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still and stared at the rocks as if he would
have dashed them down into the valley, crush-
ing everything beneath. A physical pain, a
pang through his heart, almost took away his
breath. Beaming out from the surrounding
darkness it stood before him- he loved
and without being aware of it, he
laughed aloud.

The daughter of this man thy wife, the mother of thy children? The world is a masquerade.'

The words of Fräulein Milch came back to him, and he added to them,

"And I am not called to tear off the mask from the faces of the maskers ?" Inwardly composed he went to the villa.

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laughed, and impressed his son with the necessity of continuing his customary deportment towards Eric; he must always be grateful to him, and he should be especially careful to be right modest.

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You must also learn to treat our elevation of rank as unimportant before the world. Now go to your mother-no, wait. You must still have something more that will make you strong, that will make you proud, that will make you feel safe. Stand here, I will show you how highly I esteem you, how I look upon you as a grown man."

He fumbled hurriedly in his pocket finally he brought out the ring of keys, went to the fire-proof safe built in the wall, rattled back the knobs on it, and at once opened both the folding-doors.


See here," said he, "all this will, one day, be yours, yours and your sister's. Come here, hold out your hands - so." He took a large package out of the safe, and said: :

"Attend to what I say; here I put a million pounds sterling-sohold tight. Do you know what that is, a million pounds? more than six millions of thalers are contained in these papers, and, beside that, I have something to spare. Does your head whirl? it must not; you must know what you possess, what will make you master of the world, superior to everything. Now give it to me. See, here it lies in this place; close by it are the other papers; underneath them is gold, coined gold; a good deal of it; I like coined gold; uncoined, too; that lies here. I may die. I often feel that a vertigo might suddenly seize me, and carry me off. Over here, see here - here lies my will. When I die, you are of age. Now, my full-grown son, you are a man, give me your hand. How does the hand feel that held in it millions of your own? That gives strength, does it not? Be not faint-hearted;

"Yes," laughed the father, "look at yourself; so does the young baron appear. Ah! my child, you will know after a while what has been done for you. But let it remain concealed between ourselves how we have been affected by this, for I cannot show the world, and you must not, that II trust you, you and I alone know it. Now laid so much stress on the matter. I shall appear indifferent; we must both appear so. Above all, do not let Herr Dournay know anything of it. You came quick to-day; where did you meet my messenger?

Roland said that he knew nothing of any messenger. He now heard that his father, in the night, had sent a messenger to Mattenheim, with word to come back at once; and also that the son of the Cabinetsrath, the ensign, had been on a visit to the house with many companions, who were again coming at noon to see Roland.


go, my son, be proud within yourself and
modest before the world; you are more,
you have more, than all the nobility of this
land, more perhaps than the Prince him-
self. There, my child, there! this moment
makes me happy very happy. If I die,
you know already -you know all now.
There, go now. Come and let me kiss you
Now go."

Roland could not utter a word; he went,. he stood outside the door, he stared at his hands, these hands had held millions of his own; everything that he had ever thought and heard of the joy and woe of riches, everything was in utter confusion in his mind; inwardly, however, he experienced a sensaSonnenkamp tion of joy, of proud enthusiasm, that had

And where is Herr Dournay?" again asked Sonnenkamp.

Roland replied that he had remained behind with Fräulein Milch.

almost made him shout aloud. If he had only been permitted to tell it all to Eric! He felt as if he could not keep it to himself; but then he was not allowed to communicate it to any one. His father had put his trust in him; he dared not betray the trust. He went to his mother. Frau Ceres, handsomely dressed, was walking up and down in the great hall; she gave Roland a haughty nod, and gazed at him a long while without saying a word; at length she said:"How am I to be saluted simply with 'Good-morning, mamma?' It ought to be, Good-morning, Frau mamma, good-morning, Frau Baroness. You are very gracious, Frau Baroness- I commend myself to your grace, Frau Baroness-you look extremely well, Frau Baroness.' Ha, ha, ha!"

Roland felt a painful shudder thrill through him; it seemed to him as if his mother had suddenly become insane. But in a moment she was standing before a mirror, and saying:

"Your father is right quite right; we have all been born to-day for the first time, we have come into the world anew, and we are all noble. Now come, kiss your mother, your gracious mother."

She kissed Roland passionately, and then said, that if she could only have all the malicious tale-bearers there, they would be smothered with envy at beholding the good fortune that had befallen her..

