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mountains, and Ney concentrated the third | have saved their left wing and their cavalry. and fourth corps behind Klix, ready to "The fate of my empire thus depended on strike, the next day, a blow not inferior to the faulty movement of the most valiant of either Ratisbon or Friedland in the import- my generals. It is just, however, that I ance of its results." At break of day the should take my own share of the blame." battle was commenced throughout the whole After the left wing, under Ney, was on the line. Napoleon renewed against the left decisive point of the battle, Napoleon should of the Allies in the mountains the demon- have moved there himself with his guard stration of the previous day. His centre and cavalry; or at least he should have was deployed to impose on the enemy, but sent to Ney a more detailed order. With not to engage him. Ney crossed the Spree proper support of cavalry, Ney would have at Klix, pushed his divisions behind the captured Bucher's infantry. A great vicright flank of the Allies, and "these forces tory over the Allies would have deterred afterwards directed their march on the spires Austria from joining them, and Napoleon of Hochkirch." Although Jomini does not might have retained his throne. Thus mention his own name here, he has else- much depended on Ney's adherence for where told us that the direction of this two hours to Jomini's advice "to direct his march was suggested to Ney by him. He march on the spires of Hochkirch." As it read, by what we have called his military was, Napoleon took no prisoners, and found intuition, Napoleon's plan of battle. He on the field only a few dismounted cannons. knew that Napoleon's attack on the left and For the second time in that campaign he front of the Allies would dislodge them had sacrificed twenty thousand men without from their position in the mountains, and any adequate result. he advised Ney to place himself across the When Ney was next called upon to exeroads by which they must have retreated. cute Napoleon's orders, he had not Jomini Here was the opportunity for another Fried-by his side to explain their meaning. An land, and there was all the day to use it. "The manœuvre was perfect, and ought to have produced incalculable results; but several unfortunate circumstances marred its success." An order which Napoleon wrote to Ney was delayed in transmission, but Jomini anticipated its tenor. Thus far no harm was done. But, unfortunately, Ney did not appreciate the position he had gained. An attack made upon him by Blucher caused him to forget the direction of Hochkirch, which he had indicated in the morning, and he deviated entirely from the manœuvre by which Napoleon designed to get possession of the enemy's line of retreat. Meanwhile that part of the battle which was under Napoleon's eye was shaped according to his scheme. "At twelve o'clock Ney's cannon announced that the moment had come for striking at the centre." And Napoleon struck as he always did strike for such an object. The attacks which he directed dislodged the Allies as he had calculated, and at the same time, Ney, advancing in the wrong direction which he had chosen, found no enemy to oppose, but saw them defiling by a road to which he had been much nearer than they were two hours before. If Ney had executed precisely the order which was sent to him, and which Jomini, as we have seen, had anticipated, and had shown one half of the energy which he showed at Friedland and many other places, the enemy would have lost the greater part of his army and all his matériel of war. The allies could never

armistice followed the battle of Bautzen, and when hostilities were renewed, Jomini was in the camp of the Allies, among whom Austria was now numbered. The plans of the Allies were discussed in an unwieldy council, of which Jomini and also Moreau were members. Moreau was a Frenchman who served against his country's army in the honest belief that the overthrow of Napoleon was necessary to her happiness. Jomini had a well-founded belief that he had been exceedingly ill-treated, and so he changed sides with a facility which was common in the seventeenth century, but has gone out of fashion in the nineteenth. When we remember how the passions of Englishmen were excited by this conflict, and still more with what populor ardour Germany rushed to arms against Napoleon, we cannot but regard with wonder the calmness with which Jomini transferred himself from the side of Napoleon to his enemies. Yet it is hard upon the native of a country too small to go to war on its own account, that his military capacity should be forbidden to display itself at a time when all the Great Powers of Europe are in arms. Napoleon expressed no resentment at Jomini's departure, but acknowledged the greatness of his services and the reality of the grievance of which he complained. It was soon made manifest that Marshal Ney had lost his head. The defeat which he suffered at Dennewitz enabled Jomini to say of him, Ney's intellect shone only in the midst of a battle when the

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From The Sunday Magazine.


