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fince the truth ought not to be afraid of falfhood; and Zorobabel declared, That truth is of all things 2 Eldr. 3. the most mighty, and overcometh all things. For Chrift is the truth, John. 14. I am the way, the truth; and the Devil is the father of lyes, John. 8. Therefore if the Pope and his Priefts have the truth, let them overcome us with the word of God: but if they have lyes, then they cannot long abide, in all their prefumption. Wherefore, we exhort and beseech, all the Imperial Cities, all Kings, Princes, Noble-men, rich, poor, for Gods fake, and for his Righteousness, that one of them, write hereof to another, and that there may be fome means made, how we may commune with you fafely, and friendly, at fome fuch place, as fhall be fit, both for you and us: and bring with you your Bishops and Teachers, and let them and our Teachers fight together with the word of God, and let us hear them; and let not one overcome the other by violence or false fubtilty, but only by the word of God, &c.

By all which it appears, That let mens Doctrine be what it will, they ought to be heard, and convinced by the word, and not presently to be filenced, and fubdued by force.

the commu

Now fecondly, if upon hearing and debating 2. If the dothings by the word, it fhall clearly appear, that rine after hearing of it our adversaries hold fuch things, which are fo falfe be found and erroneous, that they cannot be reckoned be damnable, lievers and members of Chrift, that hold them; nity is. nor can retain those Doctrines, without unvoidable damnation: then in this cafe, the true Church, hath Authority from the word, to do thefe


I. To Condemn their Doctrine.

2. To ExcommuniCate the Perfon.

Rules to be


1. To condemn the Doctrine.

2. To excommunicate their Perfons.

1. The Church ought to condemn the doctrine, as contrary to the Gospel, and to that eternal and unchangeable, and most clear and certain truth, which Chrift hath heard from the Father, and delivered to his Church; which is the faith once given to the Saints, and never to be altered. And fo to tell the people, what Doctrine it is; even fuch, as carries in it an utter enmity to Chrift and his Spirit; and fo confequently death and damnation; and that therefore they are to take heed of it, as they love eternal life, and would void eternal death.

And thus Chrift condemned the Doctrine of the Scribes, and of the Pharifees. and of the Sadduces, and bid his Difciples, Beware of them; and Paul, the Doctrine of Hymeneus and Philetus, which did eat as a canker, &c.

2. The Church in this cafe, may also excommunicate the Perfon; yea, though he should be filent and not feduce others; feeing Believers can have no true communion with fuch an one, who is in enmity to the word of life, in which all the true communion of the faithful stands. Wherefore fuch perfons may juftly be cut off from the Society of the faithful. But herein alfo, thefe Rules are to be observed; to wit,

obferved in 1. That this cenfure be not proceeded to, for every varying from the truth (as is already faid) but for denying fuch truths, or holding



fuch errors, as make a man incapable of fal-

2. That this be not done, till all other ways have been tryed, to reclaim him.

3. That this be done, not by two or three perfons, but by the whole Church, or communion.


That it be done, not by their own, but by
Christs Authority, who is always present in
his Church, as the Head of that body; and
that it be done, not by any humane Passion
or violence, but by the efficacy of the holy
Spirit, who is always prefent among belie-
vers, as the Spirit of thofe members.



And this Excommunication thus regulated, is Excommuthe last punishment the Church can inflict, by the nication, the warrant and authority of Chrift: and it cannot laft punila imprison any, or banish them, or fine them, or put them to death: for we muft not expound that place of Paul, Hareticum hominem devita, as Hugo Charenfis did, to take a Heretick out of his life; but him that is a Heretick, we must avoid, we must not kill; the former being Chrifts rule; the latter, Antichrifts.

Now these things have I spoken and propoun- Conclufion ded to the faithful and Churches of Chrift, whereever the providence of God fhall caft this Book, which may travel farther on this errand, than weak flesh can do: and I fo propound them all, as being most ready, my felf, to hear from any what they can propound in more light and evidence of the word. And I do humbly and earnestly in


treat all faithful Chriftians, that whatever they fhall conceive of my judgment in these matters, they will yet take in good part my care, to recover and preferve Peace and Unity in the true Church of Chrift: The defire of which, through Gods goodness, is much stronger in my heart, than any private intereft or refpect of mine



Crucified and Quickned




On Galatians ii. 19, 20.

Which for the Sum and Subftance of it, was firft spoken briefly at his Excellencies the Lord General Cromwel's Houfe; and was after more largely Delivered in Clement's Parish in Cambridge.

And is now made Publick, for the Juftification of the Truth, the profit of the Faithful, and the stopping the Mouth of Iniquity.

By WILLIAM DELL, Minister of the Gofpel, and Mafter of Gonvil and Cajus Colledge in Cambridge.

Magna patientia opus eft, ad fuftinedas calumnias Malignantis Ecclefiæ. Latimer, Martyr.

In omnibus aliis cedam cuivis: Verbum defererre & negare, nec poffum, nec volo. Luther. Epiftol. ad Leon. Decimum.


First Printed in the Year, 1651.

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