"But where is Manna?" asked Roland. "She is silly, she has been spoiled in the convent, and will not hear a word about anything; she has shut herself up in her room, and will not let any one see her. Go try if she will not speak to you, and get her to smile. The Professorin has always told me that I was sensible; yes, now I will be sensible; I will show that I am. The big Frau von Endlich, and the Countess Wolfsgarten, proud as a peacock - we are noble too, now- will burst with indignation. Go, dear child, go to your sister, bring her here; we will rejoice together, and dress up finely, and to-morrow you shall go with your father and Herr von Pranken to the capital."

Roland went to Manna's room, he knocked and called; she answered finally that she would see him in an hour's time, but now she must be left alone.

As Roland was going to his own room, Pranken met him; he embraced him warmly, called him brother, and accompanied him with congratulations to his room. Here lay the uniform, which had been ordered for Roland. Pranken urged him to put it on at once; but Roland did not want to, before he had passed his examination.

"Pah!" laughed Pranken, "examination! that is a scare-crow for poor devils of commoners. My young friend, you are now a Baron, and by that means you have passed the best part of the examination: what is now to come is only form."

It required no great persuasion to induce Roland to put on the uniform. Pranken helped him. The uniform became him admirably; he looked both lithe and strong; he had broad shoulders, and the pliancy of his form did not disguise his manly strength of muscle.

"Really, I had rather have gone into the navy," said he, "but there doesn't happen to be any."

Once more, accompanied by Pranken, he went to Manna's room, and cried out, that she ought to see him in his uniform, but Manna returned no answer whatever.

Pranken now went with Roland to his father, and both conducted him to his mother; she was ravished at his appearance. Roland did not know what to do with himself from excitement; he went into the park, he saluted the trees; he showed his uniform to the sky and to the plants; but his salutations met with no response. He showed himself to the servants, and they all congratulated him. While he was standing, his left hand upon his sword, near the porter, who was saluting him in military fashion like a veteran, Eric came up. He did not recognize Roland at first, and seemed to wake up only when his pupil began to speak. Roland's cheek was glowing with excitement, and he exclaimed in a loud voice :

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"Ah, if I were only able to tell you all. Eric! I feel as if I were intoxicated, and metamorphosed. Tell me, am I awake or dreaming? Ah, Eric, I can't say anything more now."

Roland went with Eric to his room, and questioned him eagerly whether he had not also been as happy the first time he had put on his uniform.

Eric could not give him an answer; he tried to remember how he felt the first time he had donned his uniform, but he recollected much better how he felt the last time he had doffed it. A remembrance did come to him, however, a long forgotten remembrance. The Doctor had once said that Roland never took any pleasure in a new suit, but now he was in raptures over the gay-colored soldier's coat; all ideals seemed to have disappeared, or at least to have concentrated in this coat. Eric gazed at him sadly; he came near saying that the two most beautiful moments in the soldier's life were, when he put on the uniform, and

when he took it off forever. But he could not now make this reply, for there are things which every one must experience for himself, and cannot learn from others; and what would anything amount to on this present occasion?

Joseph came and said that Eric must repair to Herr Sonnenkamp.

With the ground reeling under him, with everything swimming before his eyes, like one in a dream, Eric went across the court and up the steps; he stood in the antechamber. Now is the decisive moment.



ERIC entered; he did not venture to look at Sonnenkamp; he dreaded every word he might have to say to him; for every thought that Sonnenkamp expressed to him, everything which his thoughts had touched on, seemed to him polluted. But now as he fixed his gaze upon him, Sonnenkamp seemed to be transformed, as if he had by some charm contracted his powerful frame. He looked so modest, so humble, so childlike, smiling there before him. He informed Eric, in a quiet tone, that the Prince had seen fit in his graciousness to invest him with a title of nobility, and was soon to deliver him the patent confirming it with his own hand.

Eric breathed with still greater difficulty, and could not utter a word.

"You are surprised?" asked Sonnenkamp. "I know the Jewish banker has been refused, and I even think- -the gentlemen are very shrewd I even think however, it doesn't make any difference; every one works his own way. I know also that a certain Doctor Fritz has been at the philanthropist Weidmann's, and that he has spoken a good deal of slander about a man whom I unfortunately resemble - isn't it so? I see it in your countenance. I hope, however, that you will not be quite at ease, my dear, good friend; rejoice with me and for our Roland."


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beast had extended its claw towards it, but said with great composure:

"I know you are an opposer of election to the nobility.'

"No; more than that, I wanted to say something," interposed Eric; but Sonnenkamp interrupted him hastily.

"Excuse me if I do not wish to hear any more."

Suddenly shifting the conversation, he continued in an earnest tone, saying that Eric had now only the finishing stroke to put to his work, by guiding and fortifying Roland into a true appreciation of his new position and his new name.

