The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: The lettersHarvard University Press, 1986 |
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Стр. 39
... published essays on Cowper , the first Edinburgh reviewers , Gibbon , Macaulay , and Shelley . Bagehot never lost his verve , as the essay on Lord Althorp showed which was published as late as 1876 , the year before his death , but ...
... published essays on Cowper , the first Edinburgh reviewers , Gibbon , Macaulay , and Shelley . Bagehot never lost his verve , as the essay on Lord Althorp showed which was published as late as 1876 , the year before his death , but ...
Стр. 69
... published only in part- and a selection of those written to him . There are 407 letters , 250 transcribed from manuscript or photocopies of manuscript , the re- mainder ( many surviving only as extracts ) from printed sources . Of these ...
... published only in part- and a selection of those written to him . There are 407 letters , 250 transcribed from manuscript or photocopies of manuscript , the re- mainder ( many surviving only as extracts ) from printed sources . Of these ...
Стр. 269
... published in 1847 . 6 WB is correct . Festus , first published 1839 , second edition , 1845 , by Phillip James Bailey ( 1816-1902 ) . ' Festus ' , Prospective Review , III ( November 1847 ) , 511-41 ; reprinted Collected Works , I , 113 ...
... published in 1847 . 6 WB is correct . Festus , first published 1839 , second edition , 1845 , by Phillip James Bailey ( 1816-1902 ) . ' Festus ' , Prospective Review , III ( November 1847 ) , 511-41 ; reprinted Collected Works , I , 113 ...
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affectionate April August Aunt Barrington beautiful believe boys Bristol College Bristol Mercury Bromby certainly Church classics Clough Collected Corn Laws Crabb Robinson dear dearest Father dearest Papa December Dr Williams's Library EDITH BAGEHOT Edward Fry Eliza England essay Estlin Extract in RB F. W. Newman February feel French give Hampstead heard Herd's Hill hope Hoppus House James Cowles Prichard James Martineau January John Langport lectures Letter to Hutton London look Lord Mamma March Martineau Mary mathematics Memoir Middle Temple mind moral morning mother never Newman Norman St John-Stevas November October Osler Oxford perhaps political Prichard published R. H. Hutton Revd Review Reynolds seems September speech St John-Stevas DATE Stuckey Stuckey's suppose T. W. BAGEHOT tell thing thought Uncle Unitarian University College WALTER BAGEHOT Watson WB's wish write written wrote yesterday