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Object.-Development of the mining industry.
Meetings.-Annual meeting in Aug.

BOLETÍN . . . Revista minera.

Publicación quincenal. año I-[V], dic. 15, 1883-junio 15, 1888. Santiago de Chile, 1883-[88]. 5 v. fol. Publicación mensual. t. I-XVIII. Santiago de Chile, 18881906. 4°.

t. 1-8, 31 jul. 1888–31 dic. 1896 (i. e. año 5/6-13) form Serie 2a; t. 9-18, 31 enero 1897-31 dic. 1906 (i. e. año 14-23) form Serie 3o.

t. I. Santiago de Chile, 1905. 4°. Memoria presentada por el DirecSantiago de Chile, 1895. 8°.

Estadística minera de Chile en 1903.
Esposición de minería i metalurgía.
torio . . . en setiembre de 1895.
Padron jeneral de minas de la República de Chile correspondiente a
1899. Santiago de Chile, 1901. fol.

Universidad de Chile.

Address.-Santiago de Chile.

History. Created by decree of the government Apr. 17, 1839; ordinances sanctioned by act of Nov. 19, 1842; installed Sept. 17, 1843. The organic law was modified Jan. 9, 1879, to make the university correspond more adequately to the needs of the state and to the development of public instruction.

Universidad de San Felipe, founded in Santiago about the middle of the 18th century, was suspended in 1813.


ANALES. . . t. I-CXIX, 1843/44-1906. Santiago de Chile, 18461906-[07]. 8°.

From 1869 in 2 sections (i) Memorias científicas i literarias, (ii) Boletín de instrucción pública (Consejo de instrucción pública), paged separately and forming from 2 to 4 vols. each year. Various appendices.

Volumes for 1847, 1850, 1851, 1853, 1857 reprinted 1861.

Prices: $10 per annum (12 nos.); $6 per semester (6 nos.).
Indice jeneral . . . 1843-55. Santiago, 1856.


Índice alfabético y analítico . . . 1843-1887. Santiago de Chile,

1890. 8°.

Índice . . . 1888-1899. Santiago de Chile, 1900. 8°.

Las campañas de Chiloé (1820-1826). Memoria histórica . . . por
Diego Barros Arana. Santiago, 1856. 8°.

Dos memorias sobre instrucción primaria presentadas á la Universidad
... Santiago, 1856. 8°.

Ojeada retrospectiva sobre la marcha que .

se ha seguido al tratar

de la mitolojiá clásica. . . Estudio del Justo Florián Lobeck. Santiago, 1862. 8°.

Supplemento á los Anales. . . correspondiente al año de 1862.

Estadística bibliográfica de la literatura chilena. Obra compuesta... por Ramón Briseño. Santiago de Chile, 1862-79. 2 v. 4°. Don Claudio Gay, su vida i sus obras. Estudio biográfico i crítico... por Diego Barros Arana. Santiago de Chile, 1866. 8°.

El código civil ante la Universidad, ó sus comentarios por los abogados más célebres del foro chileno. Santiago. 1871- . 8°.

A collection of theses.

Reseña de los trabajos de la Universidad, desde 1855 hasta el presente por Ignacio Domeyko. Santiago, 1872. 8°.

La crónica de 1810, por Miguel Luis Amunátegui. Memoria histórica ... Santiago, 1876. 2 v. 4°.

Agamemnón, las Coéforas, las Euménides, los Siete sobre Tebas, Prométeo encadenado. Traducción directa del griego en verso castellano, por Juan R. Salas E. Santiago de Chile, 1904. 4°.

Other special publications include yearbooks, literary and scientific programs, and miscellaneous pamphlets.

Distribution.-Exchange. On sale at the University.

Prizes. A prize of 1,000 pesos is offered biennially by each Faculty for the best work upon an assigned theme, announced in the Anales and the Diario oficial de la República. Competition is open to both Chilians and foreigners.


Circulo Naval.

