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moments, however, I had the satisfaction to hear it in the branches over my head. My rifle had just been discharged, and I entertained fears that I could not re-load it, without discovering and yet exposing myself to its destructive rage. I looked into the tree with the utmost caution, but could not perceive it, though its groans and vengeance-breathing growls told me that it was not far off, and also what I had to expect in case it should discover me. In this situation with my eyes almost constantly directed upwards to observe its motion, I silently loaded my rifle, and then creeping softly round the trunk of the tree, saw my formidable enemy resting on a considerable branch, about thirty feet from the ground, with his side fairly exposed. I was unobserved, took deliberate aim, and shot it through the heart. It made a single bound from the tree to the earth, and died in a moment afterwards. I reloaded my rifle before I ventured to approach it, and even then, not without some apprehension. I took its skin, and was, with the assistance of fire and smoke able to dress it. I name this circumstance, because it afterwards afforded a source for some amusement: for I used frequently to array myself in it, as near as possible to the costume and form of the original, and surprize the herds of buffalos, elk, and deer, which, on my approach, uniformly fled with great precipitation and dread On several occasions, when I awakened in the morning, I found a rattle snake coiled up close along side me: some precaution was necessarily used to avoid them. In one instance I lay quiet till the snake saw fit to retire; In another I rolled gradually and imperceptibly two or three times over, till out of its reach, And in another when the snake was still more remote, but in which we simultaneously discovered each other, I was obliged while it was generously warning me of the danger I had to fear from the venomous potency of its fangs to kill it with my tomahawk. In the solitary and roving manner before noticed, I passed several moons on a number of small streams which flowed into white river. This led me to an acquaintance with the best haunts for game, which this district of country afforded, and latterly I had employed a considerable portion of my time in making preparations with a view, when the proper season arrived, to employ myself in collecting furs. I had constructed several falls and blinds in the vicinity of the beaver houses, and was one morning occupied in this manner, when to my surprise and regret, I discovered some white people approaching me. From their dress and equipments I knew them to be hunters, and therefore apprehended nothing from them, tho' they were nevertheless unwelcome visitants, and I felt much distress at having my haunts encroached on and my solitude interrupted especially by white people. I received them rather cautiously and cavalierly; but on being addressed by one of them, named Levous, in a complaisant and friendly manner, and that too in the Osage language, my conduct and feelings underwent a total and instant_revolution, and I actually danced for joy. This party consisted of five Frenchmen, who were on an exploring excursion to search out the most favourable places for taking furs, as soon as the hunting season should arrive. From the knowledge I had obtained of the adjacent country I saved them the trouble of further research: they therefore returned down the river to a place called Flee's settlement. After some persuasion I accompanied them, and on my arrival found a number of white people located at this point and its vicinity, for the various purposes of cultivating the soil, grazing, trading, and hunting. While in this place I acquired a knowledge of many words in the English language, and at the repeated and not to be denied instance of the American women, for the first time in

my life arrayed myself in the costume of the whites; but it was a long time before I became reconciled to these peculiarly novel fetters. The people at this settlement generally were removed, but a small degree above the Indians in their modes of life, which, considering the uncultivated state of the country, could not reasonably be otherwise expected. This circumstance had, however, a great effect in reconciling me to the change I was about to experience. It served as a gradation seasoned by other incidents, to make every succeeding step to civilization not only tolerable, but highly desirable: whereas, if I had been ushered at once from one extreme to the other, it is highly probable that a mutual dissatisfaction, and perhaps disgust, would have been the result; which most likely, would have deprived me of the superlative pleasures I now derive from associating in refined and highly cultivated societies, and thrown me back, no doubt with self-gratulation, to my former unreclaimed state of being."

We take leave of this very interesting volume with much regret; the faint view which we have been able to sketch of its contents, can give but little idea of the information it contains, respecting the animal and vegetable productions of a vast uncultured country, wherein hordes of Indians wander in quest of game. To those who delight in the details of savage life, this book will afford peculiar pleasure, and we are persuaded, that the poet and the painter might derive many sublime images from the descriptions of a territory, formed by nature on her grandest, and most extensive scale.




Chittagong. By the latest accounts from Arracan it does not appear that any unusual degree of bustle or activity prevailed among the Burmese in that Province. Their force in that quarter is very vaguely estimated at 20,000 men, of whom the main body consisting of 5000, are said to be at the Fort of Arracan, under the command of ATOWN MUNJA; the remainder are divided amongst the Posts of Mungdoo, Lowadhung, Oreetung, &c. to the North, and Ramree and Chynda, to the Southward. About three weeks ago a report arose among the inhabitants of the Southern part of the Chittagong District that the Burmese were coming back to Ramoo, which excited some temporary sensation, but no appearances have as yet shewn themselves to warrant the belief that the enemy really meditate such a step.-Great progress has we understand been made in the preparation of the road across the Chittagong District from the Sudder station to the Naaf River, under the personal direction of Captain Drummond, Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General.

