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Now the appointed time drew near for Installation; and fitting at Dinner the Friday before the Monday that he The Earl of fhould have been inftall'd at Tork, the Northumberland and Mr. Earl of Northumberland and Mr. Welch, Welch come with a great company of Gentlemen of to Caywood- the Earl's Houfe, and of the Country, Hall.

whom they had gathered in the King's Name to accompany them, (yet not knowing to what end) came to the Hall of Caywood, (the Officers being at Dinner) and my Lord not fully dined, nor knowing any thing of the Earl's being


The first thing that the Earl did, after he had fet the Hall in order, he comman ded the Porter to deliver the Keys of the Gates to him, which he would in no wife do, altho' he was threatned and commanded in the King's Name to make deliverance thereof to one of the Earl's Servants, which he still refused, saying to the Earl, That the Keys were deliver'd to him by his Lord and Master, both by Oath and other Command.

Now fome of the Gentlemen that ftood by the Earl hearing the Porter fpeak fo ftoutly, faid, He is a good Fellow and a faithful Servant to his Master, and Speaks

Speaks like an honeft Man, therefore give him your Charge, and let him keep the Keys ftill. Then faid my Lord, Thou fhalt well and truly keep the Keys to the Ufe of our Soveraign Lord the King; and you shall let none pafs in nor out of the Gates, but fuch as from time to time you fhall be commanded by Us, being the King's Commiffioners, during our stay here. And with that Oath he receiv'd the Keys of the Earl's and Mr. Welch's Hands.

But of all this my Lord knew no thing, for they had ftopt the Stairs, that none fhould go to to my Lord's Chamber, and they that came down could not go up again. At length one efcaped up, and thew'd my Lord, That the Earl of Northumberland was in the Hall, whereat my Lord wondred, and at the first believ'd him not, till he heard it confirm'd by another: Then quoth my Lord, I am forry we have dined, for I fear our Officers have not provided Fish enough for the Entertainment of him, with fome honourable Cheer fitting his Eftate and Dignity. And with that my Lord arole from the Table, and commanded to let the Cloth lye, that the Earl might fee how far forth they were at their Dinners: And N



The Cardi- as he was going down Stairs, he en nal and Earl courtred with my Lord of Northumberland, to whom my Lord faid, Tou are heartily welcome, my Lord; and fo they embrac'd each other. Then quoth my Lord Cardinal, If you had lov'd me, you would have fent me word before of your coming, that I might have entertain'd you according to your Honour; notwithstanding, you shall have fuch Cheer as I can make you for the prefent, with a right Goodwill, trusting you will accept thereof in good part, hoping hereafter to fee you oftner, when I shall be more able to entertain you. This faid, my Lord took him by the Hand, and led him to his Chamber, whom follow'd all the Earl's Servants, and they being there all alone, faving 1, who kept the Door, as my Office requir'd, being Gentleman Usher, thefe


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two Lords standing at a Window, the The Earl ar- Earl trembling faid, I arrest you of High refts the Car- Treafon; with which Words my Lord was well nigh aftonish'd, ftanding ftilla good space, without fpeaking one Word. But at the laft, quoth my Lord, What Anthority have you to arrest me? Quoth the Earl, I have a Commission fo to do: Shew it me, quoth my Lord, that I may


See the Contents thereof. Nay Sir, that you must not, quoth the Earl. Then, quoth my Lord, bold you contented, for I will not obey your Arrest; for there hath been between your Ancestors and my Predeceffors great Contentions and Debate, and therefore, unless I fee your Authority, Iwill not obey you.


Even as they were debating the mat- Mr. Welch ter in the Chamber, fo likewife was arrefts Dr. Mr. Welch bufie in arrefting Dr. Austin at the Door, faying, Go in thou Traytor, or I fhall make thee. With that I open'd the Portal-door, and did thruft in Dr.Auftin before him with Violence.

The matter on both fides aftonish'd me very much, marveling what all this fhould mean, until at the laft Mr. Welch being enter'd my Lord's Chamber, be gan to pluck off his Hood, being of the Tame Cloth his Cloak was, which Hood he wore to the intent he should not be known, who kneel'd down to my Lord, to whom my Lord faid, Come hither Gentleman, and let me speak with Tou, commanding him to ftand up, and faid thus: My Lord of Northumberland bath arrefted me, but by what Authority I know not; if you be privy thereunto, join'd with him

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therein, I pray you fhew me. Indeed, my Lord, if it please your Grace, quoth Mr. Welch, I pray have me excus'd; there is annex'd to our Commission certain Inftrullions as Tou may not fee, nor be privy to. Why, quoth my Lord, be your Inftructi ons fuch, as I may not fee, nor be privy thereunto; but peradventure, if I be privy unto 'em, I may help you the better to perform'em; for it is not unknown to you, that I have been of Counsel in as weighty Matters as thefe are, and I doubt not but I shall do well enough for my part, prove my felf a True Man, against the Expectations of my cruel Enemies. I fee the Matter whereon it groweth; well, there is no more to do, I trow: Tou are of the PrivyChamber, your Name is Mr. Welch, I am contented to yield to Tou, but not to the Earl, without I fee bis Commiffion; and alfo You are a Jufficient Commiffioner in this behalf, being one of the Privy-Chamber: Therefore put your Commiffion in execution, fpare me not, I will obey you and the King, for I fear not the Cruelty of mine Enemies, no more than I do the Truth of my Allegiance, wherein I take GOD to witness, I never offended His Majesty in Word or Deed; and therein I dare ftand Face to


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