Address.-Valparaiso (Casilla del Correo 976.)


REVISTA DE MARINA. t. I-XLI. Valparaiso, 1885-1906. 8°. m. 2 vols a year, 1886 to date.

Price: $10 per annum.

Distribution.-Exchange. On sale by the Secretary.

Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaiso.

Address.-Casilla 1108, Valparaiso. Director: Carlos E. Porter. History.-Established in 1878 in the Liceo; reorganized in 1897 as an independent institution. Includes sections of zoology, botany, geology and ethnology, and a library.


REVISTA CHILENA DE HISTORIA NATURAL (Órgano del Museo de Valparaiso). año I-IX, oct. 1897-dic. 1905. Valparaiso, [1897-1905]. 8°. m., to end of 1901; bi-m., 1902 to date.

Articles in Spanish, Latin, French, English, or Italian. List given in año X, no. I.

Various separately paged supplements: Boletín estadístico i de canjes del
Museo... 1897 to date.-Indice alfabético i sinonímico formado para
la última edición española de la anatomía humana descriptiva del Prof.
Ph. C. Sappey. Por Carlos E. Porter. 1900-Ensayo de una biblio-
grafía chilena de historia natural, por Carlos E. Porter. 1900.
Prices: 10 pesos per annum in Chile; 16 fr. in foreign countries.

El museo de historia natural de Valparaiso durante el año de 1900-1902.
Memoria presentada al Sr. Ministro de instrucción pública .
Carlos E. Porter. Valparaiso, 1901-03. 8°.

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Distribution. The Revista is exchanged with all journals treating of natural history in general or its branches. (Exchange of zoological and botanical specimens is also desired.) On sale by Friedländer & Sohn, 11 Carlstrasse, Berlin.



Academia Colombiana.

Address.-Bogotá. Secretary: Rafael de Pombo.

History.-Founded in 1871 in accordance with the privilege, granted by the Real Academia Española in 1870, of forming corresponding academies in the countries of Latin America.


Anuario . . . 1874-75.

Del uso

en sus relaciones con el lenguaje; discurso leído ante la Academia colombiana por Miguel A. Caro... Bogotá, 1881. 8°.


ACADEMIA NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA, created by law of Mar. 18, 1826, had only a brief existence. SOCIEDAD DE NATURALISTAS NEO-GRANADINOS, founded in 1859, was dissolved during the war of 1861. Publ.: Contribuciones de Colombia á las ciencias i á las artes; boletín de la Sociedad de naturalistas neo-granadinos. año 1-2. Bogotá, 1860-61. 8°. ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS NATURALES, organized during the administration of Gen. Salgar (1870-72), ceased to exist in 1873. SOCIEDAD DE NATURALISTAS CoLOMBIANOS, Contemporary or identical with the preceding, published Catalogo de los objectos enviados á la Exposicion nacional de 1871 (Bogotá, 1871. 8°). According to information furnished by the Oficina de Historia Natural this society was united with the following: SOCIEDAD DE MEDICINA Y CIENCIAS NATURALES, established Jan. 2, 1872, became ACADEMIA DE MEDICINA NACIONAL by law of Nov. 22, 1890. Publ.: Revista médica de Bogotá. . . año I-XXVII (i. e. núm. 1-327). Bogotá, 1873-1907. 8°. m. INSTITUTO DE COLOMBIA, formed on the model of the Institut de France (consisting of 5 academies: Academia de la lengua-Academia de inscripciones y bellas letrasAcademia de ciencias-Academia de bellas artes-Academia de ciencias morales y politicas), was incorporated June 1899 and officially inaugurated Aug. 1903. No further activities of this Institute have been noted.

Academia Colombiana de Jurisprudencia.