The Burmese.-We understand from the communications of a person who has visited Ava, that nothing but a severe and signal punishment will ever convince the Burmese Government of its inferiority to the British nation, or lower its pride and arrogance. Such is its treachery also that when no longer capable of opposition, it will accept of terms with the intention

only of renewing the war, or surprizing some post occupied by us, the first favourable opportunity. The only mode therefore of securing the adherence of the King of Ava to the most solemn treaties is to deprive him of all power to break them. The cruel despotism of the Court produces a universal feeling of awe and terror by the sanguinary character of its punishments; and this despotism is consolidated and rendered irresistable, by numerous victories over neighbouring States, which have augmented the power of the King, and surrounded him with a halo of military glory! The Chiefs are kept in such subjection to him, and their distrust and jealousy of each other is so great, that no individual dares to disclose to his compeer any opinion or wish contrary to the measures of the Court. The lower classes of the population are entirely at the mercy of the Chiefs, who barbarously and indiscriminately punish the wives, children, and aged parents of such followers as unhappily incur their displeasure.

We have already spoken of the differ in no respect it seems from Rajahs of Tavoy and Mergui, who higher authorities in the capital of Ava. A barbarous and cruel government has indeed made the most atrocious inhumanity familiar to the people, and given them the attributes of savages.

The more the character of the Burmese is developed the greater is our surprize at the utter disregard they have for human life, not only

with respect to others, but as applied to themselves. We understand that a Burmese prisoner was taken on board one of the ships at Rangoon. Food was placed before him, and he was told that his head would be cut off. The man began, and continued, to eat voraciously, but without the smallest alarm, rather with perfect unconcern. At length when he had completed his repast, he rose, and quietly spread a cloth on the deck before him. On being asked why he did this, he replied, 66 to receive my head:" and it was some time before he could be persuaded that no such punishment awaited him.

From a person familiar with the geopraphy of the country we learn that in two floods a passage from the sea up the Pegue river to Pegue, might be conveniently effected, and that after taking the City, a detachment might even in the rains advance against Toonu or Toongho the strongest fort in the kingdom. There is said to be a very good high road communication at all seasons between Pegue and Prome, along which a military force might easily pass to the Irrawaddy, if required. It is also stated that the country round Pegue is full of deer and other game. There is besides a fine road to Prome from the coast opposite Cheduba.

Both the Peguers and the Arracanese continue to be so ill treated by the Burmese, that they are constantly emigrating in great numbers into the Siamese and British Territories. About three years ago no less than 30,000 Peguers went over at once into the Siamese dominions, and it is thought probable that the Arracanese would be well disposed to throw off the Burman yoke.

The King of Ava himself is said to be possessed of very good feelings, but it is the vanity and arrogance of some of his Courtiers, who are in a state of the grossest

ignorance with respect to the British Nation and character, which has led to the present war. These men have always cherished the notion of recovering the ancient territory of Arracan towards Luckipore, Dacca, &c. and have often proposed its re-conquest. Some years ago it is added when Major Canning was at Amarapoora an order passed the Latoo, or Council, to put that Officer in confinement and compell him to negociate the restoration of the Territory. The order, however, was immediately withdrawn, but the favorite schemes of the Courtiers on the subject were never abandoned, being determined at some time or other to bring on a war. The disastrous consequences of such a war had been earnestly pointed out to the King of Ava.

We also understand that all the money which enters the Exchequer at Ava is immediately run into slabs of 20,000 or 30,000 sicca wt. each, and that the magnificence of the Emperor with the Golden Feet is shewn by having these slabs placed in front of the Palace. In the Great Pagoda of Mengaon, the late King, Mindraghee Praw, deposited immense treasures, and among other article the images in gold, about 190, of all the members of the Royal Family, each image being made to weigh as much as the individual represented. The person from whose statements these matters are derived probably exaggerated the resources of the Bur man Empire. He talks of the immense wealth of the Monarch; the beauty and the fertility of the country: its numerous mines of precious stones and metals and its great commercial advantages in every direc tion, but particularly towards Tavoy and Mergui.-Govt. Gaz. 9th Dec.

Address to Mr. Crawford.The following has been sent us, for insertion, by the native Gentlemen concerned:

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