly was infeparable from the perfon of the king." A deputation of one hundred members was alfo appointed to accompany the king to Paris. During the preparations for the journey, the gardes-du-corps changed hats and fwords with the grenadiers and national guards, and both they and the regiment of Flanders defired leave to mix indifcriminately in the ranks. It was two o'clock in the afternoon before the proceffion fet out. During the progrefs all was


gaiety and joy among the foldiers and the fpectators; and fuch was the refpect in which the French nation ftill held the name and perfon of their king, that the multitude were fuperftitioufly perfuaded that the royal prefence would actually put an end to the famine *. On his arrival, the king was congratulated by the municipality, and declared his approbation of the loyalty which the city of Paris manifefted. He however gave one proof, among feveral others which he had before given, that however he may be wrought upon by mifreprefenta

tion and evil counfels, his character is in the general neither deficient in good fenfe nor firmnefs. As they afcended the stairs of the Hôtel de Ville, the marquis de la Fayette requefted the king that he would either affure the people himself, or permit fome other perfon to affure them in his name, that he would fix his abode in Paris." I feel no objection," replied the monarch,. "to fix my abode in my good city of Paris: but I have not yet formed any determination on the fubject and I will make no promise which I do not pofitively mean to fulfil."

[blocks in formation]

Emigration of the Ariftocratic Members of the Affembly. Title of King of the French. Duke of Orleans retires to England. A Baker hanged by the Mob at Paris. Riot A&t. New Divifion of the Empire. Church Lands applied to the Exigencies of the State. Lettres de Cachet abolifbed. Com mittee appointed to infped the Penfion Lift. Diftin&ion of Orders abolished. Oppofition of the Provincial States and Parliaments. Riots at Marseilles and Toulon. Melancholy Event at Senlis. Debate on the Eligibility of Minifters to the National Affembly. Corfica declared a conftituent Part of the French Empire. Plan of the Coiffe de l'Extraordinaire. Refufal of a Donation from Geneva. Of an Alliance with Brabant. Refifiance of the Parliament of Brittany. Affair of the Marquis de Favras. Municipalities made refponfible for Damages fuftained by Riots. Suppreffion of Monafteries. Emiffion of Affignats. Gabelle, &c. abolished. Reform of the Jurifprudence. Troubles in St. Domingo, &c. Publication of the Red Book. Religious Infurrections at Toulouse, Montabon, and Nifmes. Right of making War and Peace. Organization of the Clergy. Abolition of Titles, a Grand Confederation. Return of M. d'Orleans.


THATEVER might have been the intentions of either party in producing the riots of the 5th and 6th of October, the removal of the king to the metropolis was certainly productive of the happiest confequences. It fatisfied completely the fufpicious and un

quiet minds of the Parifians; it brought their sovereign more immediately in connexion with them, and ftrengthened in fome degree the bands of union: nay, chimerical as it may appear, the fuperftitious fancy of the populace, that the prefence of the king would terminate

The popular exclamation was, as they proceeded along" We are bringing the baker, the baker's wife, and the little journeyman."


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