History of Materialism: History of materialism since Kant

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Стр. 93 - Darwin's theory, that the great break in the organic chain between man and his nearest allies, which cannot be bridged over by any extinct or living species, is answered simply by an appeal ' to a belief in the general principle of evolution
Стр. 93 - At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world.
Стр. 269 - All Christians believe that the blessed are the poor and humble, and those who are ill-used by the world ; that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom^ of heaven ; that they should judge not, lest they be judged ; that they should swear not at all ; that they should love their neighbour as themselves ; that if one take their cloak, they should give him their coat also ; that they should...
Стр. 102 - When we treat of sexual selection we shall see that primeval man, or rather some early progenitor of man, probably first used his voice in producing true musical cadences, that is in singing...
Стр. 4 - Newton, seized the notion that the same attractive force of all ponderable matter which now supports the motion of the planets, must also aforetime have been able to form from matter loosely scattered in space the planetary system. Afterwards, and independent of Kant, Laplace, the great author of the Mecanique Celeste, laid hold of the same thought, and introduced it among astronomers.

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