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To choose the Apocalypse as the subject of a series of lectures is in these days rather perilous to a man's reputation for common sense. The book has furnished occasion for the display of so many wild vagaries, that he who again attempts to unfold its meaning lays himself open to the suspicion that he has abandoned wholesome teaching, and in moonings about seals and vials, trumpets and dragons, is wasting time that might be better employed. Yet, who that believes in the evidence for the genuineness and authenticity of this book of the Revelation does not regret that it has become the special hunting-ground of fanatics and day-dreamers? Who that believes that in it we have a veritable portion of the mind of the Spirit does not wish to do something, however little, to roll back its reproach, and to excite the search of a more reverent inquiry? With this hope, I have sought to interpret this part of Scripture by the light of the rest, and have especially sought to bring out the spiritual lessons which all have found therein, however wide apart they have been in their views of its general structure.— Extract from Preface.


"Mr. Brown has done well in sending these discourses to the press. He lays claim to no prophetic insight, or startling originality, but he has been a long and careful student of his subject. In addition to strong common sense he brings to the inquiry a devout spirit, a modest disposition, and a steady

judgment. The result is that he has given us a little book the value of which is not to be determined by its bulk. We cannot follow the author through the particular interpretations he has given. We have read them with interest and profit even where we cannot agree. They are never contemptible or far fetched. They never violate charity, and the language in which they are clothed is appropriate, devout, and often eloquent."-Nonconformist.

"Mr. Brown has enriched his work with the fruits of ripe and independent scholarship. On the whole we know of no small volume which we should more willingly put into the hands of an intelligent Christian man whom we wished to enterest in prophetic study, and whom we wished to preserve from the wild vagaries in which some writers on prophecy are prone to indulge. We cannot endorse all Mr. Brown's views, but his volume is pervaded by a degree of modesty, of strong sense, and of earnest devout feeling, which are more important on these questions than many other qualities."-Freeman.





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