balls were flying round him. There his and to say, as he might say, of the great discernment, his coolness, and his vigour events which he recalled, quorum pars magwere incomparable. But he was unable na fui. The most remarkable result of his to combine his operations in the silence large experience of war is perhaps the declaof the cabinet, while studying his maps." ration which he somewhere makes that he This disaster of Ney, and others which be- had seen positions carried by troops with fell Napoleon's lieutenants about the same shouldered arms, but that in the line of time, balanced the great victory which Na- battle he never saw a conflict with the baypoleon himself gained over the Allies at onet. Dresden. The causes of Napoleon's reverses in 1812-13 have been excellently explained by Jomini. "He fell from the height of his greatness because he forgot that the mind and strength of man have their limits, and that the more enormous the FIRST PUBLIC PROTESTANT WORSHIP IN masses which are set in motion, the more subordinate does individual genius become A PLEASING narrative from Spain gives to the inflexible laws of nature, and the less an account of the first celebration of public is the control which it exercises over worship by Spanish Protestants in Madrid. events." There was, however, for Napo- The preacher on this occasion was Pastor leon the hope that his enemies would blun- Ruet, who has done great service for Protder more seriously than his own generals. estantism in Algeria, and the service was Chaos reigned supreme at the allied head- held in the Plaza de Santa Catalina de los quarters. Even Napoleon's genius could Donados. The writer already quoted says, not command four hundred thousand men, that, as he passed up the staircase, he heard and Schwartzenberg, who was opposed to for the first time since he left England Napoleon, was a mere ordinary man. It congregational singing to one of Luther's had been proposed to give the chief com- grand old tunes. The room was crowded, mand to the Archduke Charles of Austria, and many had to leave, unable to find mere who alone had shown adequate capacity, standing-room. The preacher wore a black but, says Jomini, private interests defeated this object." So Schwartzenberg was the nominal general of this unwieldy army, and the Emperor Alexander had the "indirect control " of it, and probably consulted Jomini sufficiently to prevent any more such enormous blunders as that which incurred defeat at Dresden. The picture of confusion in the allied councils is the more interesting because England was spending millions to pay and equip troops The number present was about one hunwhich seemed destined to useless slaughter. dred and forty, of whom a goodly number However, by force of numbers and perse- were Protestants, as was evident from the verance, the Allies finally prevailed, and singing, which in Romish churches is left all Napoleon was driven out of Germany. We to the priests. On the present occasion, cannot know how far this result was attributed to Jomini, because the counsels which were really his went forth as those of the Emperor of Russia.


Next year Jomini entered France with the Russian Emperor, and was then permitted by him to go to Switzerland, which needed an influential protector against Austria. Thus the year 1814 was the last of Jomini's active service. He had seen as many battles as most men of his age, and he enjoyed fifty years of leisure to think and write on war. His death is like the closing of an era, for there can be few men left to speak, as he could speak, from personal recollection, of the fields of Jena, Eylau, Wagram, Bautzen, and Leipsic,

gown and white lappets; and the service, which he read in Spanish, was part of the English Prayer-Book. The singing was from a printed sheet of four hymns, which was given to every person on entering. One of these was a translation of the wellknown hymn

"Just as I am, without one plea,

But that thy blood was shed for me."

the singing was started with a heartiness and a precision impossible to those not accustomed to it, and the congregation so easily took it up, and sustained it, as to prove that most of them were familiar with the music. A noticeable feature was the number of men present. There were not a dozen females, nor half-a-dozen children. Worship of a similar nature had been held in houses on previous weeks, but this was the first occasion of a properly public service.

The intense dissatisfaction caused among the clergy by the toleration of Protestant worship in Madrid, and the prospect of the erection of a Protestant church, is seen from the furious spirit of the Iglesia on the sub

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Valladolid, the capital of Old Castile, a very interesting letter, addressed to Mr. S. Southall, of Leeds, has been published.

ject,—a clerical paper that has just been | started." If the decree," says the Iglesia, "which permits a Protestant church to be erected in Madrid be certain, it will be diffi- Public attention," it says, "has been arcalt to find persons to construct it. And if they try it, we shall see of what the Spanish people are capable when offended in their religious unity! Singular destiny! In this century no other thing is spoken of but unity, while they wish to lose that which they possess, the most beautiful unity of the citizens that of praying at the foot of the same altar! . . . After all the shamming about the Iberian union, they wish to throw amongst the Spaniards all those disunions which make England and the United States of America equally ludicrous in point of religion. First they employ the masses to destroy the Catholic churches, and afterwards they give license to the Protestants to erect new temples! But these same Protestants, all the time they are building one of their churches, will have reason to feel that its duration will be but temporary. If in Spain there are to be found Spaniards sufficiently advanced in impiety to throw down churches consecrated to the Catholic religion,― apostolic and Roman,-and the only true one, can we not affirm that there will not be wanting some who will be sufficiently fervent in their faith to destroy the church which on Nov. 9, 1868, the minister Romero Ortiz permitted to be dedicated to heresy ? "