Fun-Founded in 18 through the initiative of Dr. Vicente Olarte Camache as the Sociedad Colombiana de Jurisprudencia: incorporated in the same year. Practically suspended during the years 1900-01. Reorgamzed by the government in May 1904 under present name. Chet-Scentric stay of av n general, especially Colombian legislation and hannga—Westy an Mondays. Fea. Nov.; annual meeting on last Sunday entrance fee. Sto: monthly ines. $: 30 corresponding

ANILLES DE JURISPRUDENZA : I-VI Bogotá, 1896-1903. 8°.

1-3 as: 4 ncomplete, no. 37-44 issued up to Ang, 1899.
ather which punicate was suspended ancl Dec. 1901, when t 5 was
this issue it was stated that the 4 entregas to complete
24 would be punished as soon as the difficulties of the situation would
germt 2 Tesa TCL from L 5

Informe del Presidente de la Sociedad ... al Sr. Ministro de instruc

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Many of the lectures delivered before the society are published in
pamphet form, mainly reprints from the Anales de jurisprudencia.
A commission of the society is preparing for publication a "Diccionario
de legsacion y insprodencia nacional"

Dominion-Excmange. Scoscrpoon to Amales should be addressed to Señor
Ammmstricer je los Amies de Crisprudencia, Bogotá

Praes—A gold medal and a silver medal are awarded annually for the two best papers presented by members during the year. A prize is avarded for the best paper presented in the annual competition held by the society.

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Himon-Established May o roer by the Ministry of Public Instruction

as Comision de Historia y Antiguedades Patrias: became an Academy by decree of Dec. 12, 1902.

Chet-Scady of the history of Colombia

Mengi—is and 15th of each month at the above address, or in the building of the Facitad de derecho y cencias peitas.

Membership —Active membership mined to go. No dres.

The name of the society given in the time of

Boletin up to no. 38 is Academia

de Historia Nacional Later numbers of the Boletin and the cñcial letter-head use the form given above.


BOLETÍN DE HISTORIA Y ANTIGÜEDADES. Órgano de la Academia v. I-III (i. e. núm. 1-36), sept. 1902-jun. 1906. Bogotá, 1903-06. 8°. m.

On cover of v. 1, no. 1-2: Órgano de la Sociedad de historia nacional. Biblioteca de historia nacional. v. I-V. Bogota, 1902-06. 8°.

Contents: v. 1. La patria boba.—v. 2. El precursor.-v. 3. Vida de Herrán.- -v. 4. Los Comuneros.-v. 5. Recopilación historial escrita en el siglo XVI por Pedro de Aguado.

Edited by Eduardo Posada and Pedro M. Ibáñez, but considered as publications of the Academy.

Distribution.-Boletín exchanged with similar publications. All publications on sale at Imprenta nacional.

›ciedad Colombiana de Ingenieros.

Address.-Carrera 7, núm. 698, Bogotá. (Apartado 458.)

History.-Founded May 29, 1887, through the initiative of Diodoro Sánchez; recognized as an official consulting body by decree of Jan. 4, 1893; incorporated in May 1896.

Ref.: Memoria del Secretario. (In Anales de Ingeniería, no. 87-88, nov.dic. 1895, p. 50 ff.)

Object.-Study of the physical and mathematical sciences, development of engineering in Colombia, and encouragement of the industrial arts.

Meetings.-1st Sundays in Nov. and Mar.; meetings of the Junta Central, Ist Sunday of each month.

Membership.-50 active (entrance fee, $25; annual dues, $12; life composition, $200); 43 corresponding; 4 honorary.


ANALES DE INGENIERÍA. Órgano de la Sociedad .
1888-99. 8°. m.

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-Indice de los diez primeros tomos complemento de la primera serie del periódico órgano de la Sociedad . . . Bogotá, 1899. 8°.



On sale by Agente de los Anales de Ingeniería,

Prizes.-PREMIO PONCE DE LEÓN. Founded by Manuel Ponce de León. Awarded annually to the best student of the Facultad de Matemáticas e Ingeniería de Bogotá.

Universidad Nacional.


History.-Founded in 1867.


Anales. . . t. I-XIII (i. e. núm. 1-92). Bogotá, 1868-80. 8°.

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