Mary for Earth and Heaven: Papers on Mary and Ecumenism Given at International Congresses of the Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Leeds (1998) and Oxford (2000) and Conferences at Woldingham (1997) and Maynooth (2001)William McLoughlin, Jill Pinnock Gracewing Publishing, 2002 - Всего страниц: 386 |
The wedding at Cana John 2 111 | 3 |
Mary and the Eucharist | 11 |
The Word made Flesh and the Blessed Virgin Mary through | 21 |
What are they saying about Mary today? A review | 30 |
Theotokos in a Trinitarian perspective | 42 |
Mary Mother of the Church and the dimensions of Catholicity | 53 |
The saints everlasting rest the Reformed position | 62 |
The Holy Spirit our Lady and the Church | 75 |
Forty years in the desert? | 209 |
AnglicanRoman Catholic ecumenical dialogue | 219 |
Coredemptrix | 232 |
Homily by Dom Alberic Stacpoole OSB on the thirtieth | 247 |
Our Lady and women in the new century | 255 |
The ordination of women gender symbolism and the | 266 |
JewishChristian relations | 283 |
The Bearer of God and the politics of Ireland | 293 |
John Henry Newman and the Immaculate Mother of the | 87 |
Catholics working with | 101 |
aspects of devotion to the | 114 |
Mary said | 129 |
The treatment of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary in the | 135 |
Evangelization Mary and the Suenens Amendment of | 145 |
Mary in the ecumenical councils of the Church | 156 |
Ut Unum Sint and Called to be One | 171 |
Ecumenism and mariology today | 185 |
Mary model of the Church | 300 |
Marys vision of justice as outlined in the Magnificat | 314 |
the | 325 |
Mary and the pattern of Fall and Redemption | 340 |
St John of Damascus on the | 355 |
Homily by Dr Edward D Garten On the matter of | 369 |
Mary and the saints in early Scottish poetry | 377 |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
Anglican annunciation apostolic Archbishop ARCIC beauty Bishop Blessed Virgin Mary body called Cardinal century Christian Unity christological common communion context Council creation creed Cyril death decree devotion dialogue disciple divine doctrine document dogmas Dorm ecclesiology Ecumenical Society ESBVM Eucharist evangelization expressed faith Father flesh forgiveness glory God's Gospel grace heaven Holy Spirit Homily honour human ibid immaculate conception incarnation Ireland Jesus Christ Jewish Jews justice koinonia Lady liturgy living London Lord Luke Lumen Gentium Magnificat Marian Marian dogmas mariology Mary's mediation Michael Hurley ministry Mother mother of Jesus mystery nature Nestorius Newman Orthodox Oxford paper was given person Pope John Paul prayer priest Protestant redemption reference Reformed resurrection role Roman Catholic Church Rome Russia saints salvation Scripture statement symbol teaching Testament theologians theology Theotokos tion tradition truth understanding union Ut Unum Sint Vatican Vatican II woman womb women words worship