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1st. That Abraham Lincoln, the camelion debater with the late Judge Douglas, had "thoroughly imbibed the principles of the declaration of independence, had always cherished the 'desire' that they should be carried out impartially without respect to colour, and that every man born on the soil of America, and under its institutions, should enjoy the benefit secured by civilization.”

2nd. That Abraham Lincoln, who, when he took the oath to the constitution, swore to uphold and maintain it as a slave document, and threatened with all the terrors of his official displeasure all who would not so regard it-the man who wrote to Hon. Horace Greely, to the effect that "if he could save the Union with slavery, he would do it, or slavery in part, he would do that, but if he could not save the Union without, he would destroy slavery." That this man "had shaped out for himself an anti-slavery policy, and carried with him into the presidential chair, a strong determination to administer his government in the spirit of freedom, and that future ages, when they should look back on the list of great names, would remember with equal gratitude, George Washington, the father of American independence, and Abraham Lincoln, the liberator of the slaves."

3rd. That the Union and Emancipationists in England, leagued with the Religious War Crusaders and Republicans in America, are the true friends of the slave."

John Brown, who was quick to detect artifice, and

who loathed in his inmost soul all treachery and falsehood, would instantly have protested, and hurled his defiance with seven-fold indignation against such abominable frauds and diabolical wickednesses perpetrated and sanctioned in the name of liberty, justice, humanity, Christianity, and God.

True friends of freedom, look at the hecatombs of the slain-gaze upon the bruised and mangled limbs of the wounded and dying, visit the homes made desolate by the war, and see how their woecups are filled to the brim-think of the mirth and hilarity of the administrators of the government as they crack their jokes in the midst of such scenes of suffering and woe; bear in mind that a country which claims to have the holiest government, and to be the freest nation in the world is filled with spies, informers, conscripts, and dungeons; consider also, how, in consequence of the judicial blindness of our so-called great men in church and state, the whole country is bounding along with accelerated force into the gulph of ruin; and then, ponder over the records put on file by Mr. James Yeatman, the President of the Western Sanitary Commission, and you will see from another stand point what is the character of the men who claim to be the liberators of the slave-and the nature of that freedom, which the Unionists and Emancipationists say, is rapidly coming upon four millions of slaves, in connexion with the philanthropic work of the brute force abolitionists.

The "Liverpool Courier" Jan. 29, 1864, says :

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Our authority for what we are about to state is derived from unimpeachable Northern sources. In the month of December last, one year after the celebrated emancipation proclamation, Mr. James E. Yeatman, president of the Western Sanitary Commission, visited the camps of the "Freedmen" from Cairo to Natchez, along the Mississippi. He was commissioned to ascertain the number of those freed negroes who were unemployed, to ascertain their wants, and to make what suggestions he thought fit for their advantage and improvement. He visited twenty-one camps, and we will give in his own words a concise view of what he saw :

"About Memphis there are 3000 freedmen and women. Those employed by Government receive but 10 dollars a-month (that is, allowing for depreciation of currency, £1 monthly), out of which they must feed, clothe, and lodge themselves. The negroes could earn from 30 to 45 dollars monthly, but they are compelled to work for 10. A negro harness-maker, who could earn 45 dollars, was forced to work for 10, though white men were paid 45 dollars per month for the same work. The negroes on steamboats, who receive 35 dollars monthly, are afraid to land lest they should be picked up and forced into government employment at one-fourth their existing wages; thousands, moreover, have been employed for weeks and months who have never received anything but promises to pay !"

The liberated negroes gathered round Mr. Yeatman

and said, "They were told they were free, but they could not believe it. Negroes are seized in the street and ordered to go and help to unload a steamboat, or to work in the trenches, or to chop wood; he labours for months, and at last is only paid with promises, unless it be with kicks, cuffs, and curses." They say “that they sigh to return to their former masters and homes ; their masters at least fed, clothed, and sheltered them."

The enterprising citizens of Massachusetts have readily found a profitable mode of employing slaves. They are very severe abolitionists, the men of Massachusetts, and lest wages should seem to be a badge of slavery or coercion they never pay the negroes anything, but they make them work hard, for idleness is sinful. These men of the North lease four or five abandoned plantations, and put all the negroes to work. These intelligent contrabands "may get corn wherever they can find it on abandoned plantations; the masters give them none. Four pounds of meat per week is all that is allowed them; they have to pay for their flour." Some have worked from April to December without receiving any pay or clothing whatever. The negroes say "that they are taken out and hired to men who treat them, as far as providing for them is concerned, far worse than their Secesh masters did." They who do receive pay receive it not by the month, but by the number of days' work they put in, at the rate of 27 cents daily; and thus when the planter only furnishes ten days' labour in the month, the

slave receives but 2 dollars 70 cents for his month's service.

Mr. YEATMAN says, "The parties leasing plantations and employing negroes do so from no motives either of loyalty or humanity; the desire of gain alone prompts them. The majority of the lessees are adventurers, camp followers, and land sharks. These parties are endeavouring to form a combination by which a few men would monopolise many plantations. If the negroes succeed in obtaining wages they are plundered by wholesale. Their considerate Northern masters sell to them shoes at 2 dollars 50 cents, which were sold at S. Louis for 1 dollar, and calicoes at 75 cents, which are sold at the same place for 20."

There has been a vast amount of "tall talk" in the North respecting the herculean efforts made to educate the negro. Mr. Yeatman visited several schools along the Mississippi. In one he found the master bedridden, but teaching "while himself lying in bed.” In another he found sixty-three scholars, " using books of all kinds, scarcely any two alike, and some had nothing but scraps of paper. One had a volume of Tennyson's poems, stolen out of a Southern lady's boudoir, out of which he was learning his letters! The teacher of another had but one arm to keep order amidst a crowd of negro children."

But we cannot go through the whole of this remarkable report; we must confine ourselves to a few salient points. At Milliken's Bend Mr. Yeatman found 1500 freedmen "in a destitute condition." At

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