We have no doubt the Iglesia is quite right in claiming for the Church sons sufficiently lawless for this outrage, especially after what has taken place at Burgos. We doubt, however, whether their courage will be equal to their frenzy. But if the prospect of a single Protestant church can thus throw the Church party into a fever, how must they feel towards the movement, now in progress, for printing and disseminating a million of Gospels? This undertaking of the British and Foreign Bible Society is not a mere Quixotic speculation, but rests on the actual demand for the Scriptures which has been experienced in various parts of the peninsula. A country where the Spanish Bible has been printed secretly in a cellar, must have numbers of people eager to read in their own tongue the wonderful Words of God. We are told that there are in Spain about three thousand persons more or less engaged in endeavours to make known the truth. One man is reported as having hired a stall in an arcade where he sells of the Gospel of St. Matthew some three hundred copies daily. In Cordova the movement is very active. Regarding

rested to the truth, and very specially by a visit of our devoted Carrasco, who was able to gain the ear of large audiences in what was, in September last, the church of the Jesuits, now the Temple of Liberty,' whilst he treated, in a course of three lectures, the subject of religious liberty. The first night, the addresses not having been publicly announced, about two thousand came. The second night, to hear the subject of religious liberty treated from a scriptural point of view, four thousand eager hearers pressed into the church. The last night, when the subject was treated historically, and the blood of the martyrs of Valladolid itself was brought in testimony against the intolerance of Rome, large numbers left, unable to gain entrance into the temple. The interest manifested was absorbing. Our young friend's reception was nothing else than enthusiastic; and amidst the many warm wishes with which he was greeted as he descended from the pulpit, let me record one only, that of an old woman, who, grasping his hand, said, God give your tongue fifty years of health to tell such blessed truths!"

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Two effects have flowed from such labours at Valladolid; a great increase in the demand for Scriptures and tracts: and a very furious pastoral from the Cardinal Archbishop. This gentleman is horrified at the attempt of the heretics to bring to Spain all the false religions in the world, in room of the only true one which the nation loves and venerates. "In this noble and religious city of Valladolid, some heretics have established themselves, who dedicate themselves to distribute tracts and pamphlets, to expose books, and to sell mutilated and corrupt Bibles, in order to propagate the errors of Luther and Calvin, as well as other new ones, and to make proselytes among the honourable labourers, to whom, moreover, they offer the venom of their detestable doctrines by means of discourses and lectures, which they give on certain days; and this they do publicly, to the astonishment and universal disgust of every one." One thing is very plain; whether it be encyclicals in Latin or pastorals in Spanish, anathemas in Irish or diatribes in French, there is no beating Rome in the language of abuse. Her sincerity in some things may be open to question; but the sincerity of her denunciations who can doubt?

From The N. Y. Evening Post, 20 April.

all Chandlers. But just at this time there reaches us from London another proposition concerning Canada, which makes no



MR. CHANDLER, of Michigan, made an absurd speech in the Senate yesterday, pro-sation," affects no prices, can scarcely get posing and supporting the following resolu- mentioned in the newspapers, and which is yet as much more important and valuable than the blustering talk of the Michigan senator as history is above gossip.


"Resolved, That in the judgment of the Senate, the solution of all controversies between Dr. Joshua Leavitt, of New York, has Great Britain and the United States will be written an essay for the Cobden Club of found in the surrender of all the British posses-London, to which that Club has awarded its sions in North America to the people of the annual gold prize medal, upon the best way to promote improved relations between the United States and Great Britain. The practical suggestion of all others in it which will attract most attention for its novelty, is that a Customs league, on the plan of the German Zoll-Verein, be formed among the English speaking people of this continent; who, with absolute free trade among themselves, shall raise revenue by an equitable division of the duties levied in common upon imports from abroad.

United States, and that the President be and he is hereby requested to open negotiations as soon as practicable for a settlement of all matters in dispute upon that basis.”