"It would be a fine thing if you should take the Professorship; I would then let Roland, until we ourselves moved into town, and perhaps even then, occupy the same residence with you; you would remain his friend and instructor, and everything would go on excellently."

With great frankness, he added, that he desired, since he, as a father, was not in the position to see to it himself, that Roland should be wisely and discreetly led to a personal knowledge of that thing which men call vice; this alone would preserve him from excess.

Eric remained silent; he had come with warnings, and full of anxiety; now the whole affair was ended, now nothing remained to be done; yes, through Sonnenkamp's own acknowledgment that he was mistaken for Herr Banfield, every objection seemed to be put at rest. For the sake of saying something, Eric asked where the Major was. With great satisfaction, Sonnenkamp replied that the building of the castle had fortunately so far progressed, that they would be able on their return from the capital to open it; the Major had just gone to the castle to make the necessary arrangements.

"Have you seen your mother yet? " "No."

"She has, I am sorry to say, sent word to me that she is a little unwell, and will not be able to partake in our rejoicing."

Eric hastened to his mother. He had never yet seen her ill; now she lay exhausted on the sofa, and was delighted at his returning so immediately upon the reception of her letter. Eric knew nothing of any letter, and heard now, also for the first time, that Sonnenkamp had sent a messenger, to whom his mother had also given a letter.

His mother, who was feverish, said that she felt as if a severe sickness was threatening her; it seemed to her as if the house in which she was, was floating on the waves

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"Now you have come back, everything will be well once more. I felt timid alone here in this perverse world."

Eric felt that it was impossible to tell his mother anything of what he had learned at Weidmann's.

His mother complained:


Ah, I wish it may not be with you as it is with me; the older I become, the more mysterious and complicated are many things to me. You men are fortunate; individual things do not vex you so much, because you can see a united whole."

As the mother gazed confusedly about her she looked upon her son, and her eye sank; she would willingly have imparted her trouble to him; but why burden him when he could do no good? She kept it to herself.

friend. In the way in which he described the energetic activity of the family, it seemed as if he were bringing a fresh breeze into the room; and the mother said:

"Yes, we forget in our troubles that there are still beautiful, harmonious existences in the world for a maiden like Manna." And just as she mentioned her name, a messenger from Manna came with the request, that the Professorin would come to her.

Eric wanted to say to the messenger in reply, that his mother was unwell, and to ask Fräulein Manna therefore to have the goodness to come to her; but his mother sat erect, and said:


No, she requires my assistance; I must be well, and I am well. It is best that my duty saves me from yielding to this weakness."

She got up quickly, and said to the messenger:

"I will come."

She dressed hurriedly, and went with her

Eric told her of the interesting life he had seen at Mattenheim, and how fortunate son to the villa. he had been in gaining there a fatherly |

CONCRETE SUGAR. -We (Colonian Mail) have received from Antigua a prospectus or advertisement relative to the discovery by Mr. O'Kay of a process by which the whole of the juice expressed from the cane may be consolidated and transported in a convenient form to the refiner. The nature of the agent employed is not explained in the paper before us, but we infer that it is a chemical compound of which the constituents are innoxious, and it is ascertained that it can be used without the necessity of any alteration in the ordinary works of a sugar-estate. The advantages of converting cane-juice into concrete instead of into ordinary muscovado, or vacuum-pan sugar, are, however, so obvious and generally understood, that it is unnecessary for us to explain them here. The latest experiment, it is said, gives an average of about two pounds of concrete to a gallon of cane-juice, which does not greatly vary from the results of Frye's concretor, according to information with which we have been favoured as to its actual working on a firstclass estate in Demerara, where the yield is shown to be fully equal in value to that from vacuum-pan machinery. The choice between the two systems would, therefore, seem to depend upon the relative cost of bringing each to bear upon the manufacture; the economical features in other respects being apparently Public Opinion.

common to both.

CREASOTE IN TYPHOID FEVER.-M. Pécholier, of Montpellier, has recently been conducting a series of interesting researches on the action of creasote in typhoid fever. Conceiving the disease to be one, totius substantiæ, depending on certain changes in the blood caused by the action of an organized ferment which draws from the blood the materials necessary for its nutrition and exhales those thrown off by its decomposition, M. Pécholier has been led, the Lancet reports, to employ creasote as an antifermentive agent. Sixty patients at the Hopital St. Eloi were chosen as the subjects of the experiment. Every day a draught, containing three drops of creasote, two of essence of lime, ninety grammes of water, and thirty grammes of orange-flower water, was administered to the patients. At the same time enemata were given, containing from three to five drops of creasote. M. Pécholier states, as the result of his experiments, that creasote employed in weak doses, either in draughts, injections, or in the form of vapour, at the outset of typhoid fever, acts powerfully in diminishing the intensity of the disease, and shortening its duration. M. Pécholier adds that the employment of the remedy as a prophylactic agent in schools, garrisons, hospitals, &c., during epidemics, would be of extreme efficacy.




