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Felis, 308.

Fish, change of color, 16.

Fishes, 7.

Heredity, 270.

Hermaphroditic animals, 126.
Hertwig, O., 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83.

Fishes, secondary sexual character of, 190. Hertwig, R., 447.

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Geddes and Thompson, 417, 423, 426, 427. Hybrids, 149, 239.

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[blocks in formation]

Lang, 345.

Law of Biogenesis, 30.

Leaf, resemblance to, 7.

Leaves, closing of, II.

Leeches, 417.
Leguminosæ, 124.
Leidy, 46.

Length of life, 20.
Lenhossek, 435.
Leopard, 209.
Lepidoptera, 172.
Leptothrix, 320.
Leucophys, 442.
Lichen, 9.
Lillie, 72.

Limbs of vertebrates, 46.
Linaria, 401.
Linnæan species, 85.
Linnæus, 191.
Lion, 6.

Lizards, 7, 16, 17, 193.
Lobelia, 148.
Lobster, 343.
Lockwood, 138.
Locusts, 188.

Loeb, 383-392, 447.
Lomaria, 290.
Lowell lectures, 61.
Lumbriculus, 15.

Luminous organs, 133.
Lymnæa, 305, 322.
Lythrum, 365-370.

Machines, 26, 27, 28.

McIntosh, 176.

McNeill, 204.

Macropus, 192.
Malva, 401.

Mammalia, origin, 54, 202.

[blocks in formation]

Minnow, 16.
Minot, 433-
Mirabilis, 149, 150.
Mivart, 136, 137.

Mole, 1, 2, 18, 227.
Mole-cricket, I, 2.
Molothrus, 140.
Monkeys, 207, 208.
Mons, Van, 332.
Montgomery, 432.
Moor-hen, 453.

Moquin-Tandon, 303.
Morton, Lord, 238.
Moschus, 206.

Moths, 184, 387, 388.
Moussu, 257.
Mozart, 218.
Mulberry, 313.
Müller, 182, 188.
Müller, Fritz, 148.
Muscles, 12.

Mycetes, 205.
Myzostomum, 422.

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[blocks in formation]

Rabbit, Porto Santo, 316–317.
Rabbits, 304.

Rabbits in Australia, 112.

Race-horse, 134.

Ranunculus, 305.

Ray-florets, 135.

Rays, electric organs of, 22.
Réaumur, 388.

Recapitulation theory, 58-83.
Reduction division, 432-433.
Regeneration, 15, 16, 27, 379.
Regulations, 27, 28.
Reproductive organs, 19.
Reptiles, fossil, 52, 53.
Reugger, 205.

Rhododendron, 330.

Rhynchæa, 201

Riley, 424.

Rivers, 28.

Robinia, 404.

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Plants, 403, 415; color of, 24; influence of Savages, 210.

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Species, 31, 32, 33; adaptation for good of, Variability, 92, 93, 95, 96, 318–319.

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Professor of Biology in Bryn Mawr College; author of "The Development of the Frog's Egg," etc.

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"This volume is the outcome of five lectures on Regeneration and Experimental Embryology," given in Columbia University, in January, 1900. The subjects dealt with in the lectures are here more fully treated and are supplemented by the discussion of a number of related topics. During the last few years the problems connected with the regeneration of organisms have interested a large number of biologists, and much new work has been done in this field, especially in connection with the regenerative phenomena of the egg and early embryo. The development of isolated cells or blastomeres has, for instance, aroused widespread interest. It has become clearer, as new discoveries have been made, that the latter phenomena are only special cases of the general phenomena of regeneration in organisms, so that the results have been treated from this point of view in the present volume, which, however, has a wider bearing than simply as a treatment of the problems of regeneration." — From the Author's Preface.

"The presentation is thorough and comprehensive; besides original researches of the author, it involves a great deal of recapitulation and verification of experiments performed by others, with analyses and criticisms of the conclusions drawn from the phenomena or of theories advanced in explanation. Dr. Morgan is fortunate in possessing experience, depth of insight, and a judicial habit of mind that give him special fitness for his task.". The Nation.

"It is rare indeed to find a book which contains so large an amount of research work and which is at the same time of such general interest and importance. The book will undoubtedly take a prominent place among the standard biological works of the world."— E. G. C. in Science.




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