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Canada will be glad enough to enter such

It is time," Mr. Chandler insists, "to say precisely what we mean." He went on to give the substance of all previous speeches and resolutions offered by himself upon our relations with Great Britain for some years past. In 1864 he had asked for an army corps on the Canada frontier. Soon after he proposed to present to the British government a bill for " every ship and cargo a league, and England to approve it. All destroyed by rebel pirates at a fair valuation, with a rate of interest of six per cent.," and demand payment in full. In 1866, he proposed to insist on immediate payment from England, with a threat of withdrawing our Minister and proclaiming non-intercourse with her if she should hesitate. And now, since "we cannot afford to have an enemy's base so near to us," let us demand Canada at once, he says, as payment in full of the Alabama claims, and desire war if it is not given up to us.

parties in this country seem to be committed in advance to the policy of it. The protec tionists of Mr. Carey's school are never weary of extolling the advantages of free trade among the states of this Union; and will of course see that every argument in its favour applies also to the Dominion, and that the extension of it to all our future states would only add to these advantages. All administrators of the revenue will see that the employment of Canadian custom houses to enforce our tariff would cut off Mr. Chandler has succeeded in showing the main channels by which goods are now that his whole record on this subject was as smuggled into the United States, and would absurd as his new resolution. But the add immensely to our revenue. And, fistrangest part of it all is his repeated decla- nally, every American who, like Mr. Chandration that if Congress had insulted and ler, is eager for the annexation of Canada, defied Great Britain, "the Alabama and will see that this is the surest way to make other similar claims would have been paid its acquisition easy, certain and speedy. within thirty days;" and that "every reso- It is the Zoll-Verein that has been the chief lution he had offered had been in the inter-agency, though a silent one, in preparing est of peace." Does the senator imagine Germany for Union. that we should yield to such brutal diplomacy as this, were it practised by a world in arms? Or that our English cousins, among their many faults, are distinguished by a want of national spirit, and by readiness to submit to aggression and bullying? The speech of Mr. Chandler had its influGold went up, and the prospects of war became the talk of Wall street. This morning gold is weaker again, the "market" finding that the American people are not


Many things that have been accomplished by war, could, as time has shown, have been attained better and far more cheaply in peace. There is no doubt that we have the power to seize and hold Canada, as well as Cuba or Mexico, against any force likely to be brought to defend it. But robbery is not always wisdom, just as brutal insolence in dealing with foreign nations is not always statesmanship.

From Good Words. POOR PEOPLE.


"Tis night. The cabin door is shut, the room, Though poor, is warm, and has a flickering light

By which you just distinguish through the gloom
A shelf with row of plates that glimmer bright,
Some nets hung out to dry upon the wall,
And at the furthest end a curtained bedstead

Near it a mattress on rude benches spread A nest of souls-five children sleeping there; Upon the hearth some embers glowing red; And by the bedside, rapt in thought and prayer, The mother kneeling, anxious and alone. While out of doors, with foaming breakers white Unto the clouds, the winds, the rocks, the night, The gloomy ocean lifts its ceaseless moan.

Her husband is out fishing. From a lad

With chance and danger he has had to fight, No matter what the weather-good or bad; The children hunger, and are thinly clad;

So in his little sailing boat each night He must set off, however hard it blow. His wife remains at home to wash and sew, Prepare the bait, and mend the nets, and keep Watch o'er the herring broth-their only meal

Till, all the children being put to sleep,

She can pray God for her dear husband's weal. She prays; and praying hears the gulls' wild


Sound as it mocked her, dismal shadows press Into her mind waves rolling mountain high, Fragments of wrecks, and sailors in distress. And all the while, pent in its wooden frame, The clock's impassive pulse beats on the same; Each beat a summons countless souls obey, To enter life or pass from life away.

She muses sadly. Very poor they are!
Her children's feet in winter time are bare;
They never dream of tasting wheaten bread.
Oh how the wind keeps roaring over head!
The waves are hammering the shore, on high
The stars like sparks seem flying through the

Midnight in cities, is the reveller gay,
Who smiles behind the mask he wears in play;
Midnight at sea, is the unpitying foe

Who lurks in mist, intent to deal his blow,
Seizes the fisher, and with sudden shock
Hurls his frail boat upon a sunken rock.
Horror! he feels it foundering-his cries
Are stifled by the waves that o'er him rise.
He sinks, and sinking sees the sunbeams play
On his old boat-ring in the quiet quay!
Thoughts such as these through Jenny's fancy
She weeps and trembles.

Ay! poor fishers' wives! 'Tis piteous to your lonely selves to say That husbands, brothers, sons, your souls, your lives,

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