I'VE a heard as that there Dixon's a very deal worse," said Job a few days after (he was always the person to hear the news). They says he were that worrety as they was obliged to carry him from the place where Lettice were, handy the sea, to his own home, and that the wound took cold or summat, and they didn't know how 'twould turn. Twill go hard wi' Norton Lisle if ought bad happens to he, I take it."

"That's what comes o' them as will foller their own way, like Absolum, as were caught by the hair o' his head, and King Nebuchadnezzar, as eat grass like an ox,' said Mrs. Wynyate, improving the occasion, if not the tempers of her listeners.

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the room
Why had Lettice left the
dairy-pans so dim? and why hadn't Amyas
been after Norton a bit to see after his soul,
what were in such a poor way? And the
girl they'd got to help, when Lettice went
away to her father, was so light o' head and
so slow o' heels, there was no bearing her;
and the flour hadn't come, and why was
Job always so forgetful?"- till at last Job
who was the only one, as he declared,
who "stood up to her," and who had not
yet finished his bread and cheese, -under-
took his own defence at such length, and in
a voice which overpowered even his mo-
ther's, that Amyas got up in silence and
left the room.

Job went on tranquilly with his work, i. e. his supper, till at last Mrs. Wynyate, hearing some laughing in the kitchen, charged in to bring the offenders to punishment, carrying with her the only candle.

"But Norton haven't a been caught by the hair o' his head, nor eat grass, nor Lettice dropped down on a little stool nothing," said the impervious Job, insensi- before the dim fire, wearied out heart and ble to types and emblems; "and till so be soul; Job got up, with his mouth full, and as he's a going to be hung, we lives in hopes leant against the mantelpiece. Neither as he'll get off safe. They say as that spoke: the mere fact of silence seemed a young Wallcott's summoned for to bear wit-relief not rashly to be broken. ness agin him, which ain't just pleasant, as one may say, for nobody," he ended, looking at Lettice.


"Tis well," he said at last, "as there's a place where what's wrong here 'll be righted there." Did he mean that he Poor Lettice spent the day in misery. should be able to make his mother as unShe had a feeling as if her own fate de- comfortable elsewhere as she did him at pended, more or less, on the trial, as well present? "I wonder," he went on, conas her father's; as if old Wallcott's opposi-sideringly, "whether it ain't as bad to have tion would never be overcome "if any- a tongue to nagg folk's lives out all round thing happened" to Norton, as she euphu- all their days, as for a man to bring up a istically called it in her own mind; and yet lot o' silly little dabs o' kegs of stuff, to do as if it were very wicked to be thinking of folk good, into the land? and yet there ye herself when such matters of life and death see there's one on um's fit to lose his neck were on hand. for't, and t'other's a wery pious female, as one might say

"Oh, don't, uncle Job, please; how can ye!" cried Lettice, horrified.


And an ornament to her see,' as the preacher said on collection day, when she put money in the plate," went on Job, without minding her.

Norton had recovered so fast that his trial was to come off at the winter assizes. "Summun must go and see which way it all turns out," said Job, when the time came. "Tell'ee what, I think't had best be me: Amyas hates a throng he does, and Lettie won't so much care see her father come to grief if he's to be hung, or sich You know it says in the Book, 'Judge like; so I'll just make the best o' my way not,' ,"" interrupted the girl, feverishly; over to Mapleford; and if cousin Smart '11" and I'm sure I've got enow in my evil take me in, well and good; and if she heart to look to, and try not to repine, and won't, why there it is." 'tis all for our good, and we deserve it all, and a deal more too, for our sins."

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"Nay, I can't leave Norton without some one to send to if anything happens,' said Amyas kindly; "so we'll e'en both go together."

Mrs. Wynyate was more unhappy than she chose to allow. With some very worthy people it is a sort of religion in such cases to make your neighbours and friends unhappy too. As they sat at supper that evening, there was no rest for anybody in



"As for yer sins, Lettice, well, ye see I don't know so much neither. And who's strove and drove more than Amyas, I'd like to know? and done his duty both by man and beast in that situation whereunto he were called?' As far as I can see, 'tis them as is done wrong to as is so sorry and penitent and all that, and them as wrongs is as comferble as ever they can stick.

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