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fhall never be fet to fuch an Inftrument (God willing) with many other Words to that purpose: You fay truth, quoth the Bishop of Canterbury, fuch Words you used, but you were fully refolved at the last, that I fhould fubfcribe your Name, and

put to your Seal, and you would allow of the fame; All which, quoth the Bishop of Rochester, under correction my Lord is untrue: Well quoth the King, we will not stand in Argument with you, you are but The Court One: And fo the King arose up, adjourn'd. and the Court was Adjourned until the next Day, at which time the Cardinals fate again, and the Counfel on both fides were there prefent to answer.


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The King's Counsel alledge the Countel a-Matrimony not good nor lawful at Matrimo- the beginning, because of the Carnal Copulation that Prince Arthur good nor lawful. had with the Queen: This Matter was very narrowly fcann'd on that fide, and to prove the Carnal Copulation, they had many Reasons



and Similitudes of Truth, and being answered negatively again on the other fide, it feem'd that all their former Allegations, were doubtful to be tryed, and that no Man knew: Yes, quoth the Bishop of Rochester, I know the Truth; How can you know the Truth, The Qu. quoth the Cardinal more than any Counfel other Perfon? Yes forfooth, my Lord, quoth he, I know that God Bishop of is the Truth it felf, and never faith Rochefter. but Truth, and he faith thus, Quos Deus conjunxit, Homo non fepare.. And forafmuch as this Marriage was joyned and made by God to a good Intent, therefore I faid I knew the Truth and that Man cannot break upon any wilful Action that which God hath made and constituted. So much do all faithful Men know, quoth my Lord Cardinal, as well as you, therefore this Reafon is not fufficient in this Cafe; for the King's Counsel do alledge many Prefumptions to prove that it was not 13 lawful

lawful at the beginning, Ergo it was not ordained by God, for God doth nothing without a good End; therefore it is not to be doubted, but if the Pretumptions be true which they alledge to be most true, then the Conjunction neither was, nor could be of God. Therefore I fay unto you, my Lord of Rochefter, you know not the Truch, uniefs you can avoid their Prefumptions upon just Reasons.

Dr. Ridley. Then quoth Doctor Ridley, it is a great Shame and Dishonour to this Honourable Prefence, that any fuchPrefumptions should be alledged in this open Court: What, quoth my Lord Cardinal, Domine Doctor Reverende? No, my Lord, there belongs no Reverence to this Matter, for an unreverent Matter may be unreverently answered, and fo left off; and then they proceeded to other Matters; Thus paffed this Court from Seffion to Seffion, and Day to Day; till a certain Day the King fent for the Cardinal to Bridewell,


well, who went into the privy The King Chamber to him where he was, a-fent for bout an Hour, and then departed the Cardifrom the King, and went to Weftminster in his Barge, the Bishop of Carlisle being with him, faid, It is a hot Day to Day; yea, quoth the Cardinal, if you had been as well Chafed as I have been within this Hour, you would fay you were very hot.

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My Lord no fooner came Home, but he went to Bed, The Carwhere he had not lain above two Hours, but my Lord, of Wiltshire, goes home. Mrs. Ann Bullens Father, came to to Bed. fpeak with him from the King : My Lord commanded he should be brought to his Beds-fide; who told him, It was the King's Mind he fhould forthwith go with the Cardinal to the Queen, being then at Bridewel in Her Chamber, and to perfwade Her, through their Wisdoms to put the whole Matter into the King's own Hands, by Her Confent; which fhould be much better for Her Honour, then 1 4 stand

ftand to the Trial at Law, and thereby be Condemn'd, which would tend much to her Dishonour and Difcredit.

To perform the King's Pleasure, my Lord, faid he was ready, and fo prepared to go, but quoth he further to my Lord of Wiltshire, you and others of the Lords of the Coun fel, have put fancies into the head of the King, whereby you trouble all the Realm, but at the length you will get but fmall thanks both of God and the World, with many other earnest Words and Reasons, which did cause my Lord of Wiltfhire to be filent, kneeling by my Lord's beds fide, and in conclufion departed.

And then my Lord rose and took his Barge, and went to Bath-house, to Car. Campaines, and fo went togetherto Bridewel to the Queen'sLodgings, the being then in her Cham bers of Prelence, they told the Gentle

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